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RHOBH-Boz Takes Charge, Dorit & PK Struggle, and Kyle Faces Reality

Season 1 Episode 191

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RHOBH-Boz Takes Charge, Dorit & PK Struggle, and Kyle Faces Reality

RHOBH S14 E15 – Trouble in Paradise

This episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills takes us on an emotional rollercoaster as the ladies navigate friendships, betrayals, and the fallout of past conflicts.

  • Drama at Erika’s House: Dorit, Erika, and Boz discuss Garcelle and Sutton’s tight-knit bond, criticizing how they always have each other’s backs while accusing Dorit of having a “mouthpiece.”
  • Sutton & Garcelle’s Friendship: Garcelle informs Sutton about Dorit’s comments, revealing that Sutton may be seeking deeper friendship with Kyle despite tensions.
  • Kyle’s Emotional Moment: Boz visits Kyle, who breaks down discussing her separation from Mo. Boz shares her own past heartbreak, resonating with Kyle’s pain.
  • Dorit & PK’s Difficult Dinner: Their once-amicable split has turned bitter, and PK admits that their dynamic leads to the worst in each other. Dorit, in her confessional, admits she doesn’t want a divorce, but it’s out of her control.
  • Boz’s Family Moment: Boz and Keeley discuss future plans with Lael, tackling questions about marriage, moving, and expanding their family.
  • Kyle & Mo’s First Reunion: Mo returns from Europe, and Kyle struggles with the reality of their separation, especially after seeing photos of him with another woman. She realizes the breakup might be permanent.
  • The St. Lucia Trip Begins: The ladies jet off to paradise, but tensions are already brewing. Room assignments reflect alliances, with Sutton feeling isolated. Jennifer Tilly voices concerns about the group’s “cliquey” dynamic, leaving Sutton in tears over her lack of support.
  • Boat Trip Showdown: Less than 24 hours into the trip, an argument erupts between Sutton, Erika, and Dorit, setting the stage for more drama in paradise.

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Wendy (00:00.178)
Hi, welcome to We Wine Whenever. I'm Wendy.

Kelli (00:03.796)
I'm Kelly.

Lori (00:04.641)
And I'm Lauren.

Wendy (00:06.18)
We are talking about Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Season 14, Episode Number 15, Trouble in Paradise. I think that's a good one.

Lori (00:16.043)

Kelli (00:17.451)
Yeah, 15 episodes and now we're going on a trip. So we have definitely a couple more episodes left.

Wendy (00:20.932)
Yes, yes we are.

Lori (00:22.264)
I always like a trip.

Wendy (00:26.15)
Yep. I do too.

Lori (00:26.306)
I always like a trip. I like a trip.

Kelli (00:27.627)
Yeah, I like a trip too. Especially the Beverly Hills trips because they're the best by far. No, they're not. It's not like Potomac. Changing in bathrooms.

Lori (00:32.024)
They're not, yeah, they're not fucking around. Yeah.

Wendy (00:37.646)
Yeah, exactly. We start out at Erika's house and Dorit and Bo show up and Bo's brings the St. Lucia gift. That was some gift with different bathing suits and clothing and alcohol. yeah, she sure did.

Kelli (00:51.787)
Yeah, she put a lot of effort into that.

Lori (00:56.046)
And I was looking at those bathing suits and I was like, okay, maybe when I was 20. Yeah, I was like, wow.

Kelli (00:56.247)
But I love how she.

Kelli (01:04.31)

I also loved how Bose was like, I don't want drama on my trip. Okay, Bose.

Lori (01:10.734)
Yeah, okay. I don't know what show you think you're on,

Wendy (01:10.874)
Yeah, yeah. I mean, well, she just met these women. That's what they do.

Kelli (01:14.839)
They all- That's what mean, and they all do it, they're like, but this is my event, so I'm hoping that the girls behave themselves. Nope. Nope, they're not gonna.

Lori (01:17.166)

Wendy (01:22.192)

Lori (01:23.99)
Nope, not gonna happen.

Wendy (01:28.594)
Then we see Dorit brings up what Garcelle said at dinner with Sutton and the way she's going for her. And then Dorit starts talking about her divorce and Erica said, hold on, where were you when all this was going on? Like nobody was there for me when they were coming for me when she was having a hard time. And she is absolutely right.

Kelli (01:53.965)
She's 100 % right.

Wendy (01:55.632)
When Eric, I was so glad that she brought that up because it's true.

Kelli (02:00.105)
Yet they, she said like the, especially Sutton, especially Sutton showed her no grace. No grace. I'm surprised, she said Sutton and Garcelle. I am actually kind of, I don't remember specifically. I am kind of surprised that she said Garcelle too, but if she said it, I'm sure she's right.

Wendy (02:07.096)
No, no.

Wendy (02:19.942)
Yeah, no, I remember it. remember that. And even though Kyle was there for her, Kyle really in the group settings during that time did not have Erika's back.

Kelli (02:33.353)
No, she didn't. Because when Sutton was like, we should get an attorney, should, you know, Kyle like fell in line with that. She did fall in line with-

Wendy (02:37.275)

Wendy (02:41.082)
Yeah, yeah. And then they're talking about how Garcel always has Sutton's back and that they both, they do, they both pile on Dorit, they do. You know, when Sutton and Garcel are together, it's definitely a pile on.

Kelli (02:56.321)
Well, mean, Garcelle's had a problem with Dory for a couple of years.

Lori (02:59.843)

Wendy (02:59.898)
She has, but I mean, I can't wait to see this reunion because supposedly her and Bosma really go at it, Garcelle. And, yeah, really go at it.

Lori (03:08.679)
Kelli (03:08.855)
Really? Well, probably over that because, you know, they keep saying that Bose is Dorit's mouthpiece, but come on, Garcelle's been Sutton's mouthpiece, so it's probably, I would assume it's over that, right?

Wendy (03:19.633)

Lori (03:20.162)
Yeah, so what's the difference?

Wendy (03:22.104)
And I don't know, know Boz isn't gonna back down and also, Kyle left the reunion two times. She got up and walked two times. Yeah, two times.

Kelli (03:32.129)

Kelli (03:35.903)
Actually, I did read where she left when they started questioning her about her separation with Mo. I'm really getting the feeling that she's just very, very distraught over this separation.

Wendy (03:41.756)

Wendy (03:49.963)
she's definitely just draw it over it.

Kelli (03:51.521)
But way more than I think she's wanting to lead on. Yeah, I mean, obviously we would all be devastated going through this, but I don't know.

Lori (03:54.712)
She's letting on. Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Wendy (04:04.305)

Lori (04:04.536)
we shall see.

Wendy (04:07.324)
So then Boz says, you know, we've all been fighting and so that's why I'm doing this trip. know, hopefully, you know, I bring you someplace nice and you know, you'll get along. And then she's like, well, I was just figuring out the rooms and Dorit's like, whoa. And she's like, no, no, no, I got you. So it's going to be in the same villa, Boz, Erica and Dorit, which is good. I think that those three together are good.

Lori (04:19.79)

Kelli (04:36.928)

Wendy (04:37.857)
Wendy (04:41.222)
Garcelle is talking to Sutton and says that Dorit and Garcelle spoke about Kyle. Now this is kind of what I said last time. I don't like how Dorit and Sutton, who are supposed to be friends with Kyle, talk behind her back and don't say it in front of her. You know? I don't like that. Like if you have a problem with it, you say it to her face.

Kelli (05:05.504)

Kelli (05:10.487)
Well, I'm sure that's gonna come out on the reunion too, because that has been happening a lot this season.

Wendy (05:15.888)
Yeah, yeah.

Wendy (05:20.676)
And Garcelle's really going hard with Sutton on this. She thinks that Garcelle wants to be really good friends with Kyle. And yeah, that's what she said. She said, I don't think she's scared of her. think that, like Garcelle had said last time, Sutton seeks validation and approval because she didn't have it from her mother. She didn't have it with her husband. So she seeks it from...

Kelli (05:27.191)
She says she's scared of her. I think she's right.

Lori (05:40.342)
and approval, definitely.

Lori (05:47.467)

Wendy (05:50.542)
her friends. And like I said, she really considered Kyle a friend.

Kelli (05:55.713)
You know why I think it's more than that though? I think that Sutton, I mean maybe it comes down to her just wanting to be their friend, but I think the reunion last year where she basically had to go to the hospital when they brought Kathy out. Because of Sutton, because of meddling in Kyle and Kathy. She made plenty of comments last season about Kathy and Kyle's relationship.

Wendy (06:13.372)
Sutton did. Right.

Lori (06:14.616)

Wendy (06:24.113)

Kelli (06:24.319)
And I think she knew that Kathy was gonna come in hard for her about that. I, as I think that maybe she's not scared of them, but she's very cautious with them because if you cross Kyle, even if Kyle and Kathy, this has been proven, even if Kathy and Kyle aren't getting along, if you cross Kyle the wrong way, Kathy's gonna come at you. And clearly Kathy's got a lot of pull in that town, so.

I think she's very cautious. Maybe scared isn't the word, but Garcelle said it and I tend to agree with her.

Wendy (07:02.874)
Yeah, I mean, I don't know. do think that's, no, she definitely did. She definitely did. mean, it like ruined the whole reunion because they couldn't, they could never resolve that issue because she had to leave and Garcelle left too. Right.

Kelli (07:06.662)
She had a physical reaction to her at the reunion.

Kelli (07:13.601)

Kelli (07:17.803)
And Garcelle left with her and Garcelle was involved in more of the... Yeah. Yeah.

Wendy (07:22.106)
Right, Yeah. Garcelle then tells Sutton that when she went out with Dorit, she said to Dorit, if Sutton gives you a Kelly bag, will that make everything okay? And Sutton was about to say, well, I'll give her one, but then she's like, and she said, yeah, of course it will. Again, trying to make it into something that it wasn't. She was joking about it. Dorit was joking. We all know it was a joke.

Lori (07:23.054)

Lori (07:45.653)
She's joking. Yeah.

Wendy (07:50.14)
but Garcelle just wants to stir that pot. And I don't know why. I really don't know why she wants to do that.

Kelli (07:57.303)
Well, it's probably like everything else in life when you're talking about someone else or sharing someone else's goings-ons, it's to take the focus off of you. So maybe Garcelle one doesn't have anything really going on, or two does and she doesn't wanna share it. So she's just gonna stir the pot with everybody else so the focus stays on them. Could be, right?

Lori (08:23.554)
There you go. Well, it keeps her relevant now, doesn't it?

Kelli (08:27.325)
Right, or maybe she just thinks it's her being a good housewife. I mean, she shares plenty with her kids, don't get me wrong. I'm just saying that could be a reason. I don't know.

Lori (08:37.102)

Wendy (08:38.618)
know either. I feel like, I feel like she wants to claim the spot of top dog.

Kelli (08:45.709)
That could be it too.

Wendy (08:47.13)
I feel like that's what she's vying for and the only way

Kelli (08:50.219)
Maybe she thinks she brings, I mean, aside from Jennifer Tilly, she's got probably the best I.M.B.D. out of all of them, right?

Lori (08:59.76)
yeah, I would think so.

Wendy (09:01.284)
Yeah, but I mean, that's not what reality TV's about.

Kelli (09:05.301)
I totally agree with you, but maybe she thinks, I don't know. It's a good theory though.

Wendy (09:09.774)
I don't know either. just, this is what I don't like. I don't like when people need to tear others down to elevate themselves. Like, I just think that that's ridiculous. Like, we should not be doing that as women or as people. Like, we shouldn't be doing that. Like, if you want...

Lori (09:24.141)

Kelli (09:25.495)
But that's what Housewives has become. That's what Housewives has become.

Lori (09:28.494)
Absolutely. Unfortunately.

Wendy (09:33.241)

Kelli (09:34.111)
And it's sad because it wasn't like that. It was the opposite when it first started with Vicki and Gina. It was the opposite of that.

Wendy (09:35.867)
It is.

Wendy (09:43.866)
Yeah, I don't like that. I don't like that part of it. I really don't.

Lori (09:47.662)
Yeah, like when Garcelle was talking to Sutton and she says, you know, we talked about the whole mo of it all. Did you catch when she said that? I was just like, oh, look at you like making your own little tag lines there. Okay. Yeah, Garcelle. Yeah.

Kelli (09:47.853)

Wendy (09:55.001)
Right. Yeah, yeah.

Kelli (10:00.845)
You gonna put that on a t-shirt now, Garcelle?

Wendy (10:02.14)
Well, right, but Sutton did it too when she said, let's talk about the Kyle of it. And I was like.

Kelli (10:09.271)
Yep. Maybe that's why Garcelle said it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Lori (10:09.942)
Right. Sad to mow it. Yeah. Yeah.

Wendy (10:12.462)
Yeah, yeah, I mean, it's like, come on, just stop. Then we see Boze goes over to Kyle's house and she brings her over the St. Lucia gift. And Kyle's talking to her staff in Spanish and Boze is like, I didn't know that you spoke Spanish. then, know, Kyle gives her a little bit about her, you know, her history and, you know, Mo's, you know, Mexican and, you know, she's, she does. She's, and we've seen her do it many times. She speaks to her staff in Spanish.

Kelli (10:38.561)
Yeah. Yeah.

Lori (10:40.342)
And she said, we always, and she said, we, what, did she word it? Somehow implying that she always had staff around that spoke Spanish. Yeah.

Kelli (10:51.137)
Yes, she did, even when she was like prior to being with Mo. Yes, she did imply that. I mean, her first husband, I do believe was very, very wealthy. I forget what he did. He was older than her, Farrah's father, but I do believe he was extremely wealthy. But I got the impression she was talking about like growing up too.

Lori (10:54.779)
Yeah, that's what her implication was.

Wendy (10:55.036)


Wendy (11:05.199)

Lori (11:11.082)
Rolling up, right? That's how she made it sound. I don't know that that was necessarily the case, though.

Wendy (11:13.851)

Kelli (11:17.695)
So I don't know, like I'd love to know, this is what I wanna know about Kyle. So Kathy has a different father than Kyle and Kim. So I wanna know, like did her father live with her for a little while and then leave? Like what happened with her father and her mother that her mom then became a stay at home mom, I mean a single mom and then, you know, but somehow afforded this lifestyle for them.

They were child actors though, Kim and Kyle. So maybe they afforded their own lifestyle. I don't know. This is the thing I want. Did she write a book? Can I read a book?

Wendy (11:51.439)

Lori (11:51.512)

Wendy (11:59.174)
Well, she didn't write a book, that show that she had on for a short amount of time, it was loosely based on, I did too. Honestly, I don't really even remember it. I feel like it was so long ago.

Lori (11:59.256)
I don't know.

Kelli (12:03.605)
It was loosely based on, and I did watch it.

Kelli (12:10.9)
I know, and I don't-

Lori (12:11.266)
So listen, let's do this. Let's ask our listeners who out there is the, you know, Kyle Richards aficionado and let us know if they know.

Kelli (12:23.469)
Yeah, if you know, like what was the deal with her parents? Was her father ever in her life? Was he in her life and then left?

Kelli (13:24.534)

Lori (13:24.62)

Kelli (13:29.485)
All right.

Lori (13:34.988)
Okay, okay.

Kelli (13:35.021)

Kelli (13:40.619)
Yeah, but we do need somebody to fill us in on the Kyle of it all. I wanna know.

Wendy (13:45.86)
Yes. Okay. Now we're now. Okay. Now we just use Kyle as a verb. I just said we can't do that. It's so funny.

Lori (13:46.22)
Yes. Her early history.

Lori (13:53.094)
Okay. Well, I like that you're getting in trouble too, Kelly. That's good. Not just me. Good. Okay, good.

Kelli (13:55.253)
Bose's mouth, yeah, absolutely. Bose's mouth noises when she reacts to something. ooh, I absolutely love it too. She's hysterical.

Wendy (13:57.655)

Lori (14:03.607)
I love it.

Wendy (14:09.616)
Yeah, she does do that a lot. Ooh, you're right. Yeah, that's funny. Let's see.

Kelli (14:12.097)

Lori (14:15.799)
I love it.

Lori (14:20.76)
Now, how about Kathy Hilton when she was talking about, in her little confessional where she was talking about her flub at the fashion show. And she's like, I only have the best intentions. And then she takes like that thirsty sip of water from her glass. I was like, girl, you girl, must stop.

Wendy (14:37.742)

Kelli (14:41.773)
Seriously, stop.

Lori (14:43.04)
just stop.

Wendy (14:43.098)
Yeah. So back to Kyle and Boz. So they sit down and they start talking and Kyle says like, when I first met you, Mo had just moved out. And she starts crying because she's emotional and she had a lot going on in her life. And after she starts telling Boz that story, Boz is like, well, listen, I can relate to this because when Peter died, was four, we had been separated and

you know, he had started dating someone, which was fine. And then he got diagnosed with terminal cancer. And she goes, it changed for me. I walked into the hospital. I saw this woman there who he was dating and she was there like giving him this tender kisses. And I was like, no, she needs to get the F out. You're mine. We only have a short amount of time left. you know, he respected that.

Kelli (15:33.399)
Get out. Mm-hmm.

Wendy (15:42.544)
got rid of this other woman and they got... Yes, yes. yeah. Yeah.

Kelli (15:44.277)
Is that what she said? He did? because I didn't see that on the show. I'm like, damn. He really did that to this poor woman who was there?

Lori (15:45.698)
On the after show, yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah, on the after show. Yeah. Yeah?

Wendy (15:53.518)
Yes. Yes. Listen, not this poor woman. They told, because then Kyle said, how long? And she said, well, the doctors initially said two weeks, but it turned out that he had six weeks and he was diagnosed in May. And then he passed, I think it was in December. Yeah.

Kelli (15:57.005)

Kelli (16:04.846)
Lori (16:06.029)

Six weeks,

Lori (16:16.044)
December, yeah, December, and it was only 43, and it's called Burt Kitts Lymphoma.

Wendy (16:20.188)

Wendy (16:24.956)

So listen, I don't, when she heard that with Kyle, of course she could relate to that, know? Seeing the man that you've spent 30 years with kissing someone else like that in public so much younger.

Lori (16:43.551)
yeah, devastating.

Wendy (16:45.348)
Yeah, yeah, I mean, I don't know if you guys saw it just came out this week, but just this week, I don't know which place it was at, but Mo was kissing some brunette in a bar restaurant that Lisa Rinna and I think it was Erica had just left. Like they had just missed each other. This just came out this week. He's local.

Kelli (16:45.58)

Kelli (17:10.199)
So he's local. He's local with somebody.

Wendy (17:12.23)
He's doing it, he's doing it local. They just missed each other. I'm like, ugh.

Kelli (17:16.055)
telling you, think Moe was a dirty dog all these years. I really do.

Wendy (17:19.888)
I just missed each other.

Lori (17:22.926)
But I did like seeing those two connect. That was nice. And I love how Bose came right out and said like, like, okay, so how long can you do this? Like, or be in this separated space? Like, I love how you just like came right out with it, like direct, no bullshit.

Wendy (17:25.882)
I did too.

Kelli (17:26.283)
Yeah, yes.

Wendy (17:42.972)
But that was the time to do it though, because it was a one-on-one conversation. They were both opening up to each other. Like that's the time to do it. Not when you're in a group setting with someone that you don't really know anything about. And you know, that's kind of what's been happening because they really never did get a chance to know each other. Unlike Boze and Dorit, who, you know, as soon as Dorit met Boze, she just, you know, vomited her entire, you know, history with PK.

Lori (17:52.221)
No. Right.

Kelli (17:54.274)


Lori (18:07.426)
Life, yes.

Kelli (18:08.695)
My husband's an alcoholic.

nice to meet you. My name is Bose.

Wendy (18:13.338)
Yeah. And then we see Dorit and PK go for dinner. They both say it feels a little weird. Dorit said she thought that this was going to be an amicable separation and it turned into the worst three month roller coaster. That's, know.

Lori (18:29.806)
So the whole thing about, then there's this whole thing, at least for me, I go back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. Like, is it totally screwed up that she ordered a regular drink or is it not?

Wendy (18:44.932)
I don't think it's screwed up. I don't.

Lori (18:49.358)
about you now.

Wendy (18:49.424)
I don't.

Kelli (18:50.889)
It depends on, I'm sure she asked him, do you mind if I have a cocktail? Because that's what you do. I mean, you know, I've always been around people in recovery. So in the beginning of their recovery, it's always a question. Like, do you mind if I do? Or I just wouldn't, just because I wouldn't, depending on the circumstances.

Lori (18:57.815)
off camera.

Wendy (19:00.593)

Lori (19:18.796)

Kelli (19:20.503)
But you ask, and I'm sure she asked.

Lori (19:23.212)
Yeah, it was just interesting to me. was just thinking to myself, well, you know, is it messed up or isn't it messed up?

Wendy (19:23.504)
I would think, yeah.

Kelli (19:29.835)
I mean, he asked for a mocktail. So, you know, if you're drinking a mocktail, why would you, you know, should it bother you that she's drinking a cocktail? It's not like you're going, you're even going home with her.

Wendy (19:31.91)

Lori (19:32.364)
Right. Right.

Wendy (19:42.512)
Right. He was drinking a phony Negroni. I don't know what's a Negroni. I don't even know what that is. Do you?

Lori (19:43.182)
I don't know.

Kelli (19:44.352)

Yeah, that was funny.

Lori and I know what a Negroni is. I don't know exactly what's in it, but Tess brought one home pre-made from her work. I forget, we must've been doing clips for the podcast or something, but remember we opened it up that night and it was disgusting. I think it was gin in it.

Lori (20:07.52)
that thing. Oof.

Wendy (20:09.116)
I was like, Lori doesn't know what you're talking about. I can see it in her eyes.

Lori (20:12.812)
I didn't. But now that you said it, that drink, was horrible. Now I'm like, yeah, now I know what you're talking about.

Kelli (20:14.701)
I don't know if it was just this brand of it and it was pre-made. It was so bad. And I can drink pretty much anything. And I love gin and tonic, but I think this was made with gin. I didn't like it. We did not like it at all.

Lori (20:21.829)
it's hard.

Wendy (20:26.194)

Lori (20:28.13)
That was nasty.

I know, was nasty. Yeah, it was nasty. No new brownies. Yeah, no new brownies, no.

Wendy (20:34.672)
Okay, so no Negronies for us. Okay. Okay.

Kelli (20:35.949)
It's like a mixed drink.

Wendy (20:44.112)
What else? So she says that she feels like her eyes are wide open now.

Lori (20:48.502)
And you could see on his face that he was thrown off by that and he had to stop and recalculate. I find him very, very calculating. I can't say that I'm necessarily a fan, a big fan of P.K.

Kelli (21:01.665)
I think he's trying to stay one, like, or five steps ahead of him.

Lori (21:04.782)
But you could just see, I could just see that the clock works in his head, like when she said it and you could just tell how he like rephrased the question to her. That's all, that's all somebody trying to...

Kelli (21:21.751)
I think he...

I think he clearly likes to have a dominant role in their relationship. And I think that once Dorit started making her own money, the playing field got too level for him. And I don't think he liked it at all. I think he liked having the upper hand in the relationship and you know.

Lori (21:28.094)

Lori (21:34.6)
Mm-hmm. think change. Yeah, change things. Mm-hmm. Because all his... yeah. Because all his implications that she's a control freak, that's not something I necessarily see. I think that him being absent so much, like if she is any kind of control freak, I think that that's maybe what he made her.

Kelli (22:01.645)
Yeah, and she's probably a control freak about things with her kids, which we all are to a certain degree because we bear the brunt of most of it. So.

Lori (22:07.533)

Wendy (22:11.154)

Lori (22:11.33)
Yeah, because that whole apartment conversation was so convoluted. I was like, you could just you could just tell from that conversation even about that one specific thing. Like anything I needed to know about him, I found out from that one little snippet of conversation. was like, OK, I see you. I see how you're working.

Kelli (22:35.136)
Mm-hmm, got you.

Wendy (22:35.89)
Yeah, because when she said her eyes were wide open, that's when P.K. let her know, well, things took a turn for him when he moved out of the house and into the apartment because he felt slighted that she was in the big house, his big house, and he was in a small apartment. And Dorit said, well, there was never a conversation. And P.K.'s like, well, I didn't want to have the conversation. Okay, well, if you didn't want to have the conversation, then, I mean,

Kelli (22:58.443)
He- you left, he left.

Wendy (23:05.637)
That's what Dorit is saying. That's what our problem's always been is that there was never any, we didn't have good communication. There was no conversation. And if you were missing all the time and she was there in the house, well, why would you stay in the house? Like that wouldn't make sense.

Lori (23:12.109)

Lori (23:19.884)
Right, and I have it written down. It's interesting, like I don't feel like, if you go to the Kyle and Mo situation, I don't feel like Mo would begrudge Kyle living in the house. But that's what I'm saying, like, so what are you even talking about?

Kelli (23:19.914)
No, obviously.

Kelli (23:36.427)

Wendy (23:37.264)
Not at all.

Kelli (23:44.033)
I think he's just a very insecure man. And it doesn't sound like either one of them are paying the bills. It doesn't sound like anybody's paying for that house because the word foreclosure keeps coming up. And honestly, the more I think about it, I think she had all those racks of clothes upstairs and boxes and piles because she might have to get out of there at some point. But yeah.

Lori (23:46.676)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, I like how he worded it.

Lori (23:57.965)

Lori (24:07.436)

Kelli (24:10.253)
Why would he why would he stay in the house? She's got she's take she's the primary caretaker of the two kids He just sounds like an asshole really you're right. I'm not a big fan anymore either after this

Wendy (24:17.028)

Lori (24:17.09)
Yeah. Right.

No, and the way he worded it when he was saying about, when he was talking about the apartment, he said, know, he worded that it was an approval process he didn't want to go through.

Wendy (24:40.368)
What approval from approval?

Kelli (24:40.545)
For the apartment. for the apartment.

Lori (24:43.116)
Because what he said was that, yes, what he said was that the argument started about the apartment and he worded it like that she was giving him shit about where this apartment was and when he was gonna move into this apartment, blah, blah, blah. And he said that that's just showing him what a control freak she is and that he felt like...

Wendy (24:45.852)
Approval from her?

Lori (25:12.898)
her being involved in that conversation was an approval process that he did not want to go through. Those were his words. So I think that he's probably just always done what he wanted and he didn't like finally being questioned about something.

Kelli (25:25.389)

Wendy (25:33.776)
Well, then she... Go ahead.

Lori (25:34.08)
And then, and then like Wendy's gonna say, they said they didn't even have the conversation. So what is he even talking about?

Wendy (25:41.318)
Right, didn't have it, right. Right.

Kelli (25:41.601)
Right. Right, right. Exactly. He made it all up in his head and then decided he didn't want to have the conversation.

Lori (25:47.086)
Yeah, I think so.

Wendy (25:47.313)
And then.

Lori (25:50.219)

Wendy (25:51.218)
And then sent the long email, because that's what she said. Like, what prompted that long email that knocked me off my feet? Dorit said, you obtained a lawyer. Like, you are 100 steps ahead of me. And I think that that's really, And then she asked him, did you at any point want a divorce? Then he says, unfortunately, you don't bring out the best in me. You bring out the worst in me. So that does lead to a divorce.

Lori (25:57.474)

Lori (26:01.358)

Kelli (26:14.795)
Yeah, that wasn't good.

Wendy (26:20.88)
We have to co-parent and we have to have a relationship and you're my best mate. We need to find that friendship again. I believe we've lost it. But that's not, first of all, you didn't answer the question. The question is yes, you do want a divorce. So just say that. Then in her confessional, Dorit says, I don't think he wants a divorce. And she says, but she's not the one in control of it. Like she doesn't, she doesn't, I'm like,

So that means she doesn't, she doesn't, and she even said that on Watch What Happens Live. It's not up to her whether or not they get a divorce. Yes, it is. It is up to you. I mean.

Lori (26:50.552)
But what do mean? Right.

Lori (26:56.622)
Yeah. It's crazy town. Yeah.

Kelli (27:00.225)
Yeah, right. I mean, unless she's saying she clearly doesn't want one, and if he wants one, she has no choice but to give him one, because that's true.

Lori (27:02.615)
Now when P.K.

Lori (27:10.956)
Yes, that's true. But that's okay. But he was saying that he sent that email. He said, that's what life will look like if they don't resolve this. That sounds like a threat to me. That's not sounding like you're trying to work something out. And then he says the reason why he got a lawyer is so that they can have a sensible commercial conversation.

Kelli (27:12.535)
But him saying, sorry.

Lori (27:40.056)
Those were his exact words. Yes, exactly. I rewound it like three times. A sensible commercial conversation. So it is not a business merger, PK. Like I don't, you know. So he was saying that he brought in lawyers so they could communicate.

Wendy (27:41.394)

Kelli (27:41.933)

Kelli (27:51.713)
Yeah, that's what it sounds like.

Wendy (27:52.283)

Lori (28:00.322)
It's now, it makes no, no slicker sense.

Wendy (28:01.669)
No. No.

Kelli (28:04.535)
Well, people keep commenting on our post that Dorit, that they're back together. And I looked it up. I'm like, I, cause they're like, did you hear they're back together? I'm like, I didn't hear it, but I'm looking for it. And I didn't see anything. And she didn't say that on Watch What Happens Live. So I wonder where they're, you know, why they're, why they're saying that.

Wendy (28:19.644)
She didn't say that on Watch What Happens Live. They're not, they're absolutely not together because Planet Hollywood opened in New York this past week in Times Square and the housewives were there, New Jersey. Dolores didn't go because she was tired, but Melissa was there. PK was there because boy George was there and I watched an interview with him on TikTok or Instagram and they asked him about Dory.

Kelli (28:28.598)

Wendy (28:48.322)
And he said, no, she's not here with me. And he made it very clear in that interview that they are not together. He made that very clear just this last week. So they are not together. But she did say on Watch What Happens Live, like, I think if he said, you know what, you know, I love you, I want to come back, she would just be like, okay, come on, let's go, we'll figure this out. And I can't.

Kelli (28:54.785)

Lori (29:00.675)

Kelli (29:11.445)
I think she would too. I think Kyle would too, quite honestly. I think that's what Kyle wants.

Wendy (29:16.998)
I think Kyle definitely would. I think that's a totally different situation. And especially the way Moe has treated Kyle compared to how Piquet has treated Dorit.

Kelli (29:21.646)

Kelli (29:27.489)
Yeah, but I mean, I agree with you, but at least PK's not out, you know, hooking up with other people and having pictures taken. Maybe he is, but he's not having pictures taken of himself and plastered all over the place in public. You know?

Lori (29:36.183)
or is he?

Wendy (29:36.356)
What is he? mean, and.

Lori (29:42.701)
Right, right.

Yeah, so I was not a fan.

Wendy (29:46.735)
I don't know.

No, so the next thing we see is Boze is getting ready for Keely to come over. She's saying that her daughter, Leigh-El, hasn't really spent any one-on-one time with him. And he shows up and he brings flowers for Leigh-El and he brings dessert for dinner. I love Leigh-El. I think she is so spot on. You can definitely tell that she is Boze's daughter.

Kelli (30:06.177)
Me too.

Kelli (30:12.267)
Just firing those questions off, huh? Good for her.

Wendy (30:14.194)
She sure was. Yeah, first question was, would you move in together before that you got married? And Keeley says, well, that's a tough question. I've lived with someone before I got married. But I think in this case, I'd probably wait until at least there was an engagement, which is a great answer, right? I'd want you and her to have a conversation first. Great answer.

Lori (30:14.595)

Kelli (30:35.053)
Great answer.

Lori (30:35.822)

Lori (30:40.078)
Great answer.

Kelli (30:41.323)

Wendy (30:42.61)
And the next question was, you think you guys would move here or San Diego or somewhere in the middle? And he's like, well, it would be easier for me to move here, but I would keep my place in San Diego. He said, well, you know, what would you prefer? And of course she said, I'd rather stay here. I mean, this is where her friends are. Why is she going to want to move to San Diego? And then the next question was, do you guys want to have multiple kids or just one? I was like, ooh, go, go, Le'el.

Kelli (31:04.546)

Kelli (31:11.724)

Wendy (31:12.69)
And Bo's inner confessional is like, she's asking all the questions I wanted answers to also.

Lori (31:18.883)

Kelli (31:19.233)
Yeah, and I thought his answer to this was fantastic.

Wendy (31:23.13)
Yeah, well he didn't actually answer it.

Kelli (31:26.017)
Well, he said we have to see how your mom, you know, physically does, yeah. If she chooses to carry the child, if they don't get to do a surrogate.

Wendy (31:29.816)
Yes. Yes, yes. No, that was awesome.

Lori (31:30.038)
help us,

Wendy (31:37.286)

Lori (31:37.454)
Right. It's just very sad though to me to keep seeing the inside of her house. Because it's not there anymore. You know what I mean? You could just tell how she was just happy there and comfortable and it's just very, I just found it very sad. I just keep thinking of that.

Kelli (31:42.685)
my gosh, I totally agree with you. Yes.

Kelli (31:53.141)
I totally agree with you. was thinking that during this scene.

Wendy (31:59.666)
Then Laels, how soon do you think you'd want to get married and have the kids? And his answer was, well, your mom embodies the essence of someone who instills great values. Bo says, thank you. I appreciate that very much. Killy says, I forgot what the question was. So he didn't answer that question as to like, and I guess like he doesn't know.

Kelli (32:23.383)
No he didn't. When you gotta put a ring on it.

Lori (32:26.978)
Yeah, how do you know?

Kelli (32:29.365)
He doesn't seem like the type of guy who wants to do it on camera. I hope he doesn't do it on camera. I hope it's happening now, like off camera. You know what I mean? I just feel like they're too good for that.

Lori (32:38.838)
Yeah, that would be nice.

Wendy (32:40.049)

Lori (32:43.606)
Yeah, I agree.

Wendy (32:43.761)

Next thing we see is Kyle's at home talking to her daughter, Portia, and Mo comes over, and then Portia gives a hug and leaves. You know, I feel, this is how every scene is with Portia. Like, she's there for a minute and then she excuses herself.

Kelli (33:01.825)
You know what's interesting? I was thinking about this because I remember when my, so my dad left, you know, after 30 years of being married to my mom and he would come back, like, you know, he would come in the house and just, you know, same thing, like make himself a cup of coffee, go do this, go do that. And it was, it was, and it was just me at home with my mom at this point, Patty and Terry were out and.

Lori (33:02.016)

Lori (33:22.679)
It must have been so weird. So weird.

Kelli (33:31.199)
I remember thinking like, why is he coming back here acting like this is his house? So I was watching this scene thinking, I wonder if that's what's going through Kyle's head. Like, you fucking ask me if you can have a cup of coffee.

Lori (33:35.743)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Thanking that.

Wendy (33:41.948)
I don't think it was.

Lori (33:45.666)
Right? Clang in your spoon.

Kelli (33:47.725)
my God, you wanna smack him? Clank, clank, clank, clank, clank, and he's smiling so you know he knew what he was doing.

Lori (33:51.022)
Wendy (33:56.324)
No, he was nervous. He was so nervous. You could tell. I mean, that clanking of the spoon. He was so nervous. Kyle said on the after show that he didn't want to have this conversation on camera. And he does. There's like a long pause.

Lori (33:56.462)

Kelli (33:58.509)
You did look nervous. Yeah.

Kelli (34:11.603)
About the scene about the girl at the airport that okay, okay

Lori (34:14.252)
Yeah. Yeah. She said he was, she said she was surprised that he even actually said it.

Wendy (34:15.249)

Wendy (34:19.706)
Yeah, yeah. I mean, prior to that, he said that, you she asked how the trip was and he said, you know, was a lot of spas and sound healing and spiritual healing. He's like, I only partied like five nights. And she's like, yeah, I find that hard to believe.

Kelli (34:21.419)

Kelli (34:37.261)
Out of how many weeks? Three? Yeah. yeah, four weeks, four weeks.

Lori (34:37.518)
Yeah, me too.

Wendy (34:39.506)
20, what'd he say, 25 days? Yeah.

It's the first time he's ever gone away without his family. I can imagine that that's a little odd, you know, 25 days away.

Kelli (34:56.205)
Yeah, I guess if it not being a business trip because he was definitely away on his own for business trips But yeah, I guess this was all for fun

Wendy (35:01.124)

Lori (35:05.954)
Yeah, it's for a single guy trip.

Wendy (35:06.042)

Right, right.

Kelli (35:08.907)
Right. Right.

Lori (35:09.88)
Which I don't know, I don't know. To me, I have a whole, it's just to me, it's just the whole idea of separation is just fucking weird. Like, okay, so you're still married, but you're acting like you're single. Like, I don't, it's just, that's what I'm saying. But even to me, like the whole separation thing is weird. You're still married, but you're acting like you're not married. I don't know, to me.

Wendy (35:22.642)
Well, they're separated. They're separated.

Kelli (35:24.204)

Kelli (35:33.141)
Yeah, like don't you feel, yeah, like to go like kiss another woman, but you're still legally married. I mean, obviously.

Lori (35:37.28)
Yeah, to me, me, be like separated would be, all right, you're separated. Maybe you like both live in separate places for a little bit. But to me, if you're separated, I don't know, like you're going to therapy, you're trying to figure out what you want to do with your marriage. You're not like running around going out on dates and shit. I don't know. To me, it's just not my thought of separated. I'm just saying it's just my personal.

Kelli (36:03.905)
Right, because you think like if you're separated, that means that there's still hope, hopefully, that you could work things out and you go in and hook it up with somebody else is not helping you work things out with your spouse. Yeah, no, I see what you're saying. I think that, yeah, and I think that that's what it comes down to. Everyone's interpretation of separated is their own interpretation. Sure, yeah.

Lori (36:13.674)
Yeah. So why are getting separated? And then, you know, like just, I don't know, just to me, my own personal opinion of it.

Lori (36:24.768)
of what it is is different. I'm just saying for me, it just, the way I look at it, it's just weird.

Wendy (36:32.538)
Now, I mean, I could see where you would think that, but I think, like Kelly said, I think everyone has a different interpretation of what separated means, you know? Right. Right.

Kelli (36:40.799)
Yeah, and you make it your own like everything else now, which is good

Wendy (36:46.384)
I mean, he does apologize. He said he didn't know about it. He'd never, you know, he'd never want to hurt her or the girls that way. And I believe that. I believe he was completely sincere with that. Kyle also said that, you know, she believes him, but she's not sure if somebody didn't know about it, implying that, you know, the girl, and I completely agree with her. Kyle says the photos really did say to me that, you know, he's moving on.

Kelli (36:56.493)

Wendy (37:15.178)
and she starts crying and he comes over and he hugs her. And you can see they really care about each other. There is real love there. I don't see that with Dorit and PK. I do not see that same love and tenderness. I don't see it. I don't. Right.

Kelli (37:23.969)

Lori (37:29.846)
Mm-mm. Yeah.

Lori (37:34.112)
No, that same connection. Nope.

Kelli (37:36.471)
think with P.K. and Dorie that they fought nasty. I think that they said things to each other that were real, real nasty. And I don't think Kyle and Mo had that experience. So now, now they're separated, P.K. and Dorie, and you can't, you can't forget those things you say or things that were said to you.

Lori (37:50.776)

Lori (37:54.668)

Wendy (38:02.31)

Kelli (38:05.205)
So that's probably the difference. There are more walls up with PK and Doreen than there are with Kyle and Mutt.

Wendy (38:08.283)
And especially

Wendy (38:17.07)
especially considering the fact that Piquet was an alcoholic. And I'm sure those interactions, he was nasty.

Kelli (38:21.101)

Kelli (38:25.536)

Lori (38:25.8)
I could see that a mile away.

Wendy (38:27.162)
Right? I'm sure he was nasty.

Kelli (38:28.309)
and she's not a wallflower where she's gonna keep her mouth shut, she's gonna go right back at you. She's feisty.

Wendy (38:31.81)
Right. Right. And if he, like, I don't think he's owned his part in this whole separation.

Lori (38:33.752)
Yeah. Yeah.

Lori (38:40.086)
No, no, no, no,

Kelli (38:41.045)
I don't either. Other than saying I had a drinking problem and I'm working on it. He has done that. But he hasn't addressed disappearing for weeks at a time in Europe.

Wendy (38:45.719)
Right. Right.

Lori (38:45.964)
Right. Right. And on the end.

Lori (38:52.28)
Right. Right. And on the after show, Dorit did say, you know, because Boz asked, you know, do you really think he's going to therapy? Is he doing the work? And she said, yeah, he's going to therapy, but I'm not seeing any results from it. So.

Wendy (38:52.356)
Right. Right.

Kelli (39:08.269)
Yeah, because he's a narcissist. So it's hard to break through that and get them to actually... The problem is that he doesn't think he's done anything wrong. That's the problem with a narcissist. They never think they're doing anything wrong. So to get them to admit it and try to fix it and rectify it is very difficult.

Lori (39:13.37)

Wendy (39:17.266)
Well, that's it. Yes. Exactly.

Lori (39:17.314)
Yeah, well, you.

Lori (39:25.442)
Well, he basically said that at their lunch.

Wendy (39:28.442)
Right. The problem was Doree. Right. Right. In Kyle's confessional, she said that, you know, she didn't expect her life to go in this direction. And after seeing those photos, it's pretty clear that this is permanent and she doesn't think that it's going to be easy to come back from it. So.

Kelli (39:28.513)
Yeah. Right.

Lori (39:30.366)
Euro control free.

Kelli (39:32.727)

Kelli (39:50.327)
Yeah man, I feel bad for her, I just got the chills. I really do feel bad.

Wendy (39:55.332)
I do too. do too. Next we see them starting to get ready for their vacation. Dorit is getting fashion advice from her son for packing. Jennifer Tilly is working on packing with her crazy hat. Eric is packing. Boze is working on packing also with her assistant. Her assistant is there all the time.

Kelli (40:10.443)

Lori (40:18.04)
Well, everyone had assistance, professional assistance, except for Duri. Everybody had like an assistant.

Kelli (40:20.299)
Yeah. Yeah.

Wendy (40:23.748)
Yeah, well she had to. Yeah.

Kelli (40:27.927)
Have you seen this whole thing with her hairdresser? With Tracy Tudor?

Lori (40:31.19)
Yes, I did see that. Yes, I did see that.

Wendy (40:33.179)

Kelli (40:34.807)
love that guy's hair, man, by the way. But, I mean, he broke it down. So basically she was supposed to pay for his hotel and she didn't. I don't know why Tracy Tudor's getting involved. I mean, I guess it's good that she did because once she publicly said it, apparently he got paid for the hotel rooms. But, I don't know.

Wendy (40:37.275)

Lori (40:38.446)
Yeah, it's nice hair.

Lori (40:45.997)
I don't know.

Wendy (40:57.916)
Well, did you hear Dorit's explanation about it on Watch What Happens Live?

Kelli (41:02.419)
no, I didn't watch Watch What Happens Live.

Wendy (41:04.12)
So, because a viewer asked that question to Doreen and she said that she did pay for the rooms. He used her credit, he used the company credit card to pay for the rooms and then sent a bill and it got flagged by her people that pay the bills that had already been paid. That he was trying to double dip.

Lori (41:23.118)

trying to do a little double dip. See, that's where it comes in like that. Something ain't right though.

Kelli (41:29.357)
I don't know if I believe that though.

Wendy (41:32.266)
I don't know like right, but she hadn't

Kelli (41:33.931)
He showed text, he showed the text messages though.

Lori (41:36.556)
Yes, but if you really go back and really look at it.

Lori (41:42.606)
I think somebody's trying to get over a little bit and that's what I think. I looked at this whole situation and read all the texts and read all the people's comments and blah blah blah. And the way I saw it is that...

he kind of overreacted a little bit and went a little overboard and then got somebody else involved and it kind of backfired. That's how I saw it.

Kelli (42:10.911)
I thought it was interesting that Dorit responded to Tracy Tudor and basically said, I think it was Dorit, I'm pretty sure she made the comment basically saying that Tracy tried to get on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and didn't. And that's what Dorit said, right? I wonder if that's true. I don't know. Why would she maybe after, I mean,

Wendy (42:23.858)
She did. She did. Mm-hmm. Yeah.

I think it is true.

Wendy (42:34.342)
I think it is true.

Kelli (42:38.717)
because now they're saying million dollar listing LA is on pause, but they weren't saying that before, but they didn't say it before that just came out. I mean, she was very successful on that show. Why would she want to join Real Housewives of Beverly Hills?

Wendy (42:42.054)
It is.

Wendy (42:46.866)
They didn't say it before.

Wendy (42:54.13)
because it's a franchise that's been around for how many seasons? 14 seasons?

Lori (42:55.19)
Why would anyone?

Kelli (42:59.853)
Yeah, I know, but Million Dollar Listing's been around and now she's one of the main, I mean, really now it would have just been her and Josh Flagg, but even when it was her and the two Josh's, like, she's one of the main people. Like, why would you, I'm sure, aside from making the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars on your commissions on each house you sell, now you're getting, I mean, that show was popular enough where I'm sure she was getting a decent salary and there's only three of you and you're one of the main.

You're go to a-

Wendy (43:30.002)
I don't think they make nearly as much as the housewives. I don't. I don't know. I don't know either. I mean, she didn't deny it. She didn't deny it.

Kelli (43:35.029)
I don't know if I... Yeah, I'd love to know the truth. We'll never know.

No, she didn't deny it.

Wendy (43:44.56)

Kelli (43:45.357)
There's gotta be a podcast somewhere where she's talking about it.

Wendy (43:48.154)
Yeah, we'll have to look. We'll see if Josh Flagg talks about it, because you know, her and Josh are good friends. Maybe Jeff Lewis can get to the bottom of it, because he likes to stir those pots, and he's friends with, or Heather. Yeah, Heather McDonald could certainly get to the bottom of it. So we'll have to see what happens with that. What's?

Lori (43:48.792)

Lori (43:56.792)
Maybe, yeah, I'll it to Jeff Lewis. Yes, he does. Yep, yep.

Kelli (43:57.035)

or Heather McDonald, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Kelli (44:05.068)

Kelli (44:08.949)
Was everybody else looking for Kathy Hilton's box fan when she was got to the airport?

Wendy (44:13.436)
my gosh.

Lori (44:16.182)
I'm not laughing at her because I like a fam when I sleep too. So I'm not laughing at her. And I do drag my, I do drag my pillow all over. So I got it.

Kelli (44:19.487)
I do too. I just love that she brings a box fan.

Wendy (44:27.15)
What about the crocodile vintage jewelry case that Jennifer Tilly had that we saw in the airport?

Lori (44:34.134)
There you go.

Kelli (44:34.283)
Yeah, they were all dressed appropriately to get on a plane. I will say that. They all looked very comfortable. And Kathy unpacking with all of her Ziploc bags.

Lori (44:39.383)
Yeah, I will say that.

Lori (44:47.554)
Yeah, that's how you got it too, Ziploc bags. But she said on the after show that Rick really gets pissed at her with her overpacking and she said, it's always my luggage that would get lost. So now she only does one big bag and then one toiletries bag. But I just thought it was funny.

Wendy (44:47.666)
Gosh, the amount of stuff.

Kelli (44:50.024)
I thought it was great.

Wendy (44:54.514)

Wendy (45:10.578)
But she takes like full size of everything. I mean, because she packs it, because she packs it. No, no, you can pack it. You can pack it. can't carry it on, but you can pack it. Yeah, but why are you traveling with all this full size shit?

Lori (45:13.389)
yeah. Yeah. How does she do that? We can't do that. Yeah, but we have to have.

Kelli (45:13.483)
Yeah, how does she do that?

Kelli (45:17.953)
I guess private.

All right, right.

Lori (45:25.522)
you can pack it. is Joe.

Lori (45:31.266)
Yeah, yeah. And she was funny.

Wendy (45:32.498)
I mean the amount of products that she had.

Kelli (45:35.085)
It's crazy

Lori (45:36.44)
crazy. And she was saying on the after show how she's been ordering the same sleep mask for 30 years and has like foam so it's like elevated so that if you have false eyelashes, you're like eyelash extensions, it doesn't rub onto the mask. She's so funny.

Wendy (45:48.581)
I saw that.

Wendy (45:52.476)
She is funny.

Kelli (45:52.811)
These rich people, man, they really find all the things.

Lori (45:55.778)
Yeah, they do.

Wendy (45:56.753)
You could see how tired she was. sat down. She's like, I'm so tired. Just unpacking her stuff. Like everyone's out enjoying the resort and Cathy's sitting there exhausted unpacking her shit. Just like.

Kelli (46:08.205)
Her Ziploc bag, that was awesome.

Lori (46:10.018)
Yeah, great.

Wendy (46:12.594)
So the room assignments are Kathy and Kyle are going to share a villa. We said Bo's, Dory, and Erica are sharing a villa, and Garcelle, Sutton, and Jennifer Tilly. Jennifer Tilly opens up her bag, and all of her Mike and Ike's fall out.

Kelli (46:30.243)
yeah, they fell all over the place.

Wendy (46:32.805)
I was like-

Lori (46:33.39)
She would be like, that would be me. I like to take my candy. I like my candy. I'm with you, Jennifer. I'm with you. I'm with you. I am. I, I, I.

Kelli (46:38.38)

Wendy (46:39.11)
You're just as kooky as she is too. I know you are. You'd have that. You very are Jennifer Tilly-ish.

Kelli (46:40.865)
You are. You are. You're very Jennifer Tilly-ish.

Lori (46:46.838)
Yes. To this I aspire. Did you notice that I'm just the poor version. Did you notice when they were going to the to their resort that they had a police escort front and back? yes, a motorcycle St. Lucia police escort front and back. Two motorcycles in the front, two motorcycles in the back. You know I always notice the weird shit.

Wendy (46:55.12)

Kelli (47:00.023)
I didn't notice that.

Wendy (47:00.356)

Wendy (47:07.921)
no, I did not notice that.

Kelli (47:09.855)

You do. You sure do.

Wendy (47:14.18)
Erica said, Bo's maybe giving Kathy Hilton a run for her money on these trips. Erica was impressed. Yeah, she was impressed.

Kelli (47:19.053)
she did say that she did say that yep, yep

Wendy (47:24.978)
So then Sutton is talking to Jennifer and Gorsel and she said that her and Dorit have not even said hi to each other. I am too. I am too. I really am. Then Dorit says she wants to enjoy the trip. She knows that things are festering with Sutton. Jennifer then brings up that she likes all the girls but they're very clicky.

Kelli (47:35.298)
over it right yeah

Lori (47:36.884)
No, just move on. Stop it.

Wendy (47:51.664)
and it's hard to crack them and it's so true. Jennifer Tilly called it out. And I feel like although Jennifer Tilly has been friends with Sutton for a long time, she's never seen Sutton the way we see Sutton because Sutton, it's a different animal in front of these other women.

Kelli (48:04.961)
Yep. Yep.

Lori (48:05.014)
Mm-hmm. Yep. It's a different animal.

Lori (48:12.27)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And what's up with her? Like, set with her crying. Oh, you know, I want them to like me so much, but I can't get them to. Well, stop being a fucking bitch!

Wendy (48:13.946)
And you can kind of see it.

Wendy (48:24.071)

Lori (48:25.806)
Stop! Like she shoots herself in the foot.

Kelli (48:26.625)
Yeah, I know, that's what I mean. Like you can't play victim now. You can't, you know, it's like she wants sympathy.

Wendy (48:30.823)

Lori (48:40.428)
Yeah, but you can't do that if you don't give it to other people. Like Erica said.

Kelli (48:43.869)
No, and you can't do that when you tell somebody that their wallet isn't as big as yours. Like you can't act like an asshole and then want people to feel sorry for you.

Lori (48:48.631)
Right, so.

Wendy (48:48.945)


Lori (48:51.926)
Right. Well, there you go. That's what I'm saying. So I'm like, you know what, girl, you need to just be a little nicer and quit crying.

Wendy (49:01.296)
I agree. mean, Jennifer even says like she feels like she's back in high school and like they're the popular girls. And Garcelle and her confessional says that, you know, the million dollar question is, you know, why doesn't Sutton stand up for herself to Kyle? And why does she, you know, just let Kyle walk all over her? And I'm like, well, that's not really what happens. It's not that she needs to stand up to herself to Kyle. She actually needs to be nicer to other people is what she needs to do.

Kelli (49:28.853)
Right, right, calm down, be a little more humble.

Lori (49:29.058)
Yes, that's what she, that's what I'm saying.

Wendy (49:31.684)
Right. Right.

And that's pretty much it. Then we just see that 24 hours later, they're out on the boat together and then we see that... No, they start arguing, Sutton, Erica and Dorit. Yeah.

Kelli (49:44.087)
doesn't seem to be going so well.

Lori (49:47.534)
But I love how production showed Jen Tilly just like downing her glass of wine amongst the arguing she's like, I was like, there's my girl.

Kelli (49:56.255)
Yeah, yeah, yeah,

Wendy (50:02.278)

Lori (50:04.558)
And I on the sorry on the after show Erica was saying how she was a little upset about Garcelle and Sutton taking like a little bit of too much delight in Moe's photos

Wendy (50:04.773)
So I.

Wendy (50:20.868)
I completely agree. I completely agree.

Kelli (50:22.999)

Lori (50:25.922)
Like it's not a gossip item, it's your friend's life.

Kelli (50:26.061)

Wendy (50:30.566)
That's what I've been saying this whole time. And I think that that's what's gonna happen on the reunion. And I think that's one of the reasons Kyle's gonna walk out. Because you watch these people that are supposed to be your friends referring to you and your estranged husband as verbs that mo of it all, the Kyle of it all. Like, let's talk about, like, show some empathy.

Kelli (50:50.305)
Yeah. Yeah.

Wendy (50:56.571)

Kelli (50:56.661)
Yeah, and if we're, you know, we're noticing now, like Kyle's like obviously very distraught over this. they're her, I mean, at least Sutton is her actual friend. So she knows, she said it herself. She's waiting for him to come back. If you know that that's what she wants and that's not happening, and now he's in the paper kissing somebody, like you know that this is very hurtful to her. So to gossip about it is very insensitive.

Wendy (51:25.85)
I agree. I totally agree. All right. We'll have to wait and see what happens next week. Until next time, thank you for watching and listening. Please give us five star reviews.

Kelli (51:30.137)
We'll see you next week.

Lori (51:34.466)

Kelli (51:40.535)

Lori (51:41.506)

Wendy (51:41.542)

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