We Wine Whenever's Podcast

RHOA-Family Feuds and Fashion Forward

Season 1 Episode 195

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RHOA-Family Feuds and Fashion Forward

RHOA S16 E3: High Notes and Cheap Shots

  • Brit & Mike's Dinner: Mike invites family over, including Brit's personal assistant Ruben and personal chef. Brit shares past relationships with "ballers," but Mike is husband material. She briefly mentions dating Rick Ross. Mike wants a child, and Brit wants a ceremony, but both have different priorities.
  • Brit's Family and Business: Brit discusses the tragic loss of her father in 2015 and the insurance complications that followed, leading her to start her own insurance company. Family tensions arise after she attempts to sell the business, and she no longer sees her sisters.
  • Porsha and Kelli's Meeting: Porsha meets Kelli, who is hosting a Mommy & Me event. Kelli is trying to get to know Porsha, although their relationship didn't start off well.
  • Drew's Music Studio Session: Drew works on her album with Kenya, Cynthia, and Angela. The discussion centers around Drew's professional relationships with Dennis, and the ongoing tension with Porsha.
  • Shamea's Family Struggles: Shamea opens up to her sisters about the emotional struggles she faces with her children, Shiloh and Shya.
  • Angela & Charles' Real Estate Investment: Angela and Charles work on an investment property. Charles holds his real estate investments over Angela’s head, complicating their discussions about a vow renewal.
  • Drew's Divorce Proceedings: Drew consults her lawyer Tanya about the ongoing divorce with Ralph. Drew learns about Ralph’s refusal to turn over financial information, including allegations of infidelity and financial control. She emphasizes her priority is her children.
  • Shamea’s Daughter's Surgery: Shamea prepares Shya for a tonsil surgery. Shya is excited about the procedure.
  • Porsha's Divorce: Porsha talks with her mom, Miss Diane, about her ongoing divorce. Diane reflects on how she thought Simon was Porsha’s protector, but now Simon’s family is uninvolved in the divorce.
  • Kelli's Event at Balmain: Kelli hosts a Balmain-sponsored event for the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation. Her daughter Chance gets her makeup done for the event. The event raises awareness for brittle bone disease, with Kelli's daughters affected by it.
  • Porsha and Drew's Tension: Porsha arrives late to the event, and tensions rise as Drew allegedly slowed them down. Cynthia offers Porsha words of encouragement regarding her divorce.

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Wendy (00:00.78)
Hi, welcome to We Wine Whenever. I'm Wendy.

Kelli (00:03.46)

Wendy (00:05.482)
We're going to talk, go ahead, Cal. We're going to talk a little bit about some New Jersey news. Kelly's going to give us some info.

Kelli (00:11.184)
Yeah, so we're gonna recap Atlanta, but you know, obviously there's been so much in the news about Teresa and Louis with these liens or whatever they are. And it's all alleged. Anything we repeat here is alleged. But Wendy and I were talking about it and we don't even really understand all of it because there's a $2.5 million tax lien against Louis.

that we're assuming has to do with the house. Like maybe he owes somebody money and they put a lien on the house. From what I understood, I thought that the house was in an LLC and I just assumed that maybe Louis was the CEO of that LLC because I thought I remembered Teresa never having her name on the house and that being an issue with people, not, you know, people having an opinion. Like I can't believe you didn't put your name on the house, but so.

But now she has a $300,000 tax lien against her. So it's just very confusing.

Wendy (01:18.154)
It is very confusing. There's a lot of shenanigans going on. There really is. So we're going to wait for Bravo Docket to hopefully read the court filings and break it down for us so that we can figure it out. Because what we've seen so far doesn't make any sense, which we're not lawyers and everything is alleged. So we need some lawyers or possibly Emily and Shane or...

Kelli (01:22.296)
Yeah. Yeah. I mean...

Kelli (01:28.74)

Kelli (01:43.108)

Wendy (01:47.81)
I think there's Bravo lawyer group that breaks stuff down too. So we're just mentioning it. I mean, you know, we talk about all of Housewives and because we live in Jersey, Jersey's, you know, the one near and dear to us. And I don't know. We're not surprised. We're not surprised.

Kelli (02:04.91)
Yeah. And listen, if you listen to our show, you know I don't like Teresa. I'm not a fan at all. However, I will say, I really hope that none of this is true. Listen, whatever Louie's doing, Louie's doing, I don't give a rat's ass about him. But I do feel bad that Teresa is in the, if, this of course is all alleged, if any of this is true.

I do feel bad that she's back in a position like this and I hope it's not true. And I hope she doesn't, I hope she's not in trouble for any of this. I really do. I don't like her, but I don't wish this on anyone because she clearly has the wrong people influencing her. And you know what I was thinking when I was reading about some of this today? Where is James Leonard? Where is that fucking slime ball that has made a shit ton of money off of her?

Wendy (02:41.986)

Wendy (02:56.12)

Kelli (03:03.184)
Like is he helping her out with this? I didn't mind, I know, it's like a catch 22. Do we hope he's helping her? Because if he's helping her, he's probably not helping her.

Wendy (03:05.774)
sure hope so. exactly.

Right. But yeah, somebody's got to be helping her because this certainly isn't something she can tackle on her own.

Kelli (03:17.974)
No, but I hope it's not true and I hope, I really hope she's not in trouble for anything because I don't want to see her have to go back to jail. And I would imagine if you already served time for anything to do with, you know, tax or mortgage or loans or, and then you get caught again, it's not going to be an easy sentencing.

Wendy (03:27.594)

Wendy (03:43.374)
No, I don't know. We'll have to just wait and see. We'll have to wait and see. But it does explain some of the crazy live posts we're seeing of Louis going online and doing these live posts where he's gonna train you on how you can, you know, be your own boss and sell your own stuff all online. I mean, he's doing TikTok live or Instagram live and gonna train you how to do that.

Kelli (04:11.256)
Right. It doesn't make any sense. I mean, since we've known him, since he came on the scene, the guy hasn't had one successful company. Not one thing he did was successful. We have not seen it. I don't know what he did prior to coming on the scene of Real Housewives of New Jersey, but I don't know. I don't know, man. I don't know how people couldn't see through this guy. I don't know how Bravo, well.

Wendy (04:11.33)
Like, it doesn't make sense.

Wendy (04:22.06)
No, we haven't seen it. We have not seen it.

Wendy (04:33.72)
We're just going to have to wait.

Kelli (04:39.866)
Bravo put him on TV because he's Bravo's dream.

Wendy (04:43.982)
Yeah. Yeah. All right. So we'll have to wait. And when we find out more information, we'll let you know. Right now, we're going to talk about Real Housewives of Atlanta, season 16, episode number two, Hot Dog and Hot Mics.

Kelli (04:59.748)
Is this episode two or three? This is only two?

Wendy (05:02.471)
You know what, maybe it is three.

Kelli (05:06.416)
I think it's three because we did one with Gina and one with Miriam.

Wendy (05:10.71)
It is three and I'm looking at the wrong notes. This one's called high notes and cheap shots. Good thing. God, that would be bad. That would be bad. We would have it. I'm like, we hot dogs. Like, how are we doing that again?

Kelli (05:14.532)

Okay, good. Imagine if we recapped again.

Kelli (05:25.84)
We're both so tired. probably would have just rolled with it.

That's funny.

Wendy (05:36.986)
We start out with Britt and Mike and Mike invited his family over for dinner. We see that she's got her personal assistant there, Reuben, as well as a personal chef to cook for the family. And very nice. And that she is used to dating bowlers. And, you know, she met Mike and I mean, basically she was calling him a nerd, but that's what she was looking for. Like he's husband material.

Kelli (05:51.877)

Kelli (06:05.742)
Yeah. Who'd she say she dated? Ross? Rick Ross. he's that, isn't that who Portia worked for on the radio station or? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Wendy (06:09.339)
Rick Ross. Yeah.

Wendy (06:14.612)
I think so. I do think so. I do. But she said that's all in the past because Mike wants kids tomorrow and she's concerned about her ceremony. And they start having this conversation in front of his family and his sister's like, well, what's holding it up? And Mike does not want to talk about it. He doesn't. I don't blame him. Honestly, that is not it.

Kelli (06:37.634)
He didn't want to talk about it.

I don't blame him either.

Wendy (06:43.272)
That is not a family conversation topic. No. So they excuse themselves and they go down in the basement so that they can talk about what's going on, know, Mike's sister and Britt. And we find out a little bit about Britt. Her dad passed away in 2015 and he was a mortgage, like he was a mortgage guy and

He had a, this one doesn't really make sense to me, I'll be quite honest with you. She said he had a $2 million life insurance policy, but because he died when he was transitioning from one agency to another, her mother never collected the money. Listen, there's no transitioning. You don't collect the money if you don't pay the bill. That's how life insurance works, right?

Kelli (07:32.728)
Exactly. That was very confusing.

Wendy (07:36.692)
Yeah. And listen, this experience, they had to do a GoFundMe to help bury her dad, I guess, after this happened, because there was no money there. And this experience really got her to launch this business, the insurance business. And she went to her sister, she has two sisters, and said, you know, we got to go all in on this together. You know, launch this insurance agency together. So they all went in on it. And now she doesn't speak to her sisters.

Kelli (08:06.222)
Yeah, so did they go in as partners or did she go in as the boss and they had to work for her?

Wendy (08:12.084)
It sounds like she went in as the boss because the one sister left because she couldn't work with her. And then she decided to sell the business or whatever she decided. What did she decide to do with it? She decided to sell the insurance company. So then her other sister didn't have a job.

Kelli (08:14.009)

Kelli (08:26.798)
Yeah, she sold it, yeah.

Well, and the thing is, yeah, like, so when you sell a business, obviously you get paid for that business. So did you take care of your sisters or?

Wendy (08:36.311)

Wendy (08:40.078)
Probably not. That's why they're not talking.

Kelli (08:41.008)
Exactly. All sides are pointing towards probably not.

Wendy (08:46.792)
Right. Which I just find is a little bit interesting considering the fact that she said the family is so important to her. And that's why she wants to have this family with Mike. She's got two perfectly good sisters. Just make it right with them. Just make it right. Do the right thing.

Kelli (08:59.076)
Right, right, right. And his sister kind of gave her that advice, right?

Wendy (09:05.915)
Kind of. Kind of. I mean, she's in an awkward position, right? His sister?

Kelli (09:10.434)
Yeah. Yeah.

Wendy (09:13.582)
Then we see, Porsche meets up with Kelly and Kelly tells her about this event she's having at Ball Main, the Mommy and Me event. she's getting, she wants to get to know Porsche because it didn't, you know, their first encounter didn't really go off well because Kelly, you know, came at her with, you right. Exactly. Not a really good way to start things off.

Kelli (09:31.534)
Why'd you take that woman's man? Yeah, it's not, mean.

Nobody's gonna react well to that. Porsche is gonna react even farther out than than your average bear

Wendy (09:46.722)
So then Britt tells Portia that Shemeah told her to ask Portia for the details. And Portia is saying, I don't know why my friend would do that. She knows everything I'm going through. Why would she do that? I think she did do that because she didn't want to get involved in it. Right? I mean, it really wasn't her fight to have, even though she does have Portia's back. But I don't know. I don't know because I've been seeing rumblings that...

Kelli (10:01.786)

Right. Right.

Wendy (10:16.536)
First of all, Shemeah's got a new single out. She's not promoting it. And I don't think they're talking. I don't think they're talking.

Kelli (10:23.684)

Well, nothing's gonna end a friendship like your BFF getting her own peach. Like, yeah, because I think Shemeah came in hot. I think she did come in hot this season. She's definitely a fan fave, don't get me wrong, but, you know, she was like sleeping with the enemy going out with Kelly and Britt. And then, you know, bringing all the bones back to Portia.

Wendy (10:31.182)
You think?

Wendy (10:42.524)

Wendy (10:51.021)

Wendy (10:56.864)
Yeah, yeah. I don't know. It doesn't, I don't know. We'll have to wait and see, but I have a feeling that they're not speaking.

Kelli (11:05.338)
That's a shame though, because they happen for instance, school or high school, but I know we'll get there. But Portia's mom, Portia's mom did not make it seem like she was a huge fan of Shemeah.

Wendy (11:19.564)
No, she didn't. I did notice that. I did notice that.

Kelli (11:24.144)
But I think what our friend Muriam said is true. I think Portia thinks she's the show, and I think her family does too. And I bet you her mom did not like Shemeah coming in with her own peach this season.

Wendy (11:33.247)
I think so.

Wendy (11:39.256)
Yeah, definitely could be because like you said, like, Portia's taking care of her family, right?

Kelli (11:44.942)
Mm-hmm. Yep.

Wendy (11:48.236)
We'll see. Then we see Drew's in the studio working on her album and Kenya, Cynthia and Angela show up. They're talking about what's going on. Kenya asked Drew if Dennis is gonna be there, if he's supposed to be there. And she's like, well, he was supposed to be in the studio today, but she doesn't know why he's not. then she said, yeah, yeah, cause, cause poor Sheldon, he's not allowed to.

Kelli (11:49.178)

Kelli (12:10.522)
Well, maybe he learned that they were filming and he was like, I'm out.

Wendy (12:18.408)
Drew doesn't really want to talk about it. Kenya said to Drew, you are dead wrong by starting to work with Dennis before she spoke to Portia. I mean, she does pull up her phone and says, I texted her all these times. then after that, they made up a date to meet, and then she canceled.

Kelli (12:37.988)
I do think Drew made the effort to talk to her, to tell her. But I do think that Drew also got caught in a lie when she said, we don't talk on the phone.

Wendy (12:40.876)
I do too. I do too.

Wendy (12:50.018)
Who doesn't talk on the phone?

Kelli (12:51.12)
her and Dennis. And the first episode we saw Kenya was over her head. She was talking to Dennis on the phone. She does lie, Drew.

Wendy (12:54.862)
Wendy (12:58.774)
Yeah, yeah.

Kelli (13:00.93)
I still don't think there's anything going on between the two of them, but she does lie. Yeah.

Wendy (13:05.334)
I don't think there is either. know. And then Cynthia says that Kenya had booked her baby daddy, Leon, for a project that she had. And Cynthia gave her her blessing before she did it. Which I forgot about that. Like now after she mentioned it, I was like, yeah, I do remember that.

Kelli (13:16.25)

Kelli (13:24.516)
He is so good looking, Leon.

Wendy (13:27.284)
Yeah, I wonder what he's doing.

Kelli (13:29.168)
I know I'd love to see those two get back together. I know.

Wendy (13:31.566)
it's not happening. It's not happening. She's got Amsterdam now. Yeah. Kenya says you're being talked about like a whore, which I think that that was a little much. No, no, she's not.

Kelli (13:36.833)
that's right, that's right.

Kelli (13:46.018)
Yeah, she is not.

Wendy (13:51.316)
And then Angela asked, why did you ask her that question in front of the group? I think she asked that question in front of the group because isn't that what she was supposed to do? Like she wanted it on camera. She wanted it on camera. Yeah.

Kelli (14:07.589)

100%. That's why she didn't respond to those text messages. That's why she canceled on her. She was holding out until they were on camera. For sure. It's so obvious.

Wendy (14:15.311)
Right. Right.

Yeah. Yeah.

No, Drew said Portia reached out to her the day after Shemeah's birthday party and that's where they are. They didn't talk, but she did reach out to her. So I don't even know what that means. I don't know. Then we see Shemeah's talking to her sisters and she's telling them what's going on with her, her girls Shiloh and Shia. Shemeah's very emotional when she starts talking about everything she's going through. Again, we had no idea how much this woman is going through.

Kelli (14:36.324)
Yeah, what does that mean?

Wendy (14:55.808)
I mean, the both girls really are not that well. And she's trying to have another baby, then she the ectopic pregnancy. You know, even though she has all this money, if you don't have your health and you don't have your family, you know, you don't have anything.

Kelli (14:59.781)

Kelli (15:11.322)
Nope, you sure don't. Nope.

Wendy (15:14.126)
Then we see Angela pull up to her and Charles investment number three, property number three, and she's running in and out and 20 minutes later Charles pulls up after she's brought everything in the house.

Kelli (15:29.486)
Movin' like a slug.

He's still so damn good looking though, he can get away.

Wendy (15:36.042)
Yeah, he was on, they were on Watch What Happens Live 2, did you see it?

Kelli (15:39.427)
no, I will look for that and watch that though.

Wendy (15:42.134)
Yeah. So she really wants to prove herself to Charles. I guess this was her idea to do this investment property and flipping and, you know, making money on it.

Kelli (15:52.216)
Yeah, and I'm sure he put some of his money into it.

Wendy (15:54.83)
Oh, he did because she wants to do this vow renewal and he's holding this real estate thing. And I don't blame him. Let's finish this project before we start another project. I mean, in a vow renewal, what is it? I mean, she was explaining that when they got married and then they were separated a little bit. I mean, what is it? Really? Yeah.

Kelli (16:05.998)
Yep, yep.

Kelli (16:17.2)
Don't do it. It's like getting your spouse's name tattooed on you. It's the kiss of death. Don't do the vow renewals. I know you're looking to have a party so you can have something, you know, a whole scene to yourself. Do something else. Yeah. Look at the history of How's Wives vow renewals. Ramona. Bronwyn from OC. Vicky.

Wendy (16:22.72)
Yeah, I agree. I agree.

Wendy (16:32.908)
Yeah, do something else.

Wendy (16:38.071)

Wendy (16:43.636)
Vicki. There's been so many of them. Don't do it. Don't do it.

Kelli (16:48.356)
Don't do it, Angela. We're rooting for you and Charles.

Wendy (16:52.974)
Then Angela's telling Charles that she's talking to Wendy and we find out that that's her therapist because Charles says, we pay her $3,000 a month.

Kelli (17:01.912)
I was trying to figure out who the hell Wendy was. I'm like, Wendy? I'm like going through all the newbies. And then I'm like touching on Potomac. I'm like, no, no, no, that's Potomac.

Wendy (17:04.246)
Yeah, it's her therapist. No. Yeah. And she said, listen, if I, in her confessional, if I, if I was paying her 3000, that's like mental institution amount of money. She was probably like 1200 and she's worth it.

Kelli (17:24.091)
I know I was thinking I'm like that makes sense. It's probably 300 a week. It's probably 300 an hour and she probably goes once a week.

Wendy (17:29.994)
Yeah, yeah. Then we see Drew goes to see her lawyer, Tanya, and they're talking about the last court date. I thought this was very interesting. So Ralph shows up and he didn't have his attorney there, so he decides that he's going to represent himself and starts cross-examining Drew.

Kelli (17:49.444)
He's pro se. Don't you have to like, don't you have to like enter an appearance as a pro se plaintiff or whatever?

Wendy (17:52.568)
file to do that.

Wendy (17:59.31)
He must have, but he must have did it the day of court because I would have thought the lawyer would have known and prepared her. I mean, can you do it the same day?

Kelli (18:05.207)

You could probably do it the same day, but you'd have to give the other side notice. Maybe she had notice and just didn't realize he was going to start questioning her.

Wendy (18:16.148)
Yeah. But, you know, Tanya said it was confirmation of everything that they'd been saying to the judge about him being controlling and they're talking about his financial information. He's not turning it over. So they can't come up with a settlement because he's not giving the financial information and he's giving some of her financial information because he has access to all her stuff.

Kelli (18:41.264)
All right, he wants spousal support.

Wendy (18:45.121)

Kelli (18:46.682)
These men. Get a job, Ralph.

Wendy (18:47.723)
I know.

It's crazy. So also then the attorney says that the judge took a look at everything that was going on and right now the divorce proceedings are sealed, but the judge is going to unseal it. And Drew's like, well, what does that look like? She's like, well, it's going to show exactly what he is. He's a serial cheater. He's taking money out of your account. He's been sexting other women. He's been following you. I mean, this is not going to be a good look for him. Not going to be a good look.

Kelli (19:17.136)
Nope. Nope.

Wendy (19:22.287)
and you, Drew gets upset about this because, know, although she wants a divorce, this is her, her kid's father.

Kelli (19:29.328)
Yeah, it's still the father of your children.

Wendy (19:31.414)
And she doesn't want them to go through this. Absolutely. Absolutely.

Kelli (19:33.754)
Her kids are gonna know all of this once it gets out. I mean, I know they're little, but eventually they're gonna know.

Wendy (19:40.578)
You know what's so sad to me about this whole situation? You know, when she first came on, she has, she was in another relationship and she has an older child whose father is from this other relationship and wasn't present in this kid's life. And Ralph, remember he was writing the book and was going to adopt this kid and did write the book, right? Did the book get published?

Kelli (19:58.116)

Kelli (20:02.756)
Yeah, I think so. Probably, I don't know.

Wendy (20:06.56)
Like, that's just sad. It really is. It's sad for the kids. This is who it's sad for. It's sad for the kids.

Kelli (20:07.555)
It is sad.

Kelli (20:14.042)

Wendy (20:16.044)
I don't like that.

Wendy (20:20.586)
I know. Then we see Shemeah is taking Shia to have, she just keeps saying taking her to have surgery and Shia is like all excited to go with her little white doctor's coat on. She was so adorable. She was getting her tonsils out, which I mean, it's surgery, but still, I thought that was strange that she drove her daughter there and then her husband was there too, but they didn't all go together. So maybe he was working and met, I don't know. It was just a little odd.

Kelli (20:31.374)
It looks so cute.

Kelli (20:47.802)

Yeah. Yeah.

Wendy (20:53.698)
Then we see Portia and her mom, Miss Diane, her mom is, you know, Portia's thanking her mom for being there for her through this divorce, and this is not like her last divorce with Cordell. It's a very different divorce.

Kelli (21:10.48)
a lot more money. Well, that's not true. Cordell, I'm sure, had a lot of money.

Wendy (21:12.798)
No, it's not. Yeah. Well, Diane said that she thought that Simon was her protector and well, that's what Portia thought too. And she reached out, Portia reached out to Simon's family because I guess in his culture, they don't like to go through the courts. They like to solve things and they do not want to get involved. They want it to play out through the courts. I don't know that they could solve anything because I don't know how much of it's real.

if the money was ever even there. He's just a con artist. He's just another con artist that we're gonna see a lifetime movie about. know, Simon, Simon the con artist. Right?

Kelli (21:44.237)

Kelli (21:49.226)
Yep. I know. I know.

Kelli (21:55.534)
Yeah, like where's Fallon? We need to hear from Fallon. Cause wasn't she married to him? Okay. you're right. I think she was just engaged. But like, come on Fallon, like where's the money? Is there money? Like you have to know something. You have to know something.

Wendy (22:00.812)
Yeah. Or was she engaged? She was engaged. I think she was engaged.

Wendy (22:16.152)

Kelli (22:17.092)
Somebody needs to start talking.

Wendy (22:20.428)
I know, I would like to see some of this information play out, right?

Kelli (22:23.556)
Yeah. Yeah.

Wendy (22:28.742)
And then Diane's questioning Shemeah, telling her what others are saying about her, you know, if she's trying to cheer you up, you know, and listen, if she's your good friend, she's going to tell you what other people are saying about you.

Kelli (22:42.792)
I don't think Shemeah did anything wrong. think, listen, she's obviously doing her job as a housewife. Somebody said something about another housewife. You go deliver the message, that's part of your job. But also, Portia's her friend and friend from when they were younger. But you know how I am. If somebody did my kid wrong in seventh grade, I will never forget.

Wendy (22:45.023)

Wendy (22:58.424)

Wendy (23:07.235)

Kelli (23:11.564)
I will never forget. So I imagine Miss Diane is the same way. Portia and Shemeah have been friends for a long time, so chances are Shemeah has done something over the years. Yes. Yes. That's exactly what I was thinking while I was watching that scene. I'm like, Shemeah did something to Portia probably 30 years ago. And Miss Diane is like, I have not forgotten Shemeah.

Wendy (23:16.928)
Yeah, that could be.

Wendy (23:23.724)
That could be. This is a very valid point you're bringing up. This is a very valid point.

Wendy (23:37.41)
That's right, you're right. I think that you just nailed it with that one. Then we see Kelly's daughter, Chance. She's getting her makeup done for the Balmain event. And Balmain is partnering with Kelly for the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation. We find out a lot about this too. First of all, we find out that Balmain is one of her favorite fashion houses. And I wanna skip to that.

Kelli (23:40.772)

Kelli (23:56.237)

Kelli (24:04.708)
That bag that Portia picked up was nice. Yeah.

Wendy (24:07.948)
That was nice. So 10 % of the proceeds are going to go to this osteogenesis imperfecta. And three of Kelly's daughters are diagnosed with this. So that means all the ones with the same father. It's a genetic disease. Most of you know it as brittle bone disease. And Chance was six weeks old and she noticed something was wrong with her arm and she took her to the hospital. And she remembers the two police officers stood there in front of the door.

Kelli (24:18.81)
Yeah, that's crazy.

Kelli (24:24.366)

Wendy (24:38.11)
and CPS came and they were stuck in Baltimore for over a month because they thought she was abusing her child.

Kelli (24:45.786)
So that is so wild, but let me tell you something. I was thinking about this when I was watching this. Tess used to get nursemaid's elbow. And the first time it happened, she was nine months old and we were just playing on the floor and her elbow dislocated. She started crawling and she kept falling to the side. know, Eric and I were first time parents freaking out. We brought her to the pediatrician. He told us to go to the emergency room. So we did. Popped it back in, no problem.

Wendy (24:53.528)

Kelli (25:14.36)
And my pediatrician told me she will grow out of this by the time she's five. Something happens to your bones. Right before she turned five, probably she was probably four. She was at the preschool that all of our kids went to. And it happened again two times a month apart. Now both of those times I brought her to the...

Emergency care, immediate care in Point Pleasant near the old OB diner. First time, no problem. They pop it back in. Second time, I brought her there because it was so close. They questioned her. And they questioned her without me. They told me to leave because the signs were there that, God forbid, I was actually, you know, abusing her. I was thinking when she said it, I was like, that happened to me. I mean,

Wendy (25:44.418)

Wendy (26:00.212)
Yeah. Yeah.

Wendy (26:06.006)

Kelli (26:08.15)
I can't believe she was held up for a month somewhere, given the seriousness of this illness, this was just, you know, her elbow dislocated. Given the seriousness of her children's illness, that's wild though.

Wendy (26:11.851)
I know, I know.

Wendy (26:23.788)
What else is wild to me is that the doctor took the flashlight and looked at her eye and cause he could see the blue tint. If it's that easy to diagnose, why, why did it take a month to do that? Like that, you know, that, kind of blows my mind. so, you know, we, we learned a lot about her too and her, daughters. So I thought it was cute that the moms and the daughters with their matching dresses, Kenya and her daughter were there, right? Portia shows up with her daughter.

Kelli (26:33.494)
Exactly. Exactly.

Kelli (26:38.787)

Kelli (26:44.547)

Kelli (26:49.978)
That was really cute.

Wendy (26:54.422)
Portia gets there and says that she's sharing a makeup. She uses the same makeup artist as Drew and Drew got wind that she was using her. So she kept her there longer. So she'd show up at Portia's late so that Portia would arrive late. I mean, I, I don't know. You think she's just making that up just to

Kelli (27:07.482)
Do you think that's true?

Kelli (27:15.78)
mean, that is, that sounds crazy. That's like some Teresa and Melissa shit there.

Wendy (27:21.474)
That's crazy. It is crazy though.

I don't know.

Kelli (27:27.214)
I guess it could be true.

Wendy (27:28.438)
Yeah, so she's telling us she's got a 15 minute face because she didn't want to be late.

I mean, she was, yeah, I thought she looked fine too. But then Drew was late, which is very interesting, because she was the one holding up the makeup artist.

Kelli (27:35.28)
Well, she looked fine.

Kelli (27:40.126)
Exactly, that's what I mean. Right.

Right, like wouldn't that be because she wanted to get there first? I mean, Drew did come in with quite an entourage though.

Wendy (27:49.035)

Wendy (27:52.61)
Yeah, she did. She did.

Kelli (27:54.318)
I mean, she didn't just have her daughter. She had her son, her daughter, her sister.

Wendy (27:59.212)
Her sister. Yep, she did. She sure did. Angela goes over to Shemeah and says, you know, we got off on the wrong foot. And she said, we should both talk. And they both agree. They meant what they said. So there's nothing to talk about. I was like, well that.

Kelli (28:17.486)
I feel like Shemia did not respond well. I feel like Shemia had, like, I don't know, I don't remember what specifically Angela said, but Shemia wasn't having it and put that wall right back up. And I don't like the fact that she said something about her nose.

Wendy (28:36.389)
I didn't get that whole thing. Well, she...

Kelli (28:37.764)
She was saying she looked like Latoya Jackson, the, she had her nose cut too small.

Wendy (28:40.334)
Yeah, she did say that. She did, but but Angela said something to her about,

Kelli (28:50.874)

Wendy (28:51.732)
Yes, flavorful, yes, yes. So she started the shade.

Kelli (28:56.694)
No, I thought Shemeah said it first about her nose. I really did. And when...

Wendy (29:00.867)
Maybe she did. You could be right. I could be wrong.

Kelli (29:05.774)
And when you hear what Angela said about Flava Flav, she said, Dougie Fresh.

Wendy (29:12.852)
Retro, because she had said you have a retro nose. She called her nose retro.

Kelli (29:18.49)
Shamia? that's what she said? But she did the whole thing, the pinch in her confessional. that's not, when you have two sick girls.

Wendy (29:19.52)
Yeah, called Angela's. She called her nose retro. She did say

Yeah, yeah.


Kelli (29:32.428)
Uh-uh. You shouldn't be doing that, Shemeah, and I like you, but uh-uh. Don't just don't go on somebody's looks.

Wendy (29:33.646)
No. No.

Wendy (29:40.454)
No, I know, I know. I know. I don't like when they go low like that because there's really no reason. There's no reason.

Kelli (29:46.928)
There's no reason. There's no reason.

Wendy (29:50.68)
So they're not going to have their conversation. And honestly, I don't know that this event was the place to have it.

Then Shemeh apologized to Drew for embarrassing her the other day. That was not her intention at her birthday party when she brought up the whole Dennis thing.

Kelli (30:11.618)
It is interesting that she went right over to Drew and apologized. When you know Portia and Drew still have a whole conversation to have and you just had it out with Angela, like why are you going over to Drew and apologizing to her?

Wendy (30:14.581)

Wendy (30:23.212)
And it seemed sincere too. Like it seemed like a sincere apology, which again, I thought was a little odd myself.

Kelli (30:26.038)

Wendy (30:34.466)
Then Drew goes over to Portia and says that they need to talk and Portia said that she's not feeling well that they can talk another day.

And she saw that her sister was there and she's like, I'm not, yeah, I'm not doing this. And she shouldn't, that's really not the place to do it. She said they spent about $30,000 at the event. So does that mean that they get the 3,000, I guess? That was nice.

Kelli (30:45.828)
That's what I. Yeah.

Kelli (30:58.382)
I guess so, Yeah, that's good.

Wendy (31:02.69)
very nice, a nice event and you know, it's for a good cause.

Kelli (31:06.648)
I wonder what the long-term effects of that illness is.

Wendy (31:09.762)
I wonder that too, I didn't look it up, if there's any kind of cure for it. guess probably not. I mean, if your bones are brittle, your bones are brittle.

Kelli (31:16.227)

I know, I wonder if you have to take supplements like vitamin D, calcium, like at a younger age than us taking it now.

Wendy (31:23.501)
Yeah, meh.

Yeah, yeah, I don't know. That's an interesting one. I had heard of it before, but I don't think we've ever seen anybody. So I think this is gonna be a really good season. I'm looking forward to Phaedra coming. I heard that when she comes, Andy brought this up.

Kelli (31:37.976)

Kelli (31:42.981)
I do too.

Wendy (31:54.69)
that it's gonna be a totally different scene once Phaedra comes in. Which I don't know why, maybe because Kenya blew it up so much that.

Kelli (32:05.882)
So it's gonna happen soon because we already saw coming attractions of Kenya's haircare party and that's when it happens, right? But something has to happen first for her to get so pissed off at Britt. mean, nothing, mean, something has to happen because what's happened so far between the two of them doesn't substantiate her post. mean, nothing substantiates that, but posting pictures of her giving oral sex. And again,

Wendy (32:13.568)
I think that's when it happens.

Wendy (32:19.958)
Something has to happen, yeah.

Kelli (32:33.678)
The producers were well aware that this was happening. So for Kenya to be kicked off the show and taken the fall for the whole thing when producers were there and were well aware, that's a bunch of bullshit.

Wendy (32:47.68)
No, I agree. agree. I mean, Gina said it was... Gina said it was photoshopped. Was it photoshopped? I mean, I don't know. Or was it just... I didn't know it was photoshopped. That means it wasn't even her.

Kelli (32:50.596)
File that in the Bravo Reckoning.

Kelli (33:01.402)
I mean, where you getting this picture? Like, is one of her old partners sending Kenya a picture of that? Like, an intimate moment between the two of them? That's effed up if that's what happened. Because otherwise, it has to be Photoshopped. If that's an actual picture, Kenya got it from somebody, from Britt's past, and that's messed up.

Wendy (33:04.876)
I don't know. I don't know.

Wendy (33:21.442)
Well, either way, I think it's messed up because if it's not, if it's Photoshopped and Kenya Photoshopped it, then that's really messed up. Like, why would you, like.

Kelli (33:29.71)
Yeah. I wonder if it's a real picture though, if that person could be convicted of like porn distribution.

Wendy (33:40.614)

Kelli (33:43.972)
I know.

and I feel like Bravo could be named in some kind of lawsuit. If we see it, I guess we're not gonna see it, right?

Wendy (33:46.966)
I don't know.

Wendy (33:54.956)
No, no, I'm sure we're not gonna see it. I don't know, did you see that there's a new show coming on Hulu? And it's all reality stars. I think there's 20 different reality stars in a house. One of them is actually, I heard Cynthia Bailey, I Spencer Pratt is there. And the prize at the end, they do all these things throughout the competition to

put more money in the bank, the prize at the end is a million dollars to one of them.

Kelli (34:28.058)
What is it, like an elimination show?

Wendy (34:30.238)
Something like that, yes, but they're all together in one house.

Wendy (34:36.866)
I'm gonna watch it. I'm watch it. Yes, I'm looking forward to Love Hotel. I'm really looking forward to the Valley too. I really can't wait for the Valley.

Kelli (34:37.956)
I guess we're gonna have to watch that. I'm looking forward to Love Hotel, is that what it's called?

I'm looking forward to Love Hotel.

Kelli (34:52.12)
Yeah, I'm looking forward to the Valley, but I gotta say, so Southern Charm, the season finale was the other night. Nothing monumental, right? People were like a little upset how boring it was. I don't mind it. I just like watching them. And Southern Charm did not start out as a like a drama-filled Bravo show. It was just worth watching these people live their lives in the South and I enjoyed that. don't want...

Wendy (35:00.064)
Yes, I watched it. No.

Kelli (35:21.764)
the messiness. But what I just want to say is that I love Sally and I'm so glad she's on the show and I really hope they keep her on there. She's great.

Wendy (35:36.024)
Sally is the model? No. Sally is the medical, Molly is the model. Sally is the medical representative.

Kelli (35:38.392)
note. That's Molly.

Kelli (35:43.066)
Sally's the one who was dating Gaston, who now Taylor is with. She's so pretty.

Wendy (35:46.24)
Right. She's very pretty. Yes, she's very pretty. But also wasn't she on Southern hospitality a little bit too?

Kelli (35:54.338)
She was on one episode because she supposedly had a fling with Joe Bradley and then TJ of course. So TJ is Gaston's roommate in real life, Taylor's boyfriend. That's why TJ and Taylor are so close. So Joe Bradley supposedly had a fling with Sally and then TJ goes and tells him she was just making out with Gaston earlier. So obviously she wasn't really into Joe Bradley. She was just trying, know, not trying to be on the show.

Wendy (36:04.792)

Kelli (36:22.297)
They were probably trying to get her on the show and this was her in with Joe Bradley. And of course TJ has to be messy because he's a little mess. And, but I do think she was dating Gaston. And then he, you know, whatever happened between them happened. And then he started dating Taylor. People are saying Taylor should go on Southern hospitality. And I, I, I, yeah, I kind of hope she personally, I don't want to see her on any show. I don't like Taylor at all.

Wendy (36:44.992)
Yeah, I've I've heard that

Kelli (36:53.039)
I don't want to see her on any show, but I definitely don't want to see her on Southern Term anymore. There's no... She doesn't fit there.

Wendy (36:55.534)
I don't like her either.

I don't like her. Yeah. She doesn't bring anything.

Kelli (37:03.768)
Nothing. Like what she did in the finale with Austin, like she's coming for your relationship too. Give me a break.

Wendy (37:05.816)
She really doesn't bring anything.

Wendy (37:13.216)
Yeah, that was odd.

Kelli (37:14.832)
Yeah, so odd. they keep, well, she keeps saying there's nothing romantic, Sally keeps saying that she's enjoying getting to know Craig. So I am 100 % here for a Craig and Sally relationship. Even though Andy told Craig to stop dating in the bravo sphere.

Wendy (37:34.177)

Wendy (37:39.896)
Well, I mean, these guys don't listen. No.

Kelli (37:41.858)
No, they don't listen, but I'm so here for that.

Because she is, she's like, she's like Madison. She's like a Madison.

Wendy (37:53.004)
Yeah. Listen, I would be okay with that too, to be quite honest with you. And the more I see Summerhouse and Paige and Craig together, he was not blindsided. He was not blindsided. And I will tell you this, on the after show, you haven't watched the after show yet, have you? So on the Summerhouse after show, know, we saw that clip where he said, she told me to buy her ring, and I did.

Kelli (38:04.466)
yeah, the-

Kelli (38:08.069)

Kelli (38:12.002)

Wendy (38:21.368)
They said, well, when was what? It was before the summer started. So before summer house started, and then they went and then she said, hold off on it. She said, hold off. So she told him to hold off. It's not like she told him to go buy a ring and then she broke up with him.

Kelli (38:37.724)
But she did. Okay, she told him to hold off, but he was designing a ring and she knew. Tell him not to design the ring. Not to design the ring and then hold off giving it to you. Like that's crazy.

Wendy (38:39.191)
They spent Thanksgiving. They spent Thanksgiving together and then they broke up.

Wendy (38:51.538)
No, no, when she's no, when she said to hold off, she meant hold off on the ring, not hold off on giving it like she meant hold off. Like, I think her intention was this is what this is what I'm gathering. Plus, I listened to Giggly Squad. So I get her her perspective as well. So this is what I think happened on her side. Okay. They did summer house. They started filming that in July, right. And you see

that she's got this crazy schedule. They are starting the Giggly Squad tour. She's going to Italy with her family and then Craig meets her in Italy for a little bit while they're, you know, before she starts her tour. She goes on the tour and she is a nervous wreck. She has anxiety and she's freaking out and he's

Kelli (39:48.453)

Wendy (39:49.486)
Well, going on stage and talking in front of people isn't something she's really comfortable doing.

Kelli (39:56.213)
okay, I just didn't know if she was having anxiety about her relationship or having anxiety about her tour.

Wendy (39:59.904)
No. She was having anxiety about her tour. And it's when she really would have needed him there to support her or to support her, not physically there, but to support her. And instead of supporting her, he's telling her to go watch this movie about Abba where going on tour breaks up families. He doesn't...

Kelli (40:03.226)

Wendy (40:26.838)
This is her dream, like doing this tour and doing what she's doing right now in her career is like her childhood dream. And she's getting through it and she's happy, you know, now that she's doing it. But the whole time she's doing it, you know, like if something good happens, she doesn't even want to tell him because she's getting anxiety from him because she's not there for him. So she's worried that she's not there from him because they went to seeing each other every week. To now she's not seeing him for several weeks.

and she's flying to a different city every couple days and her life is totally different.

Kelli (41:00.976)
I gotta be honest with you though. I get it, I think, listen, I think she just fell out of love with him and I think she's making all these excuses. I also do think she has a fear of commitment. listen, they're both gonna be fine. I still feel like she's saying too much. Stop saying everything. Stop talking about it. I don't even think anybody cares anymore.

Wendy (41:19.371)
Right, they are both gonna be fine.

Kelli (41:30.096)
But I get it, I just think that it's a lot. You know, on Two Teas and a Pot, Tamara and Teddy talking together and talking to other people because Teddy and Tamara said it together, Tamara said it with Trishel, and Teddy just said it with Erika Jean. Basically, they're like, she met a rich guy that she was attracted to. Like a really, really rich guy that she was attracted to. Mm-hmm.

Wendy (41:56.054)
Yeah, he's really rich. He's really rich.

Kelli (41:59.472)
They're like, so, you know, nothing will get you out of your relationship like that. Again, I don't think there was any overlap. She probably met this guy and was attracted to him and was interested and was like, I shouldn't be feeling this way if I'm supposed to marry somebody. So, I just think she's saying too much. She's gotta just let it go, man.

Wendy (42:03.447)

Wendy (42:07.662)
There wasn't any.

Wendy (42:16.226)

Wendy (42:26.518)
Well, listen, what will let it go the quickest is if Craig gets into a relationship. And then we won't have to talk about it anymore, Because I think she is in a relationship,

Kelli (42:32.292)
Yeah. Yeah.

Kelli (42:39.182)
I mean, it's, right. It seems like it. It seems like it.

Wendy (42:40.02)
She hasn't said it, but I think that she is. I think that does come up at the reunion and Craig won't talk about it.

Kelli (42:47.65)
Yeah, and I'm sure out of respect for him, she's not talking about it too, which is nice, which is good.

Wendy (42:51.252)
No, no, no, she hasn't. I mean, I haven't heard her say anything about it, to be honest with you. And as far as her giving her side of it, she only did it once. You know, she did the one podcast episode where she said that they broke up. And then she didn't talk about it at all for a while until he was on Watch What Happens Live. And then she didn't even do it right away. She waited a while, you know, to kind of tell her side.

Kelli (43:13.528)
Yeah. Yeah. I wonder where they're at. Like, I wonder if they can't even talk to each other now. I mean, it was a long-term relationship. There's definitely going to be like a period where you just don't want to talk to that person, you know? But I'm sure they'll get to a point. When they're both happy with other people, they'll get to the point where they can be around each other and...

Wendy (43:27.659)

Wendy (43:35.502)
Listen, if Lindsay and Carl can spend the summer together in a house with Lindsay being pregnant, mean, pretty much anybody can, you know, see their ex in passing and be okay. Right?

Kelli (43:40.248)
Amen to that. Yeah.

Kelli (43:49.262)
Yeah, I totally agree. I totally agree. And I have to say with the whole Craig and Kyle thing, I was totally team Craig on this. I don't know how you feel, but that first night when Kyle wanted to talk to Craig, and I get it, Craig was like, dude, you know, it's been a long day. Like it's your wife's birthday. Like let's take a beat and talk tomorrow. And in true form, Kyle goes outside and throws a temper tantrum. If Amanda has children with this guy.

Wendy (44:02.976)
definitely when Kyle was-

Kelli (44:20.144)
It's not gonna be good. He literally throws a temper tantrum like a five-year-old when he doesn't get his way. Could you imagine him having children?

Wendy (44:27.904)
Yeah. You know what it is? This is what I see in Kyle. He reminds me of somebody that I know. He gets so fixated on something that he can't stop until it's fixed, whatever it is, like his business. Like he just gets hyper-focused and he just goes full steam ahead. And he wanted to get this resolved. He thought that this is the way to do it. didn't.

Kelli (44:42.33)

Wendy (44:56.748)
He wasn't even hearing the words that Craig was saying.

Kelli (44:58.894)
No, he doesn't hear anything anybody says.

Wendy (45:02.656)
No. No.

Kelli (45:04.676)
Yeah, he's, I would like to see Kyle and Amanda, Carl and Lindsay, and I love Carl. I'd like to see them exit Summer House. come on, dude, how old are they? They're in their forties. Nobody wants to watch them party anymore.

Wendy (45:19.456)
I know, I know. I really think that... Like, I mean, seriously, is Lindsay gonna come back with a baby next year? She can't. She can't come back with a baby. No, and you can't leave the kid... No, and you can't leave the kid home! Because then you'll be branded the worst mother on the planet!

Kelli (45:26.65)
That's what I mean. She can't bring a kid into the summer house. Nobody wants to watch that.

No. Exactly. Hopefully, listen, hopefully they put her on Real Housewives of New York. Let's see it. Let's put her on Roni. I mean, I don't love Lindsay, but if Bravo needs somewhere to put her, put her there, put her on Roni. Cause no, I don't think anybody really wants to watch her on Summer House with a kid.

Wendy (45:42.222)
can't believe you just said that. You said you don't want her there.

Wendy (45:55.786)
I would like to see her on Roni. I would like to see her on Roni with Brynn.

Kelli (45:57.432)
Yeah, put her on Rony, that's fine.

Kelli (46:02.764)
It would be interesting. Because she and Erin are good friends, right?

Wendy (46:04.173)

I mean, they're friends. don't know if they're good friends, right? Yeah. no, not Erin. Brynn was talking. You know, she's got her own podcast now, Brynn.

Kelli (46:09.954)
Yeah, I know, who knows, they're Bravo friends.

Kelli (46:20.74)
Doesn't everybody? Gia Giudice has one now.

Wendy (46:21.832)
I know, everybody does. I know, I know. Erin and Abe have one. Yes, Erin and Abe have one. You're right, everyone does have a podcast now. Yeah, but Brynn was on a podcast or I read, she did a magazine article or something and she was saying that, I guess she's in a better place with some of her cast mates and...

Kelli (46:29.341)
they do?

Kelli (46:34.113)
Everyone has a podcast

Wendy (46:52.27)
she didn't give any indication that she would not be coming back. She was giving casting ideas of other people to join, which I thought was interesting. Yeah.

Kelli (47:03.632)
Hmm. That is interesting. I mean, everybody loves a redemption season, so she had a pretty bad season.

Wendy (47:11.372)

Wendy (47:14.734)
She had a very bad season.

Kelli (47:16.672)
even if you didn't think it early on the way it ended. So it would be interesting to see her come back and see how she navigates it.

Wendy (47:20.855)
It was bad.

Wendy (47:27.422)
I, like I said, I think I would like to see her come back. I would like to see her reflect and come back better. But I also would like to see Monica Garcia come back on Salt Lake City.

Kelli (47:35.662)
Right. Right.

Yeah, I don't think you're the only one though. I didn't really love Monica. I think she did everything for the show. I think she was putting on a show, especially the whole thing with her mom. Like I didn't buy all that.

Wendy (47:52.302)
I didn't love her either, but she was interesting enough for me to give her another season and let her try and come back, let her try and spin it. I feel like they can do it.

Kelli (48:04.015)

I mean, you have Heather on the show who wrote a book and put personal things about her castmates in her book. So how is that different than Monica putting stuff on an Instagram post? Right? Well, I guess because it wasn't true.

Wendy (48:13.346)

Wendy (48:19.47)
Well, it's like, you know, the fox, was like, well, and it's like having the fox in the hen house too. you can't.

Kelli (48:26.434)
Yeah. Yeah.

Wendy (48:30.476)
But that being said, she wasn't doing it while she was on the show. She wasn't posting while she was on the show. It happened prior to her being on the show and she just didn't reveal it. Which I personally think what Heather did about lying about the black eye and all that bullshit was way worse and there was no punishment for her, right?

Kelli (48:37.069)
No. No.

Kelli (48:49.186)
Exactly. Yes. Not at all.

Wendy (48:56.856)
different standards.

Kelli (48:57.014)
said it once I'll say it again the brown girls get treated differently by Bravo they really do

Wendy (49:04.268)
Yeah, they do. mean, can you prove that?

Kelli (49:09.04)

Wendy (49:12.545)
And so is Nini.

I want NeNe back.

Kelli (49:17.046)
Absolutely. Absolutely.

Wendy (49:19.02)
I want NeNe back. Because you know who could put Portia in line? NeNe.

Kelli (49:23.79)
Yep. Yep.


Wendy (49:28.288)
I don't know, I heard that NeNe was doing some, there was something she was doing and Portia was supposed to be on it with her. And then the day that they were shooting, Portia bailed out because supposedly she was afraid to be associated with NeNe because she thought that she'd never get back to Bravo.

Kelli (49:52.826)
This was recent?

Wendy (49:54.478)
Pretty recent, yep.

Kelli (49:55.716)
Because NeNe did announce something, like a talk show or something, like not on mainstream TV, unfortunately, because I would watch it if it were.

Wendy (50:01.951)
I see.

She has one on YouTube. I watched her first episode. It was with Carlos King, and I'm not a Carlos King fan, but I did enjoy this episode because it was, listen, they know each other very well. They work together and they have a good relationship. So it was good. I haven't looked again to see if there's another episode, but I would watch. I like NeNe. I've always liked NeNe.

Kelli (50:12.72)

Kelli (50:18.806)
Yeah. Yeah.

Kelli (50:29.174)
yeah, I like Nini. I didn't like it when she, you know, started acting like the show. She was the show. I don't like it when any housewife does that. But I'd like to see Nini back. They have to bring Kenya back. They have to bring Kenya back.

Wendy (50:38.594)

Wendy (50:42.944)
Yeah, she'll be back. I believe Kenya will be back. I do. I do. and then somebody asked Angela on Watch What Happens Live. Her husband used to date Sheree.

Yes, yes, yes. And well, that was a long time ago. Angela wasn't with him then. And they asked if she ever runs into Sheree in Atlanta. And she's like, no, but my husband has dated a lot of women in Atlanta. So no, we're not going to talk about that. So she wouldn't talk about it. And the other person with her, what was his name? Will something.

Kelli (51:03.683)

Kelli (51:17.008)
Yeah. Yeah.

Wendy (51:28.556)
He also knows her, they've known each other for a long time. He's like, well, he says, Andy, why are we not talking about this? I wanna talk about this. And Andy's like, now I'm gonna let, he goes, we're bringing it up at the reunion, don't worry about it. Yeah, so we'll have to wait and see what happens with that. Yeah.

Kelli (51:34.704)

Kelli (51:40.474)
That's funny.

Kelli (51:45.988)
Yeah. that's funny. Listen, he's a fine man, Charles Oakley.

Wendy (51:51.672)

I think that's it unless you have anything else

Kelli (51:56.621)
No, I think we've covered it all.

Wendy (51:58.88)
Okay, all right, until next time, thank you for watching and listening. Please give us five star reviews. Bye.

Kelli (52:05.38)

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