We Wine Whenever's Podcast
Welcome to We Wine Whenever where three middle age, middle class neighborhood women discuss our views on popular shows, our lives and anything else that pops up. Join in the fun and listen in to discover what its really like to be a Jersey Shore housewife as the blonde ,the brunette and the redhead give you an unfiltered cocktail hour.
Together, Wendy ,Kelli and Lori create a vibrant and entertaining podcast that covers a wide range of topics, from the latest Bravo drama to discussions on parenting, relationships, and current events. Their chemistry as co-hosts, combined with their relatability and passion, makes their podcast a must-listen for anyone looking for engaging conversations about everyday life and pop culture.
We drink wine whenever and we hope you do too!
We Wine Whenever's Podcast
RHOBH-Naked Truths & Fake Apologies: RHOBH Deep Dive
RHOBH-Naked Truths & Fake Apologies: RHOBH Deep Dive
RHOBH S14 E16 - "Sutton on Trial"
- Getting Ready:
- Kathy & Kyle do their own glam.
- Jennifer Tilly showcases her outfit; Sutton jokes she's "wearing vodka."
- Boz gets her hair done while talking to her assistant.
- Dorit has a full glam squad.
- Garcelle and Kyle accidentally match in identical white dresses.
- Villa Talk & Intimacy:
- Ladies discuss thirst trap photos.
- Boz mentions her outdoor shower, sparking a convo about nudity in relationships.
- Jennifer Tilly shares a Broadway story about accidental full nudity on stage.
- Dorit vs. Sutton Tension:
- Dorit accuses Sutton of being mean-spirited.
- Sutton apologizes but is met with skepticism.
- Boz challenges Dorit to also take accountability.
- Erika sides with Dorit, calling Sutton’s apologies inconsistent.
- Kyle, Morgan & Garcelle’s Frustration:
- Kyle is questioned about Morgan, but she remains vague.
- Erika throws shade at Garcelle, questioning her own transparency.
- Garcelle is upset Sutton didn’t back her up.
- Nighttime & Loose Ends:
- Kathy juggles calls while changing.
- Boz debates whether to take her hair out before bed.
- Dorit, Erika & Boz discuss apology challenges.
- Morning Conversations:
- Garcelle & Sutton talk about backing each other up.
- Discussion about Boz calling Kyle when she saw Mo out.
- Boat Day Drama:
- Ladies slay in swimwear.
- Sutton reiterates her sincere apology to Dorit.
- Erika accuses Sutton of being critical of struggling women.
- Heated debate ensues—Sutton refuses to be "on trial at sea."
- She storms off, Kathy follows.
Wendy (00:00.834)
Hi, welcome to We Wine Whenever. I'm Wendy.
Kelli (00:03.763)
I'm Kelly.
Lori (00:04.715)
And I'm Lori.
Wendy (00:06.422)
We are talking about Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Season 14, Episode 16, Sutton on Trial. I think it's appropriate.
Kelli (00:18.889)
appropriate but...
Wendy (00:20.396)
Yeah. We start out with the ladies getting ready. And I noted that Cathy and Kyle are doing their own glam. Jennifer.
Lori (00:30.859)
Kelli (00:31.241)
Kyle always does her own makeup. I really think Kyle always does her own makeup. Yeah.
Wendy (00:36.224)
I think so too. Jennifer Tilly comes out and says, this is what I'm wearing tonight. And Sutton says, I'm wearing vodka. And Avi and her glam is there. So she not only has glam, but she also has Avi, just like Boz also has her assistant as well as glam. I mean, is this a little extra or what?
Lori (00:53.154)
Yeah, I was like...
Kelli (00:55.423)
She does. You're right, she does.
Lori (01:00.803)
I think it's a little extra.
Kelli (01:00.923)
I personally, I think it's extra. You need your personal assistant on vacation. You can't even go on vacation by yourself. Kathy Hilton's on vacation by herself.
Lori (01:10.891)
Right. If she can go, anybody can go.
Wendy (01:11.094)
Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. And Dorit has her full glam squad there.
Kelli (01:13.32)
Kelli (01:20.297)
Who's paying for this?
Wendy (01:22.088)
She must be Doritos. I don't, you know, I didn't see Erica's glam. I saw her pictures. I think she might've done it herself, but I don't know for sure. Cause they didn't show us.
Lori (01:22.2)
Yeah, right.
Kelli (01:32.979)
Well, the one scene where the alarm goes off, she's sitting with Boz with her glam. I think Erica might share glam when she goes away. Because you do normally see her filming, unless she's just in there conversing with them.
Lori (01:41.863)
maybe she's using her glam.
Wendy (01:45.665)
Wendy (01:51.202)
Yeah, well her and Dorit and Boz are all sharing a villa, so maybe all three of them are sharing glam?
Kelli (01:58.143)
Right, I mean that would make sense for crying out loud. You're all really gonna fly out your own hair and makeup people? That's silly.
Lori (02:01.26)
That would make sense.
Lori (02:07.299)
That's just foolishness.
Wendy (02:08.982)
Right, right. It is silly, right? So then the ladies, they get together and Garcelle and Kyle are both wearing the exact same dress. Now, how crazy is that? That's crazy to me, right?
Kelli (02:12.852)
Kelli (02:23.401)
That was pretty funny.
Lori (02:26.851)
And did you see on the after show, it's not even Kyle's dress. She borrowed it. She borrowed it from her daughter because her daughter had worn it to that one white party that she had in the stadium. So it was her daughter's and Garcelle said she bought her from a boutique. So she was like figuring like, oh, okay. know, shouldn't be. Yeah.
Wendy (02:32.94)
Yeah, it's her daughters. Yep.
Kelli (02:34.887)
Kelli (02:41.567)
Wendy (02:41.954)
Kelli (02:49.331)
Yeah, nobody else should have it.
Wendy (02:49.558)
Yeah, and she said it wasn't cheap. She's like, it wasn't cheap. I will be honest with you, I have to agree. It did not look the same on them. Like, although it was the same dress, it looked totally different on them. It really did. They both...
Lori (02:56.541)
No, it did not. It did not look the same. Yeah. They both looked great.
Kelli (03:00.455)
Yeah, but they both looked great in it. Because I was in my head, I'm like, who wore it better? But I think they both looked very nice in it. Yeah. Yeah.
Lori (03:06.165)
No, I think they both look good. Two totally different figure types, but it looked beautiful on both of them.
Wendy (03:08.576)
I totally agree. I totally agree, but it looked totally...
Kelli (03:13.767)
Right. Yeah.
Wendy (03:14.922)
Mm-hmm. The ladies are talking about how they're going to be taking their thirst trap pictures later on. I just thought that was funny. I did.
Kelli (03:23.433)
was funny. Yeah. Boz came out great. I saw hers on Instagram and she had LL around the way, girl playing in her.
Lori (03:26.083)
was funny.
Lori (03:31.799)
Jennifer Gillies.
Wendy (03:31.953)
you did see her?
Lori (03:36.835)
I like that. Jennifer Tillis came out absolutely beautiful. I don't know if you saw hers. you should look at it. It's so pretty.
Kelli (03:44.403)
I did not, but how awkward, how awkward was Sutton? I know we'll get there, but when they were like, open your mouth, I mean, yeah, we'll get there. I hope not.
Wendy (03:51.51)
Yeah, we will.
Did she even post any? Because we can talk about it now. Yeah, because she was so awkward. can't imagine her doing a thirst. Honestly, I think it would be like me trying to do a thirst trap picture. Like it would be awkward. I wouldn't be able to do it.
Lori (03:57.687)
No, I don't.
Lori (04:05.239)
Yeah, there was no thirst going on there. one was thirsty. No one's going to be thirsty. It's parked. It's parked.
Kelli (04:07.753)
hurt. mean,
Wendy (04:12.48)
Wendy (04:16.788)
It's funny. So then Boz is telling them about her outdoor shower that she has in her villa and that she, you know, said that they could use it. And Erica said, yeah, that's really nice. And she said, the interesting thing is Dorit doesn't even like to walk around naked around PK.
Lori (04:38.059)
Listen, if I was Duri and looking like that, as thin as she is with them big boobs, I'd be all over Tramp's Rounding. Yes, right? It's crazy. Yes, yes, most definitely. Yeah, I thought that was interesting.
Kelli (04:43.967)
I got news for both of you. I'd be walking down our streets naked if I had Dorit's body. So lock your husbands up because that's what I'd be doing.
Wendy (04:49.974)
me too. Yeah. Me too. I don't know.
Kelli (04:55.795)
God gives you what you're supposed to have. I used to tell Tess that all the time when she was in high school. Like, if I looked like you, I would walk around naked. She was like, yeah, maybe we should cut that out actually.
Lori (05:03.949)
Wendy (05:07.296)
Yeah. Well, listen, honestly, I used to say that too. Like, God doesn't give us more than we can handle because I too would walk around naked. And he knows I would do that. he's like, he's like, he's like, no, no, I've said this myself many, times. Bozen, her confessional said, she can't imagine not being comfortable in a relationship to be naked physically and emotionally.
Kelli (05:15.619)
Absolutely. Why? Exactly. That's what I'm saying. Exactly. Yeah.
Lori (05:20.195)
There's Sonic.
Wendy (05:36.908)
you know, like what kind of intimacy is that? And I kind of agree with that. I mean, it is your partner. mean, you know, and
Kelli (05:41.638)
I agree.
Lori (05:43.917)
Yeah, but it all has to do with someone's level of self-confidence. So you can still have a great relationship and be open and honest and give 100%, but still be somebody who's not that comfortable enough to be that way.
Wendy (06:03.022)
don't think with Dorita, I don't think it's a level of self-confidence. I just think that she doesn't like to be naked, period. Like, even if she's home alone and there's nobody there, I think that she just, I mean, I don't know that I like to be naked either, to be quite honest with you. I don't know. I don't know. I thought Jennifer...
Lori (06:10.133)
maybe, maybe some people just don't like doing that.
Kelli (06:21.501)
I don't do it often enough to even render an opinion. I mean, I come out of the shower, I put a towel on, I come in my room and I get dressed. Maybe I'll try spending more time and seeing if I like it.
Lori (06:24.513)
Lori (06:30.146)
There you go.
Wendy (06:32.034)
Let's ask our listeners.
Wendy (06:36.622)
Let's ask our listeners, do you guys like to be naked when you're alone? Yeah. Right. I'd like to hear what they have to say. Right, right. Jennifer Tilly talks about how she once did a show on Broadway and that she had to do full frontal nudity and her boyfriend at the time was British and he, you know.
Kelli (06:39.793)
Yeah, like do you walk around naked when nobody's home or when your spouse is home or significant other? I would have no problem being naked in front of Eric, that's for sure.
Lori (06:40.258)
Wendy (07:02.634)
He said, you're gonna be completely naked. And she said, well, you know, there'll be bubbles and stuff covering me. And I didn't realize this until the after show. I thought there really was gonna be bubbles covering her. So she says, after the show, he goes into the back and says to her, you know, when you stood up, the bubbles all slipped off of you, you were completely naked. Well, she in the after show reveals that she said that flippantly. She knew she was completely naked.
Kelli (07:29.247)
Obviously, I mean, yeah when you stand up from a bubble bath there are bubbles, but they fall down
Wendy (07:32.302)
Right. I just, I thought she was like, because it was on Broadway, I really didn't expect her. Like I thought she had something, not actually like the bubbles from the bath. I thought it was something that was bubble like, you know what I mean? So then she says that that's when she realized that he had never seen her naked standing up. I was like walking around, he'd only seen her.
Lori (07:33.697)
Let me fold in. Gravity works.
Kelli (07:36.361)
Gravity works!
Kelli (07:47.399)
Right, something. Right.
Kelli (07:58.825)
She said she would like, she said she would wake up early and put makeup on and, whoa. Who is, yeah, no, I don't. I heard that Lonnie Anderson used to do that when she was married to Burt Reynolds.
Wendy (08:03.246)
5 a.m.
Lori (08:03.619)
Brush your teeth at 5 a.m.
Wendy (08:06.305)
Wendy (08:11.885)
Lori (08:12.097)
I can picture that. can picture a donut. You know what else?
Kelli (08:13.339)
I heard I remember hearing that. Yeah, she would never wake.
Lori (08:18.605)
Jennifer Tilly said she had to grow in her pubic hair for that Broadway show because the costume designer said, you know, Brazilian was not in in like 1930 or whatever it was. was the thing. Yeah, it wasn't even a thing. It was funny.
Wendy (08:24.524)
Yes, on the after show.
Wendy (08:32.353)
the 20s.
Kelli (08:32.615)
of course, of course. It wasn't even a thing. Yeah. Huh.
Wendy (08:37.024)
Right. Yeah. I thought that was funny too. was like, that's interesting. So then Dorit says to Sutton, in the past few months, I feel like you've been mean-spirited to me. Dorit said I wanted to... Yeah.
Lori (08:43.714)
Lori (08:54.359)
When she started talking, when she started talking, I wrote down, shut the fuck up, Dorit. And I'm pretty good with Dorit.
Kelli (09:03.775)
Well, it was, there was an opportunity for them to have a moment without the Doree Sutton nonsense and it's like they just couldn't have it.
Lori (09:13.219)
She had to like ruin it.
Wendy (09:16.184)
Yeah. Yeah.
Kelli (09:17.117)
Yes, I know I agree. I agree
Wendy (09:19.754)
And then Doreed said, wanted to overcome our issues and get back to a good place, but I don't feel that that was on the table. Sutton said, we've had all, we've had all, we've all had problems. You're not going to put this on me. And Doreed said, well, you wanted us to be open with each other and have a sisterhood, which she did. I mean, she is the one who, you know, did the whole wrap your hands with the ribbon and the sisterhood thing, but that was for 24 hours. And then that went out the window. I don't know if you noticed, but then as
Kelli (09:38.175)
Wendy (09:49.314)
you know, they're saying that, that Jennifer and Kyle start talking. They say, I think that Sutton meant that when she said it, like the sisterhood. So those two start sticking up for Sutton, which I thought was interesting. I mean, not that Jennifer was, obviously Jennifer's gonna stick up for Sutton, but I thought that it was interesting that Kyle jumped in on that because, okay, yeah, she did mean it at the time, but it meant nothing because like she said, you know, the very next day, they were all over each other.
Kelli (10:18.535)
Right. Did you see how Sutton reacted to Kyle sticking up for her? I really appreciate you doing that. I just want you to know that I really appreciate- Like, my god. She's so fucking obsessed with being in Kyle's good graces.
Wendy (10:24.269)
Lori (10:28.546)
Wendy (10:31.094)
Lori (10:36.803)
And when Dorit was talking to her, started, Sutton started to get those like crazy, evil snake eyes again. I was like, whoa. And know, Erica was going to say something. You couldn't even get a chance to hear, like I would like to have known what Erica was going to say. And Sutton just like cut her off.
Wendy (10:37.4)
Yeah, that was obvious.
Kelli (10:39.121)
It was very obvious.
Kelli (10:45.499)
She sure did.
Wendy (10:57.026)
Well, she start, yeah, she started with.
Kelli (10:58.473)
Well, probably what she winds up saying on the boat is probably what she was gonna say.
Lori (11:00.951)
Wendy (11:01.568)
Yeah, she started to say like, think she means what she says every time and that's where it gets confusing. Sometimes it feels sincere and Ernst and Sutton said, I am sincere and Erica said, let me finish. And sometimes, and then Sutton cuts her off again.
Lori (11:12.866)
Yeah, you're right, Kelly. Maybe she was going to say then and set it on the boat.
Kelli (11:17.375)
Wendy (11:18.71)
Yeah, you know, do you want, and then Sutton's like, do you want me to put my hand on a Bible and swear? What we're not gonna do is beat me with a stick. Dorit says, you cannot become a victim every time. And that's really what happens. Every time, listen, the whole Dorit and Sutton thing is just ridiculous. Dorit is not accepting the apology. Dorit has something to say about everything. And Sutton is just like,
Kelli (11:44.287)
Wendy (11:47.15)
cutting off her nose to spite her face. And she is crying victim every single time. And it's exhausting.
Kelli (11:49.448)
Kelli (11:54.207)
I don't think Sutton's cut out for this housewife thing. I really don't. I think that's where I was going with that, exactly. I don't think Sutton's cut out for it. I don't think she's in a place mentally right now where she can handle this. And I don't know what it is. I just think that, know, Dorit's been doing this a long time now. And Dorit didn't come in seasoned. She didn't...
Lori (11:58.221)
Well, is high school and housewife got mixed together and it makes sense?
Lori (12:11.969)
Maybe not.
Kelli (12:23.975)
know what she was getting herself into, but she's learning, she's getting there. And Sutton, man, she either leaves, has to walk away, or she gets very, and look who's talking, she gets very heated very quickly. She pops off too quick, which, so do I, but I'm not on a Housewives show.
Lori (12:39.395)
It does pop off real quick. That's right. Nobody's paying you to semi keep your shit together.
Wendy (12:42.38)
Yeah. Yeah. That's very true.
Kelli (12:48.948)
That's right. So I'm gonna let my shit go.
Wendy (12:51.822)
Lori (12:54.434)
There you go.
Wendy (12:55.64)
So Sutton then says, don't tell me what I can and cannot do. Dorit says, well, I'm an adult and I take accountability when I make a mistake. Sutton says, I've been thinking about this and at the caviar party, I said something that didn't really feel like myself. I sincerely apologize to you. It was a bad thing to say. It was hurtful and I'm really sorry. And then Dorit says, well, if you felt that way, then why didn't you say it sooner? And Sutton's like, well, I'm saying it now.
And you could see like, Boz and even Kyle, they're just like, Bo said it, like, she's apologizing. Like, accept it. Dorit said, you are very passive aggressive. Both Boz and Garcelle say she's apologizing and you're not accepting it. Set and apologized again. Dorit said, we've moved on to other things. Bo said, yeah, but you're not accepting it. She said, no, I did. I said, I appreciate it.
Kelli (13:54.911)
Wendy (13:54.912)
I'm like, you can't say you appreciate it, but not like you didn't accept it because it's going to come back up again.
Kelli (14:03.623)
And good for Boze for pointing it out because she's obviously a very good friend, Boze, but you have to be able to call people out.
Wendy (14:10.284)
Yes, absolutely. And that's what I like about her, to be quite honest with you, is that she does call people out and she's the one there trying to actually orchestrate this resolution. Like she's the one pushing it, you know? And then Erica in her confessional says, Dorit doesn't feel like Sutton apologizing is genuine and I don't blame her because that's what she was gonna say, like when she was cut off. And Bo says to Dorit, is there anything that you want to apologize for?
Lori (14:10.721)
Kelli (14:13.791)
Wendy (14:39.392)
and be accountable. Dorit says, well, the joke about the drink and sentence like the joke. She said, okay, the comment about the drink was wholeheartedly not to start anything or to hurt you. And I'm very sorry that it did. Dorit said, had you not called me a bitch, which again, like you're apologizing, but you're putting it back on her. Had you not called me a bitch, I probably would have apologized at that time. And then sentence like, well,
I could have handled it better, which again, like, is she really apologizing? it's like, had you not done this, then I wouldn't have done that. Like that's not, that's not a wholehearted apology.
Kelli (15:17.044)
Lori (15:21.249)
No, did you see Kyle's face when Dorit said she takes accountability? Kyle made a face like...
Kelli (15:29.601)
I didn't even notice that.
Lori (15:30.21)
Yeah, yeah.
Wendy (15:32.312)
So after that, after.
Kelli (15:33.023)
I don't think Dorit 100 % takes accountability either. She doesn't, she doesn't. I mean, I think, I don't think Sutton can handle when somebody criticizes her or tells her that they think she did something wrong. She cannot handle it. I think Dorit's a little bit better at that, but she's not much better. None of these women are, they're all narcissists. That's why they're housewives.
Wendy (15:36.696)
She does not! Not at all! Honestly...
Lori (15:36.725)
No. No.
Lori (15:45.709)
Lori (15:49.665)
No, she can't.
Wendy (15:58.388)
No. Yeah, I don't think any of them really have accountability. mean...
At different times, different ones do. I've seen Erika have accountability more recently, but in the past, I've seen her not have accountability. So again, listen, like Erika gets to on the boat, Dorit is in a bad place. Erika was in a bad place. Kyle's actually still in a bad place, and she's been in a bad place for now two seasons. So.
Kelli (16:12.201)
more recently. Right.
Kelli (16:27.305)
Wendy (16:32.952)
Yeah, we're gonna see different things. And Boz is like, after Sutton said I couldn't handle that better, she's like, okay, we're making progress. And Kathy's like, well, we're here for four more days. Rome wasn't built in a day. no, Concord.
Lori (16:43.895)
Now, you, yeah. Did you see though, when she'd said that, did you catch Sutton giving her the snake eye? And I was like, look at you, you're brave. She was giving Cathy that evil snake eyes. Yes, she did. As soon as Cathy Hilton said that, she gave her them snake eyes. And I was like, look at you, big balls. yeah.
Kelli (16:53.862)
Kelli (16:58.601)
That's... that's shocking.
Wendy (16:58.638)
I didn't see that.
Kelli (17:08.681)
Wendy (17:09.23)
I miss that. Then Bo says, feel like we've made progress. And Kyle said, I appreciate you for coming over to my house, you the other day. And Bo says, after, I think she says this in her confessional, after, you know, I really got to know Kyle, now I know that like, if there's anything I can do to help Kyle, I will. She says, when I went to Soho house, she says that they're in front of the ladies. The other day I saw Mo sitting across from a woman.
And she called Kyle right in the moment. That right there. Yeah, her memo was awesome. And the fact that she did that, that is a girlfriend. That is a girlfriend. And I love that she did that. And she is not cute. No. And I want, right.
Kelli (17:40.979)
That voicemail was epic.
Lori (17:45.687)
Your voice, my Maya.
Kelli (17:49.107)
Mm-hmm. What'd she say? And she is not cute.
Lori (17:53.763)
Do you smell cute?
Kelli (17:55.519)
So you tell me what you want me to do.
Lori (17:59.297)
Yeah, she would have been like, she would have been like how one of us would have rolled. Like me tonight without waitress, what I would have wrote on her tip line. That whatever she was. Cause she did something to me and to Kelly's sister. Like I would have been that girl. Like, yeah.
Wendy (18:07.064)
more tender.
Kelli (18:14.643)
movie theater dot dot dot.
Wendy (18:17.86)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Lori (18:21.345)
That's why I like Boz, because of that stuff.
Wendy (18:22.241)
Kelli (18:22.911)
So funny. Yeah.
Wendy (18:25.398)
Yeah, that, mean, listen, Kathy's like, that's a girlfriend. Kyle said she appreciated that. But then Garcelle, this is what aggravates me about Garcelle. I am not liking Garcelle this season. Really, I'm not. She's really annoying me. What's confusing for me is I feel like we tiptoe around the Morgan situation. We don't know what the situation is.
Kelli (18:44.511)
Did you see Kyle's face when she said that? Kyle was pissed.
Wendy (18:46.51)
I did, I did. I did see her face. And you know, in the after show, she talked about this because according to Kyle in the after show, she's had conversations with Garcelle off camera about this, yes, this exact subject. And she's explained to her that Morgan does not want her name mentioned. She doesn't want her, she wants to be private. And Garcelle said she understood that. But then in front of everybody, she brings out, she brings something else up, which is not right.
Lori (18:46.838)
And then...
Lori (18:56.972)
In private.
Wendy (19:17.153)
It's not right.
Lori (19:17.219)
Yeah, it's like beating a dead horse. I mean, at this point, I don't know, it's come to the point where like, I'm not a big Kyle fan, but like, leave her the fuck alone. Like, obviously she don't wanna talk about it. Like, obviously she doesn't wanna talk about it. So, stop bringing it, yeah.
Wendy (19:25.506)
Who cares?
Kelli (19:30.335)
Well, she's clearly not gonna talk about it. She's clearly not gonna talk about it. So just stop bringing it up.
Wendy (19:37.134)
Well, that's just it. In the very beginning of the season, she said, I will not mention her name. She doesn't want to be talked about on this show. She doesn't want a part of this. And she's not mentioned her name and everyone else has. And it's not like, you know, she doesn't owe them anything in regards to that. And Erica in her confessional said, Gorsel wants to know about Kyle's personal life, but what do we know about hers? Who's Gorsel sleeping with? I know she had a roster and it was good. And she's right.
Kelli (19:47.06)
Lori (19:47.319)
Kelli (19:51.326)
Kelli (20:04.925)
Right. So the thing is, is I think that maybe Garcelle was said that in that moment because Boz was like, Mo was there with another girl. Like, are we as your friends supposed to do that? So we're supposed to react that way when we see your ex with a woman, but you're spending time with someone. Like, and we can't say a word about it. I think that that's
Lori (20:27.457)
and we can't say a word about it.
I think you're right. think that's maybe the where she was coming from, but she didn't word it in the right way. So that just came out fucking annoying.
Kelli (20:36.219)
She didn't. She didn't.
Wendy (20:39.276)
Yeah, but that's the thing. Yeah, you can't say a word about it because you're my girlfriend and what I do is okay. That's how girlfriends roll. Right? Right? Am I wrong?
Lori (20:47.661)
This is true.
Kelli (20:48.145)
I agree with you, but I don't think Garcelle and Kyle are like that. They're not friends like that and they've never been. Right.
Wendy (20:52.374)
Well, they're not like that. Well, Gorselle even said that she would have never called Kyle if she saw Mo out with somebody. And that's because they're not friends. So don't pretend like you are. Don't pretend like she owes you something. She already had a conversation with you about this. You're not that girlfriend to her. And then you get mad at Sutton for being that girlfriend to her because Sutton considers Kyle a friend and really does.
Kelli (20:59.751)
Right. Yeah, so they're
Wendy (21:20.654)
I don't want to say cherish or value. Thirst after is probably a better word. Yeah, yeah, it is. It is. It is.
Lori (21:25.249)
Yeah, there you go.
Kelli (21:25.309)
Yeah, it's getting weird with Sutton. It's getting weird.
Lori (21:31.053)
She even made like, it was funny cause like production flashed to Sutton's face and she was actually making like fucking googly eyes at Kyle. I was like, what are you doing? What are you doing? Yeah, it was weird.
Kelli (21:41.073)
She completely 100 % was. It was weird. Yeah, I don't, again, I don't think Sutton's cut out for this.
Wendy (21:52.448)
Yeah, because then, you know, Kyle says, listen, there's nothing to tell. We're friends. And then Garcelle and her confessional was really mad at Sutton for not having her back with this. She's like, then I look like the bad guy. Well, guess what, Garcelle, you are the bad guy in this situation. You are the bad guy. I think you are.
Kelli (22:08.287)
And I'm not trying to stick up for her, I'm just saying she was probably saying that because she and Sutton have private conversations off camera about this very thing. Well, we saw it when they were saying the Mo of it, the Kyle of it. Yeah, they've talked about it. So we all know Sutton agrees with Garcelle. Garcelle knows Sutton agrees with Garcelle, but Sutton's not saying it in front of Kyle. So yeah, so I don't blame Garcelle for being like, what the fuck, you're just like hanging me out to dry.
Lori (22:16.94)
Well, even there were some of them, yay. Even some of them.
Wendy (22:22.764)
Absolutely. Absolutely.
Kelli (22:36.669)
You know what I'm trying to say here, like have my back. She's not gonna do it. She's not gonna try to get on the bad side of Kyle or Kathy. I mean, she physically almost passed out at that reunion thinking Kathy was gonna come for her. She's not gonna do it. So Garcelle's looking for something that's never gonna happen.
Lori (22:40.353)
Yeah, I like that. No, she's not gonna pour. Mm-mm. Mm-mm.
Wendy (22:42.314)
No, she's not gonna do it. No, she's not.
Wendy (22:52.995)
Wendy (22:58.806)
I agree, it's not gonna happen. It's not, she's not gonna cross her. Then at the table, they announced that they're doing the boat tomorrow and everyone should come ready and Cathy asked what time and they start at 9.30 so Cathy said that means 10 for me and Boz is like, okay, nine.
Lori (23:15.863)
That's like me. You got to tell me like half hour before. You gotta lie. You gotta lie. Tell him, yeah, you gotta lie.
Kelli (23:16.297)
She's like, what do I say? Yeah, Terry too. You want Terry at your house at three, tell her 1.30.
Wendy (23:23.456)
Yeah, you gotta do what you gotta do, right? You gotta do what you gotta do. So then after dinner, the ladies are getting ready for bed and Cathy gets a call from her brand manager. It says, hold on one second, I'm just gonna get changed. And then she goes off and does all these other things. But meanwhile, she's on speakerphone. She could have done those things while talking to her.
Kelli (23:25.459)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Lori (23:43.095)
I think she forgot.
Kelli (23:43.441)
I'm really hoping that this was production and that it really wasn't those 15 things they showed Kathy doing before she realized she had a phone call waiting for her. I really hope that was production messing around.
Wendy (23:53.294)
She didn't even realize that her... Her brand manager's like, Kathy, are you there?
Kelli (24:01.908)
Lori (24:02.307)
And really though, can't a woman have vacation? Why do you gotta take calls from your brand manager when you're on vacation? It's only a couple of days. Did you see in one of the scenes, that little scenes that they showed real quick of the island, there were two people in a hammock and it was like halfway in the water. I was like, oh, I like a water hammock. I like a water hammock, yeah.
Wendy (24:03.854)
Wendy (24:09.262)
And don't answer the phone. Don't answer the phone.
Kelli (24:09.681)
Yeah, right, don't even answer the phone. Let her leave a voicemail or call her back.
Kelli (24:25.578)
I did see that. Yeah. Yeah. That was nice.
Wendy (24:31.834)
then Boz is like, she's not sure if she should take her hair out because it was a whole big production. Then her, Dorie and Erica are sitting down and talking and Erica's like taking out her hair and Boz is like, this is the second time in my life I've seen a white woman take tracks out of their head and throw it on the chair. The other time was at the party where Cathy Hill took them out in the middle of the party. In the middle of party.
Kelli (24:53.343)
Kathy did it.
Lori (24:53.623)
Well, that's how we roll. We really don't have a thing about our fake hair. Like we don't care. Some of our hair is fake and that's just it. And that's how we're rolling. There's no... Yeah.
Wendy (25:01.23)
Kelli (25:02.685)
Yeah. No.
Kelli (25:07.699)
and it's coming out when it's coming out.
Wendy (25:10.882)
But by the way, none of our hair here is fake, just so our listeners know. We don't have any.
Kelli (25:11.113)
Like I can't wait to rip these eyelashes off as soon as we stop recording this. No, no, but my eyelashes aren't. can't wait to get them the fuck off my face. No, I've never had extensions. Have either of you ever had extensions?
Lori (25:16.003)
We have nothing here.
Wendy (25:26.27)
No, Boz is trying to explain to Dorit she's having a challenge to give and receive an apology. And I agree with that. And I like that Boz was trying to explain it to her because Dorit's not getting it. And I think really the only person... Go ahead.
Kelli (25:41.117)
Lori (25:42.147)
But in the.
But in the end though, was Dorit kind of right? Did she really even mean that apology or did she say that apology because she looked like an asshole and she realized afterwards and been like, shit, like maybe I shouldn't have said that really rude thing in front of all those people, including Jennifer Tilly's friends.
Kelli (25:53.574)
No, she didn't.
Kelli (25:57.492)
Kelli (26:04.445)
Yeah, she just cared about the optics. She didn't care about genuinely apologizing. So you're right.
Lori (26:08.971)
That's what, you know what I mean? So on one hand...
Kelli (26:17.023)
Wendy (26:17.42)
Yeah, but I mean, I agree with what you're saying. I agree with what you're saying. like, Boz point is, we're never gonna move forward if we don't, you know, take a loss or take a win or whatever you wanna call it. We have to do something to move this forward or this is just gonna be what it is, which is horrible.
Kelli (26:24.765)
Lori (26:38.52)
A disaster.
Wendy (26:40.022)
Yes. Yes.
Kelli (26:41.821)
boring season, quite honestly.
Lori (26:43.585)
Wendy (26:43.742)
Yes. Then we see Sutton, Jennifer and Garcelle are all talking and Sutton saying, I'm not apologizing again, meaning to Dorie. And Sutton said, I appreciate that Kyle did step up and you could see Garcelle's like rolling her eyes. And she's like, I feel like she has a blindfold on and she kind of storms off. She's like, you know what?
Lori (27:01.013)
Wendy (27:11.352)
She just stormed off. She's like, I'm done. I'm going to bed.
Lori (27:13.763)
slam the door.
Kelli (27:14.387)
Yeah, she said what she said, you know. I don't think Kyle has your back the way you have hers. And there was a moment tonight where I could have used you and you didn't. You know, she said what she said, which was very good. And then Sutton started trying to explain herself for whatever she was trying to do. And Garcelle was like, I'm all set, I'm good. Good night. So, yeah.
Wendy (27:17.837)
Wendy (27:35.886)
Yeah. Yeah.
Lori (27:36.109)
Yeah, I'm out.
Wendy (27:40.152)
I do think it's interesting when Jennifer tries to kind of jump in, especially in the after show, like when Garcelle and Sutton are kind of going over the Kyle of it, Sutton's like, I'm sorry, like she's not wanting to admit that she's done wrong, but she needs to admit that she's done wrong. So she looks over and she's like, I'm just so distracted by Jennifer's boobs, because her.
boobs are like sticking out of her dress. And Jennifer goes into this whole big story about why her boobs are sticking out of her dress and like then they don't get to what the conversation is. Like it just gets distracted.
Kelli (28:21.811)
Lori (28:22.883)
It's all about Jennifer's boobs. Messed it all up.
Kelli (28:25.203)
Yeah. She's great though, I'm so glad she, if she weren't on this season, I would be like, ugh, like, at least she adds some comedic relief to it.
Wendy (28:25.472)
Yes. Yes, it is.
Lori (28:33.077)
Wendy (28:37.014)
It's funny, I really love Jennifer Tilly too, but when you read social media, some people really don't like her. And by the same token, some people are so in love with Sutton that they can't believe that we have an opinion that is not Team Sutton, regardless of what Sutton does. And it just blows my mind that...
Kelli (28:42.822)
Lori (28:44.067)
I don't know what's the problem with
Kelli (28:58.737)
Yeah, that blows my mind too. I did not think she was a fanfave at all. But Jennifer Tilly did say it on Watch What Happens Live. She's like, people love her. Everyone loves her.
Wendy (29:08.524)
Yeah, I know.
Kelli (29:09.543)
I do not like, I mean, I don't dislike, I just don't think she's cut out for this. I don't think she makes a very good housewife. I just don't.
Lori (29:18.947)
Wendy (29:21.292)
She doesn't, I think she would be fine if she just lived her life. like when she was doing the dating and she was meeting with the, know, that like that was good. When you know that like when she's not trying to stir the pot, she's fine. I mean, last season she was stirring the pot. Right, last season she was stirring the pot with Kyle. Before that she was stirring the pot with Erica. Like when she is not, and Erica's a
Kelli (29:27.314)
Kelli (29:32.605)
Yeah. Yes.
Kelli (29:39.763)
Right. And be up Kyle's ass.
Kelli (29:45.683)
Wendy (29:50.702)
100 % right. She does go after women in this group and she does hold them to a different standard. She's 100 % right. If she would just worry about herself.
Lori (29:59.083)
And she does do it when they're at the lowest point. She does. She does.
Wendy (30:02.988)
When they're down. Absolutely. Absolutely.
And just because she had this great successful financial divorce, don't think you're better than everybody else, you know?
Lori (30:15.756)
Kelli (30:15.817)
Don't even get me started, because people are all over social media. Listen, I stand by it. She didn't do anything to earn that money. She stayed home and raised her kids. We know a lot of women who stay home and raise their kids. A lot of women. She didn't earn that money. She didn't earn that money. And that man was going to go to work every day, whether she was there or not. Sorry, that's how I feel.
Wendy (30:28.897)
Right, right.
Lori (30:28.919)
No, you know what she did?
Lori (30:37.899)
Right. She, what she did is she was fortunate. That's what she was. She was fortunate that she married a man and he made really good money. Because I'm not saying anything in it, stay at home mom, stay at home wives. I was one of them for a long time. That's not my thing. That's not what I'm saying. But that's the only reason she has that money is because she was fortunate.
Kelli (30:44.287)
She was very fortunate. Right.
Kelli (30:52.221)
Kelli (31:07.593)
Right, absolutely.
Wendy (31:07.874)
The people that are pro-Sutton, this is what the people that are pro-Sutton say. Her husband was a powerful, successful businessman and you can't have that unless you have a powerful woman behind them. What? That's what the pro-Sutton people are saying. It's like, when I read these things, just kind of, I just shake my head. like, you've got to be kidding me. Yeah.
Lori (31:22.818)
Yeah, what?
Kelli (31:23.167)
no. Nope.
Kelli (31:31.347)
You have to shake your head, yeah.
Wendy (31:35.18)
So I will say that the ladies all get dressed up in their swimwear and they're going out on that catamaran and they all looked amazing. Every single one of them looked amazing in those bathing suits.
Lori (31:48.739)
Now there was a lot of chatter online in regards to the, much are you weighing at conversation that was had between Erica and Son. Yeah, I think so. But to me, I don't know. That's if you're, but I guess it is weird because they're not really close friends. Like I could see it with like,
Kelli (31:49.118)
Wendy (31:57.43)
Yeah, that was odd.
Kelli (32:01.144)
Erica and Sutton. Was it Erica and Sutton?
Wendy (32:05.058)
Lori (32:17.633)
your close girlfriends like, I don't know. I don't know.
Wendy (32:22.988)
What was the chatter online about it?
Kelli (32:23.123)
It's just a weird thing to ask somebody how much do you weigh? I would never ask somebody how much do you weigh.
Lori (32:26.507)
Yeah, they were just, that's what they were saying that they thought it was like weird that that would be a conversation and that that wasn't really, it's not really appropriate. And then there was a lot of comments about how, you know, they don't think that something weighed what she said she weighed. And then there was a lot of talk about that Dorit was looking like too thin. And I think she was looking...
But she's probably really stressed out and she's probably lost a lot of weight. You know what I mean? So, I don't know. There was just talk about it like how that just it wasn't cool that they were talking about that. And then some people were saying, well, you know what? That's, you know, sometimes with your girlfriends, that's something you talk about. It doesn't mean like you're judging or... No, no, no, no, no. She was just... No, I think she was just serious.
Kelli (32:55.593)
Well, yeah, look what she's going through, yeah.
Kelli (33:15.465)
and I don't think she was judging at all. I don't think Erica was judging. And Erica probably figures like, well, I obviously weigh more. Like I weigh more than her, so I can ask her that. You know what I'm saying? Like, just because they're built differently. Clearly Erica's in great shape. They both are. But she's just built differently. She's bigger. So she probably felt like, you know, she wasn't asking somebody bigger than her how much do you weigh? You know? But women are funny about that.
Wendy (33:20.429)
Now it-
Lori (33:25.025)
Right. And what you said, right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right.
Lori (33:34.593)
Yeah, sun's very small, but yeah.
Right, right, right.
Wendy (33:41.208)
But the conversation started because they were like going down the stairs or something. And Erica said to her, you're not even 100 pounds. Something about what they were doing. I don't remember exactly what it was. I don't know if they were going down the stairs or they were trying to go. She was trying to climb up something. I don't remember exactly. was the conversation. It started innocently about that. She's like, you're not even 100.
Kelli (34:00.818)
you're right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Lori (34:02.881)
had to do with something physical, right.
Wendy (34:09.644)
Something like that. then she said, and then that's where it got into 110. And then she's like, okay. Cause like when I, she's brought herself into, I'm good at like 128. She said, I didn't write it down, but something like that. Like, or what did she say? I think she said, Erica said she was good at 128, but if she got to 110, she wasn't good. Something like that. But it wasn't, it didn't start out as a conversation about.
Kelli (34:10.888)
You're right.
Wendy (34:36.269)
I'm looking at her, she looks skinny. It was about something she was physically doing.
Lori (34:40.545)
doing right.
Kelli (34:42.036)
Wendy (34:43.534)
although I don't remember exactly what it was. So I didn't write it down because I thought, first I thought it was weird and then I thought, oh well, it was kind of innocent, like what it was about. But then they're all sitting on the boat and then they're talking about Jennifer's Dolce & Gabbana earrings about how beautiful they are. And she says, they're one of a kind, you can't buy them at the Dolce & Gabbana boutique. I thought they were the ugliest things I'd ever seen in my life, but I'm sure Lori loved them. They weren't.
Lori (34:45.185)
Yeah, I don't remember.
Kelli (34:45.957)
Kelli (35:09.951)
Were they the Italian horns? That's what it looked like to me.
Lori (35:10.787)
They looked like it. They looked, I thought they were. Yes, that's what it looked like to me.
Wendy (35:13.804)
They did, they-
They looked like that initially, I thought they were. So then I stopped the TV and I like, like stopped it and I looked at them like they're not the Italian horn. I don't even know what they were. I don't know what they were.
Lori (35:24.611)
Like a pepper?
Kelli (35:25.299)
Huh. It looked like a long pepper, looked like a cubanelle. cubanelles are green, but a red cubanelle pepper.
Lori (35:28.995)
It was really late, right?
Wendy (35:29.966)
No, but we're gonna have to get a close-up shot of it and maybe we can find out what it was. I first thought it was an Italian horn too, but anyway, Lori, did you like them? Because you tend to like the big earrings.
Lori (35:34.913)
and see what it is.
Kelli (35:37.821)
Yeah, me too.
Lori (35:41.207)
I do tend, but I did not particularly care for them. But what I did like is I like how she said something like making fun of herself. Like, yeah, this sounds like obnoxious rich person thing or something.
Wendy (35:50.594)
This sounds obnoxious. yeah, she's like, yeah. Yeah, because there's only one of a kind. You can't just buy them at like a boutique. And she's like, that sounds obnoxious. Yeah, but yeah, she didn't mean it that way though. And she, but yeah, she acknowledged it.
Kelli (35:59.709)
yeah, and then she's like, that sounded really obnoxious, yeah. Yes it did, Jennifer Tilly. But you're Jennifer Tilly, so we're okay with it.
Lori (36:01.528)
Yeah, I like that. Yeah. Right. Right. And he didn't, and she didn't mean it that way.
Kelli (36:08.511)
Lori (36:12.123)
I gotta say, I did not like Baza's yachting outfit. Like not one stinking thing about it at all. I liked everybody else's. I just didn't like it. And I think she's beautiful and I love her sense of style and fashion. I think she does really well. I think she styles herself well for her skin tone and her body type.
Wendy (36:24.846)
You didn't like all that gold attached to her hair?
Kelli (36:27.047)
I like their hair.
Lori (36:41.929)
I always love everything that she wears, but I did not like her.
Kelli (36:46.911)
I didn't like any of their outfits, I'll be honest with you. No, Erica's was okay and Kyle's. Other than that, I'm like, I don't get it. I did like Erica's.
Lori (36:48.363)
Are you doing it? I love Jennifer Till. This is beautiful.
Wendy (36:55.854)
I thought Erica's was great. I liked Jennifer Tilly's dress. I thought Erica looked amazing. I thought Kyle and Dorit looked amazing. looked like Kathy. Just all I have to say is Kathy looked like that.
Lori (36:56.033)
I like Jennifer Dilley's dress. Yeah.
Lori (37:10.901)
Right. Kat, you know what Kathy looked like? Kathy looked like how I would look on the book.
Kelli (37:10.941)
Yeah, yeah. Kathy definitely looked like Kathy.
Wendy (37:16.878)
She did. And it's so windy. They're all holding their hats. Their hats are blowing everywhere.
Lori (37:21.153)
little house grumpy.
Kelli (37:24.489)
Yeah, like just put your hair up in a bun. It's windy. It's not, a hat's gonna fly right off.
Lori (37:29.975)
But how about this, what was Erica thinking with that lip liner? Did you notice her lip liner on the boat? It was not a good thing. I was like, girl, you got glam. You got glam and everything. Like, blended a little something.
Wendy (37:30.155)
I know.
Kelli (37:38.633)
That's a big thing now though. Well, this was last year, that's a big, know, but that 90s dark, but that's in right now. That's what I'm saying. The 90s, the dark liner and the lighter lip, that's in.
Wendy (37:54.177)
Lighter lip.
Lori (37:55.297)
I don't know. I didn't like it on her. I just didn't think it was. I'm very critical tonight.
Kelli (38:00.639)
Listen, think that, think if, of all of the beauty trends in the 90s, that was not on my bingo card to come back in 2025. I rocked it. I'm not gonna rock it now though. That could stay in the 90s, but that's in.
Lori (38:07.909)
No, no, no.
Right. Yeah, I can see that. okay. So it's in. All right.
Wendy (38:17.09)
I thought it was funny how Cathy kept asking Jennifer Tilly for stuff. Can you get me this? Can you get me that? they're like, it's like, who I am.
Kelli (38:18.793)
Kelli (38:23.994)
my God. Jennifer Tilley's like, somebody said, do you think she thinks you work here? She's like, I don't even know if she knows who I am.
Kelli (38:36.369)
And Kyle's like, she really doesn't give a fuck who you are. She's still gonna ask you to hand her things. That was very good. That was very funny.
Wendy (38:41.39)
who's ever closest to her. But that is what she does. And again, this is why I like her. She makes me laugh.
Kelli (38:47.805)
Kelli (38:53.039)
I'll be honest, I'm warming up to her this season. I don't know why, I don't know what she's doing differently.
But I am warming up. Maybe it's just because I'm disliking Sutton. I don't know.
Wendy (39:04.538)
Could be. So Kyle's lying up in the front of the boat and Doritza like, I'm going to go up there and lay out in the sun with Kyle.
Lori (39:05.236)
Good day.
Kelli (39:13.149)
I know, I'm surprised Sutton didn't throw her off the side of the boat and go run up and lay next to Kyle. So Dorit couldn't.
Lori (39:18.317)
Yeah, right.
Wendy (39:21.07)
So then Dorit asks her, you know, how are things going with Kim? And she's like, oh good, I don't see her that much. Listen, I don't really think she talks about what's going on with Kim and I don't think that any of that was true. And I do think it's a little odd that she brought it up to be quite honest with you.
Kelli (39:35.625)
Well, you saw the last thing, right? That the cops had to go to her house again, Kim? I mean, this was just recently.
Wendy (39:45.024)
no, I didn't see it just recently.
Lori (39:45.345)
poor baby.
Kelli (39:46.279)
Yeah, something just happened. And it had something to do with Kyle too. it's not that... Yeah, it's not a good situation.
Wendy (39:51.374)
Well, because it's Kyle's house that she lives in. No, it's not. It's not. And of course she's going to say everything's good. I saw someplace that I don't think either her or Kathy are talking to Kim right now because they had to. They had to. Right. And it breaks my heart, to be quite honest with you. It breaks my heart.
Kelli (40:00.734)
Lori (40:01.463)
Kelli (40:08.349)
It's terrible. Right, well, yeah.
Lori (40:13.506)
Wendy (40:19.616)
So then in the back of the boat where the other ladies are Sutton is saying that she was talking to Garcelle and she really meant her apology to Dorit. And she's saying this to everybody else. So it's Erica, Cathy, Jennifer, Garcelle and Boz. And Erica said, you know, what I've noticed is that sometimes you're very critical to the women that are going through it. I've watched you do it to me, Kyle and Dorit. And then they flash back all the times that she's been doing it.
Lori (40:26.499)
Lori (40:48.225)
Kelli (40:48.253)
Yeah, it was.
Wendy (40:48.512)
And she said, she named those three people. She named them.
Kelli (40:53.385)
She did, right? Yeah.
Wendy (40:54.784)
She named them. She was very specific. So how it wound up at the end that Sutton thought she was saying that she was like this to all women is baloney because she named them.
Lori (40:58.498)
Lori (41:06.743)
Yeah, that was just a, that was a redirection. That's what that was. And I like how Erica said, you pose as a friend and act as an enemy. And you know, I think on, I don't know if it was on the regular show in a confessional or on the after show, Boz was saying like, I think it was on the after show. She was saying like, you know, if somebody comes at me in regards to something to my character, yes, I'm going to get heated and I'm going to get upset, but
Kelli (41:11.646)
Wendy (41:16.748)
Work is an enemy, yep.
Kelli (41:16.788)
Lori (41:36.629)
I'm going to come back with a retraction and be like, well, to your point A, to your point B, to your point C. And she said that she felt it was very telling that Sutton did none of those. Just simply reacted, stormed off and was not, you know what I mean? Like didn't necessarily defend herself in, but I always have to remember too that Boz always looks at everything as a business point of view.
Wendy (41:56.514)
Kelli (42:06.334)
Wendy (42:06.434)
Lori (42:06.945)
She always looks at it from like, because I think with corporate people, that's what makes corporate people successful in business, is they take the emotional equation out of things and just look at it more in a black and white stance and approach it from that manner. And that's, think that's how she approaches things, even in her personal life.
Kelli (42:18.171)
Yep. Yep.
Wendy (42:31.697)
I agree with that 100%.
Kelli (42:32.893)
I totally agree with that 100%.
Wendy (42:35.244)
Wendy (42:40.302)
Sutton says, I'm sorry for asking questions at the wrong time. She said, I'm not going to be here to be put in front of a judge and jury. Erica said, you are kicking a dog when she's at her lowest, which was true. Sutton says, I apologized. You said I mistreat women. Erica said, women in this group. Kyle and Dorit are there now, and Dorit is shaking her head yes. And Kyle said, she means women in this group, because Kyle wasn't there when she first said it. But she said the three women in the group.
Kelli (42:52.595)
Kelli (43:10.675)
She said, obviously she meant women in this group. It's obvious. And someone was like, well, I didn't think it was obvious.
Wendy (43:13.334)
Right. Obvious, right? And Erica said, what did you think I said? Women all over the universe? And she said, that's what I thought you meant. No, that is not what you thought. No. Unless you just shut down, which could be, in her mind, she could just shut down when someone starts going for her and just doesn't really pay attention. She hears the one word, mistreat women, and then that's it. She doesn't hear anything else. Which, I...
Lori (43:24.843)
Kelli (43:34.452)
Lori (43:34.498)
Lori (43:41.44)
after that, right.
Wendy (43:42.796)
I could see that in her mind, that's what she said because she really, because like you said, like Bo said, she would come back with this, this and that. I don't even think she could come back because I don't even think she really heard it.
Lori (43:57.101)
But yeah, maybe that's it. I love how Jennifer Tilly says, last week on the crazy yacht from hell. She's great.
Wendy (44:05.75)
Lori (44:09.195)
He's great.
Kelli (44:10.815)
That was so good.
Wendy (44:13.262)
So then Sutton says, what do you effing want from me? Seriously, what do you effing want from me? Sutton says to Erica, your instance is different than theirs. Because that's when Erica mentioned and Sutton doesn't want to move forward with Dorit. So then they're not going to move forward. This is not going to be a Sutton on trial at C and that's when Jennifer says that. Boz is saying, this is surprising to me. This is not the Sutton I recognize. I thought that was odd. She said that in her confessional.
Kelli (44:30.003)
Kelli (44:40.915)
Yeah, because it... Yeah.
Wendy (44:42.786)
This is the only Sutton you've ever seen. Like you don't know any other Sutton.
Kelli (44:45.811)
Right. Right. No, I thought that was odd too.
Wendy (44:49.261)
I thought that was odd.
And that's when Sutton gets up and walks away. And then the only one that gets up to go check on her is Cathy because Garcelle wasn't going to have her back because Garcelle still pissed at her.
Kelli (45:03.583)
I don't blame her. I really don't blame Garcelle for not getting up in this moment. I really don't. I was actually surprised that Cathy did. And I thought to myself, Sutton is gonna love this, but she says I just need a moment by my, can I just have two minutes by myself?
Lori (45:09.101)
Yeah, no, I don't know.
Wendy (45:18.55)
Yeah, she just wants to be alone.
Lori (45:21.387)
And now what do you think of her talking while she's looking out the cabin door or whatever and when she's all alone at the very end of the episode? Do you think she knew full well that the production was getting her saying all that? Yeah.
Kelli (45:42.417)
Absolutely. You're miked. They could be across the yacht from you. You're miked. They get your hot takes. They got it. Unless you took that thing off, they got it. And what'd she say? I hate these fucking bitches.
Wendy (45:43.66)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Lori (45:49.461)
Right. Right.
Wendy (45:50.947)
Lori (45:58.081)
Yeah, like something nasty, real nasty like that. Now on the after show, I thought it was not very nice at all that Sutton was bitching about this whole conversation that she had on the boat with Erica and saying about how Erica has lot of like balls talking about women not being good to other women. And she said, well, what about the wives of all the burn victims?
Wendy (46:00.704)
Lori (46:26.595)
with the Tom Girardi thing, I thought that, yeah, she did. And I was like, oh, girl, like that, that's two separate, like, where are going? Where are you going with that?
Wendy (46:26.755)
Kelli (46:28.137)
She said that.
Wendy (46:29.548)
Yes, yes she did.
Kelli (46:36.745)
That's what I mean, because listen, this is clearly now gonna get back to Erica. Erica's gonna know that you said that and this is gonna be a whole thing. And it should be a thing, because that's fucked up. That's effed up.
Wendy (46:43.426)
Wendy (46:48.558)
It's going to come out on the reunion. It's going come out.
Lori (46:49.407)
It should be a thing. Yeah. Because I was like, no. Like, you just apologize for going below the belt and now you're going again. What are you doing?
Kelli (46:59.677)
And that's Erika's point. That's her point. You say it, but then you say this other stuff and it's like, whoa.
Lori (47:02.819)
There you go.
Lori (47:09.653)
Right. So in the end, that's why I say, well, was Duri kind of right not accepting our apology?
Kelli (47:18.599)
Right. Right.
Wendy (47:20.29)
Listen, think that, yes, because I don't think that Sutton is sincere. And I agree with Kelly that maybe this is not the place for her. But again, like we can't move forward if we just keep talking about the same stupid thing. really, I'm very curious to see what Garcelle and Bozema fight about at this reunion because I think it's bad. I think it's bad.
Lori (47:34.925)
same shit over and over again.
Lori (47:45.539)
don't know anything.
Kelli (47:48.009)
Datu Fight, Boz and Garcelle.
Wendy (47:50.956)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Kelli (47:52.937)
Well, it's just funny because they're both being accused of being Sutton and Dorit's mouthpiece. So maybe that's what it's over.
Wendy (47:57.59)
Mouthpieces, mouthpieces, yeah.
Lori (47:59.465)
Mm-hmm. Who knows, we shall see.
Kelli (48:03.945)
Wendy (48:06.03)
Yeah, I don't know how many more episodes probably. Well, they didn't say the next one's the season finale, so probably at least two more. So we're at 16, so probably at least two more.
Kelli (48:06.335)
Kelli (48:11.165)
I don't think we're getting-
No, they didn't. No.
Lori (48:17.859)
And was it just me? Because I watched it on Peacock. I didn't see any clips for next episode.
Kelli (48:26.779)
I didn't either and I watched it on Comcast DV at my DVR. I didn't either.
Lori (48:32.256)
I was like, huh.
Wendy (48:33.016)
I watched it in the DVR and I have no idea because I don't remember.
Lori (48:36.289)
Yeah, I didn't see anything.
Kelli (48:36.327)
And who was on the after show? Watch What Happens Live. I didn't watch it.
Lori (48:40.653)
I didn't watch.
Wendy (48:41.014)
I did not watch Watch What Happens Live. I don't know.
Lori (48:44.865)
I didn't want to.
Kelli (48:46.183)
I didn't watch Vanita either.
Lori (48:48.087)
But don't they usually, don't they usually show?
Wendy (48:52.93)
They do usually show. But was what was on? Was there something on? you know what was on? It went right to Denise Richards. It went right to Denise Richards. So it did go.
Kelli (48:54.141)
Yeah, yeah.
Kelli (49:00.063)
Denise Richards, Denise Richards.
Kelli (49:05.341)
Right, which I haven't watched that yet.
Lori (49:06.153)
Peacock it goes it went right to something else I forgot what it was but there was no little and next week
Wendy (49:11.191)
Kelli (49:12.711)
Right. Right.
Wendy (49:15.022)
I'll have to wait and see.
Lori (49:17.25)
to wait and see.
Wendy (49:19.064)
All right, I don't have anything else for Beverly Hills. Do you guys have anything else? Okay, until next time, thank you for watching and listening. Please give us five star reviews. Bye.
Lori (49:22.583)
Nope. Nada.
Kelli (49:30.697)
Lori (49:31.511)