We Wine Whenever's Podcast
Welcome to We Wine Whenever where three middle age, middle class neighborhood women discuss our views on popular shows, our lives and anything else that pops up. Join in the fun and listen in to discover what its really like to be a Jersey Shore housewife as the blonde ,the brunette and the redhead give you an unfiltered cocktail hour.
Together, Wendy ,Kelli and Lori create a vibrant and entertaining podcast that covers a wide range of topics, from the latest Bravo drama to discussions on parenting, relationships, and current events. Their chemistry as co-hosts, combined with their relatability and passion, makes their podcast a must-listen for anyone looking for engaging conversations about everyday life and pop culture.
We drink wine whenever and we hope you do too!
We Wine Whenever's Podcast
RHOBH-S14 E10-Beverly Hills Drama Unfolds
RHOBH-S14 E10-Beverly Hills Drama Unfolds
In this episode, Kelli and Lori discuss the latest happenings in the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, including personal updates, a controversial Uber incident involving Dr. Tiffany Moon, and the emotional struggles of Kyle Richards amidst her separation. They also delve into family dynamics, the lavish lifestyles of the housewives, and the cultural nuances of Southern hospitality as they recap the latest episode. In this conversation, Lori and Kelli explore various themes surrounding family dynamics, personal struggles, and cultural references. They discuss the significance of food knowledge, the challenges of navigating relationships, and the impact of mother-daughter relationships on self-identity. The conversation also touches on marital issues, perceptions of emotional connections, and legal concerns in relationships, providing a comprehensive look at the complexities of personal and familial interactions.
- Madison LaCroix from Southern Charm is pregnant.
- Dr. Tiffany Moon's Uber incident raises questions about ride-sharing norms.
- Kathy Hilton's IV treatments highlight her lavish lifestyle.
- Sutton's relationship with her mother is a focal point.
- Kyle's emotional struggles reveal deeper issues in her marriage.
- The dynamics of friendship and loyalty among the housewives are complex.
- Garcelle's presence adds a unique perspective to the group.
- Kathy's dinner party showcases her extravagant lifestyle.
- The contrast between Southern and Jersey hospitality is notable.
- The conversation about Italian food reflects regional culinary pride. Cultural references can highlight personal experiences.
- Food knowledge can be a surprising gap in social circles.
- Family dynamics often shape individual identities.
- Personal struggles can stem from familial expectations.
- Navigating relationships requires self-awareness and understanding.
- Mother-daughter relationships can be fraught with tension.
- Marital issues often reflect deeper personal challenges.
- Perceptions of coldness can affect emotional connections.
- Legal and financial concerns can complicate relationships.
- Supportive family environments foster self-confidence.
Kelli (00:00.96)
Hi, welcome to We Wind Whenever, I'm Kelly.
Lori (00:03.71)
And I'm Lori.
Kelli (00:05.454)
And we're missing Wendy because she doesn't feel good. So we're hoping that Wendy feels better and she can get back to us soon. We're going to recap Real Housewives of Beverly Hills tonight, season 14, episode 10. Can't believe there's been 10 episodes already. That's a lot. Before we do so, I just want to bring two things up. Madison LaCroix from Southern Charms pregnant. She announced it this week. Yep. Cause it's been, she's been trying.
Lori (00:21.258)
I know, it's crazy, it is a lot.
Lori (00:31.456)
Good for her. Very nice.
Kelli (00:35.532)
Her husband had some health issues. They had to get through that. She has a son Hudson from a prior relationship. So now this will be her first with Brent. So we're super happy for her. That's really good news. Second thing I want to bring up, I want your opinion on this. Now you didn't watch Real Housewives of Dallas when it was on. It was on years ago and since got canceled, but there the last season there was a really good housewife.
Lori (00:46.204)
Lori (01:04.182)
Okay, sorry.
Kelli (01:05.262)
That's okay. And her name is Dr. Tiffany Moon. And she was in Miami this week speaking at some convention. And she ordered an Uber, an Uber Deluxe. I don't know if she was going back to her hotel from the convention to get ready to go to dinner or if she was going to dinner from her hotel after the convention. I'm not quite sure. However, I just want to get your opinion on this because I don't use Uber. Do you use Uber?
Lori (01:34.688)
I've used it maybe three times in my life. I have the app. I have no idea how to work it. So I'm not a great Uber-esque person.
Kelli (01:45.194)
Me neither. So I don't know if this is normal or not. So she's in Miami. She calls for an Uber deluxe. While she's in the Uber, the driver stops at another stop and somebody else gets in the car. Now, the door was locked and she was in the car saying, you're not coming in. You're not coming in. The guy reaches into the car and unlocks the door and gets into the backseat with her.
Lori (02:15.208)
Kelli (02:15.532)
And she's saying, I don't want to share a ride with you. Now, I don't know what the driver did at this point, but she starts filming and explaining the situation and she even flashes the phone on the driver. Now, again, I don't use Uber. So to me, why was the driver even allowed to pick up a second person? Especially if you're paying for Uber Deluxe, I'm sure that's an elevated price.
Lori (02:41.664)
I don't know. I don't know how that works. I don't know if it's like a ride share situation or not. I I know that Uber Deluxe is definitely a higher caliber, larger car, but I don't know the Uber rules as to whether people share rides at Uber or if it's just for you. I have no idea.
Kelli (02:43.074)
Wouldn't you be pissed?
Me neither.
Kelli (02:57.504)
Kelli (03:05.878)
Yeah, so if one of our listeners could comment and let us know if this is norm, if this is the norm, I'd be curious to know because I don't, if I'm paying for an Uber, if I'm paying that driver to drive me from one place to another, he's double dipping if he's picking somebody else up. He's going that way anyway. Like you're getting paid twice to do the same run. That's bullshit.
Lori (03:25.523)
Yeah, I don't know.
Lori (03:29.652)
Yeah, I'm not sure at all. So I'm like the worst person to ask, cause I have no idea. Yeah. Cause we don't know.
Kelli (03:34.668)
Yeah, listeners, please chime in, because I'm very curious. All right, let's get to Beverly Hills.
Kelli (03:43.256)
So, PK and Dorit, Dorit's opening scene.
Lori (03:50.184)
I like how they did that, like went into the past.
Kelli (03:53.408)
Yeah, it was kind of hard to watch though. It was kind of sad, right? Like that was the point. Yeah, because he really, over the years, they've always seemed like a very loving couple, which I'm sure they were, just shit happens in marriages. But yeah. Then we go to, we flash to Kathy and she's getting another IV treatment.
Lori (03:57.398)
Well, I think that was the point of it. Yeah. Is that, you see, well, they're lovey-dovey scenes and.
Lori (04:11.625)
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Kelli (04:21.816)
This woman is always getting IV treatments.
Lori (04:24.202)
Yeah, she had a lot going on there in that scene with all those people all around her. She was in her house. She was getting ready for guests to come over. She must've just been having some kind of like fluffing session for herself where she had all this glam and an IV treatment. I mean, I'm not saying I wouldn't do it if I had the dough, but yeah, that was interesting. And did you see how much money for...
Kelli (04:27.703)
Yeah, like, where was she going, did she say?
Lori (04:52.551)
Erica's designer.
$37,000. And I certainly hope that that is for more than just that cabana room and her bedroom. Because Erica, in my former life, I did interior design work and girl, I could have hooked you up for way less.
Kelli (05:18.606)
So do you think that was for his services alone or was that for the services and the furniture?
Lori (05:23.344)
No, would believe, I would certainly hope that that is for services and her decor.
Kelli (05:32.481)
decor. That doesn't sound like a lot though in that area though. Because to me, I thought that was for his like fee. No.
Lori (05:45.362)
I mean, if he's doing two rooms, he's charging $15,000 a room to come up with a scheme. Come on. No, it's not, you know what? It's not a job that everybody can do, but for people who can do it, it's not that in depth. You know what I'm saying? You're not doing like a 50,000 square foot of office buildings or some massive.
Kelli (05:51.414)
Yeah, I guess that's a lot. Yeah.
Kelli (06:14.572)
Yeah, it was a, it's a small space.
Lori (06:15.016)
architectural project. It's a residential home with two relatively small rooms. If that is, then that is.
Kelli (06:22.189)
Lori (06:26.774)
then that is just ridiculous because you can be a great designer, but I mean, no, no, it's just, that's just foolishness.
Kelli (06:34.392)
Right, right. So we find out that Sutton has invited Garcelle and Kyle to go home to Augusta with her and nobody else. Now...
Did Sutton say why she was going home? I forget.
Lori (06:54.944)
She made it sound like she was going home because she, I think that there was some conversation with Garcelle's mom's past. And I think it's, who else's, someone else's mom's But yeah, something about, you know, like she wanted to try and kind of get her relationship together with her mother a little bit, because her mother's getting older and she just wanted to not.
Kelli (07:09.272)
Well, Kyle's mom's passed, obviously.
Kelli (07:23.49)
Lori (07:25.628)
look back and be like, woulda, shoulda, coulda. you know, did you see when Kathy was calling Baz to give her an invitation to come over to eat? And that's when she was getting her IV treatment, Kathy. And she says to Baz, and guards to her necklace, no, are those like puka shells or pearls? Baz was like,
No, honey, they're diamonds. And Kathy was like, it was just funny. I saw a couple of memes about that online. I was laughing when I saw that scene because I had seen the memes before I saw the episode.
Kelli (08:06.698)
And you know, listen, I'm not the biggest Kathy Hilton fan. Wendy really loves Kathy Hilton. I'm not a huge fan, you know, whatever. It's hard to determine, like, she being shady? I don't think Kathy Hilton is a shady person. So I don't think she was being shady. She probably really just didn't realize. Right? Like, I don't think she throws shade like that, Kathy.
Lori (08:10.36)
No. No.
Lori (08:27.028)
Yeah. I think, I think that she, I think that she does throw shade, but I think that she's so.
in her own world that she doesn't even like know that she's doing it kind of a thing. No, she's really not even aware of it. She, and I don't want to call her stupid, but she's just, she's just not, she's not that savvy. She's not that savvy to be able to throw shade. I think it just happens naturally.
Kelli (08:41.366)
Yeah. Yeah, like it's not intentional.
Kelli (08:48.382)
I know.
The brightest bulb. Right.
Kelli (08:59.934)
And you know, not only, really don't think she's the smartest woman, but she just, I'm sure, I'll never know, but I'm sure when you have people doing things for you all the time, like, she doesn't even have to lift a spoon if she doesn't want to. She could pay somebody to lift a spoon to her mouth for her. Like, you become out of touch with reality at this level of wealth. And quite honestly,
Lori (09:16.979)
Now, yes.
Lori (09:23.698)
Well, if...
Kelli (09:28.238)
because we know she's got a lot of power in that town.
Lori (09:31.69)
Yeah. But I mean, you can still, I mean, there's a lot of really wealthy people who have not succumbed to that. If you succumb to that, if you succumb to that level of other people providing for you, then that's what happens. And you're right. You do become out of, out of touch. And I like how when Garcelle and when a sudden cold
Kelli (09:52.536)
Lori (09:59.318)
when they called Kyle to invite her to go to Georgia. I like that Kyle was in bed. I like that. I like that she was a bed whore. I'm like, you go girl. You're in the bed. The sun was out. Everybody else was up, but you were in Go ahead. Go ahead. Yeah.
Kelli (10:10.008)
Well, yeah, you're you you like to.
Kelli (10:15.421)
Absolutely. If you don't have to be, where am I not?
So Dorit text PK and he waited a whole day to respond to her and his response was, I'm at a friend's wedding. Have a nice day. And I believe her text was something about the kids, wasn't it?
Lori (10:33.514)
Well, it was, she contacted him in regards to what happened with Jagger, their son, know, asked, mommy, are you and daddy divorced? So she texted him back and said, you know, I think we need to try and get to little bit more friendly place, especially because of the children. And then when he didn't answer and then answered a day later. Yeah, she said she hasn't heard from him since their therapy session.
Kelli (10:41.878)
Right. asking, are you and daddy getting divorced?
Kelli (10:58.498)
I mean, that's ridiculous.
Kelli (11:04.546)
that he stormed out of. So this is like three episodes ago that she spoke about it. So I mean, I guess it could be only three days later, quite honestly, but who knows? Yeah. So then we see Boze and her man talking about a timeline and a marriage and a baby.
Lori (11:05.792)
that he's doing that.
But who knows? Who knows how they feel? Yeah.
Lori (11:21.622)
Yeah. Now, um, that restaurant was really loud. I don't know if you noticed. It was really loud. was like, oh, so fucking annoying. It's loud as... loud in here, you know?
Kelli (11:25.698)
That restaurant was loud.
Kelli (11:30.08)
Yeah. Now, I think we see a coming, it wasn't in this episode next week, I think she says we were talking about getting married and having a baby, but we haven't said I love you yet. Did they say how long they've been together?
Lori (11:36.081)
next week.
Lori (11:42.366)
Yeah, how do you like that?
No. But hey, look, like, like Baz said, you know, trying to find yourself somebody in LA in your 40s, good luck. So I think, you know, you get to a certain point in age in life where you're just like, you're not fucking around anymore. It's like the clock is ticking. if you find it's very rare that you, you know, find somebody that you're in any way compatible with.
Kelli (11:48.48)
I'm wondering.
Kelli (12:04.822)
Kelli (12:16.3)
Right. Yeah.
Lori (12:16.338)
once you get to a certain age. So I kind of think that's where they're kind of at. They're like, we get along great. We really like each other. We have lot of same interests, blah, blah, blah. You know, we could see ourselves being together. And I don't know. I would say that they probably do love each other. At least that's how their relationship reads on camera.
Kelli (12:40.382)
I agree. mean, just the fact that he took her for her surgery, helped her in her recovery. If you're casual about someone, you're not really doing all of
Lori (12:44.944)
Lori (12:50.8)
No, no, you're not into it that far.
Kelli (12:52.824)
certainly not for somebody who can, again, pay for somebody to do that for her. You know what I mean? She's a very successful woman, so she could have somebody do that. Mo and Kyle go to the shooting range.
Lori (12:57.661)
Yeah, yeah.
Lori (13:08.662)
Yeah, very awkward, very, very awkward. It was awkward.
Kelli (13:09.678)
And it was awkward. It was awkward. And it's so weird to watch that because, you know, we've watched them on this show for 14 years. And honestly, they were always one of my favorite couples. They just were like, they weren't like over the top, lovey-dovey, schmoopy-boopy, but they, you could tell like they loved each other and like things, it was like real and they were funny, you know.
Lori (13:36.17)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Kelli (13:38.026)
I don't know, it was very awkward. And she says she's in the house where they all used to be and now there's nobody there. And that sucks.
Lori (13:44.956)
Mm-hmm. Yeah. And she said, it's grieving the loss of someone who is still here.
Kelli (13:52.726)
Lori (13:53.128)
No, so I really wonder if she's super regretful. I because it did seem like something that she wanted. Now, maybe she wanted it because she was tired of him cheating. Maybe she wanted it because she wanted to be like, you know, fuck you, let's see how you like it without me. I don't know. Like, no one knows what the...
whole gig was. But I don't know. I wonder if she is regretting her decision.
Kelli (14:31.966)
I was thinking the same thing. Sorry, I was just gonna text Joe to stop yelling in the basement and Eric, I just heard Eric tell him to stop yelling in the basement. I totally agree with you 100 % and I was going to say this is the first time I'm watching Kyle on this show and thinking, I felt bad for her. And I don't think it's something, I do think that she is the one that initiated the separation.
Lori (14:37.952)
Kelli (15:00.236)
I don't think it's something she wanted. think just like you said, I think she was tired of the cheating. I think he must've been a cheater, a player. she, like enough was enough now. So I agree with you. I don't think she wanted it, but I think she initiated it because it was like, like what, like what, come on, man. Like, come on. Everybody fucking knows, you know, we're on a-
Lori (15:07.87)
A player, yeah.
Lori (15:22.26)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Kelli (15:25.87)
We're on a TV show for crying out loud and everybody in Hollywood knows that you cheat on me. Like enough is enough.
Lori (15:27.956)
Right. I almost, I just, for some reason I get the feeling like she thought she was going to get a different outcome.
Kelli (15:42.796)
I think you're right. I think you're right. I think she thought she was gonna give him an ultimatum and he was just gonna fall in line. I do honestly think she should have taken a break from the show during this.
Lori (15:58.567)
most definitely. I mean, come on. What are you doing?
Kelli (16:00.172)
I really do.
Yeah, because she's emotional. She's very emotional. Like, I couldn't understand the beginning of the season. I'm like, you've been separated for two years. Like, what do you mean you don't know what you want? But after that episode, it's very clear that she doesn't want to be separated from him, but knows it's something she has to do. And that's an internal struggle, and nobody's gonna want to sign divorce papers with those feelings.
Lori (16:26.314)
Right. Right.
Kelli (16:29.262)
Yeah, so it was an awkward scene, but I think it was a necessary scene because I started looking at Kyle in a different way from that scene. Like I felt sorry for her.
Lori (16:37.022)
Yeah, yeah, you did get a you did. She did garner some sympathy in that instance. But again, and you know, I'm highly skeptical of these shows. I mean, was she putting the word waterworks on for that reason so that you and I and everybody else would say, know, you know, Carl's really not that much of a bitch. Who knows?
Kelli (16:42.733)
Kelli (16:49.836)
I know.
Kelli (17:03.0)
Yeah. No, you're right, because you know, I said it from the beginning. I thought they were doing this for the show. I thought they were faking the whole separation for the show. I really did. Because I don't put that past Kyle, because she's an actress. You know, her life revolves around this show. There's no, you know, her life is this show. Nobody knew who she was, and I think she really likes the fact that now everybody knows who she is. Yeah.
Lori (17:08.692)
Lori (17:13.376)
Right. So who knows?
Lori (17:27.296)
But he knows who she is, right?
Kelli (17:33.19)
did you see when they go to the...
to the airport.
Lori (17:40.414)
Yeah, so that's Garcelle and Sutton and Kyle all go to the airport to go to Georgia. Yeah. Yes, that was Avi. Avi. Yes, that was Avi. So how about, how about Garcelle bitching about the flight? I was like, girl.
Kelli (17:47.766)
And one of them said, hello. Did you notice that? Avi, that's who it was. I'm looking, I'm like, who do I have written down here? Avi said, hello.
Lori (18:09.308)
She's saying, we, you know, I wasn't expecting to fly commercial girl. Your commercial is not my commercial, like whatever commercial setup that I saw on my TV, it's not most people's commercial flight. It was looking pretty damn good.
Kelli (18:23.523)
Kelli (18:27.946)
No, but I am kind of surprised that Sutton didn't fly them private. But there was only three of them. Or I guess with Avi there was four of them.
Lori (18:34.816)
But someone... Yeah, I mean, it's not that... I mean, that setup they had, and I'm sure they flew first class for a not that long of flight, it's not that...
And I was just like, I'll show you some commercial. That's not a commercial, what? Yeah. Yeah. You try flying from JFK to Scotland in a regular seat and they'll let you know about commercial. I love Sutton's house. Very pretty. Very pretty.
Kelli (18:54.69)
Yeah, right. Your knees up to your chest.
Kelli (19:07.5)
Yeah, right. That house was beautiful though.
So she did buy that house with her ex. So I guess she got that in the divorce settlement. And then there's a smaller house on the property where her mother lives.
Lori (19:21.236)
Yes. Yes, you got that.
Lori (19:28.136)
Yes, Ms. Reba.
Kelli (19:31.158)
Ms. Reba, and she was interesting to say the least. She called her grandson weird.
Lori (19:35.894)
Not a fan. Not a fan. Not a fan.
Kelli (19:39.918)
Listen, we have Jersey moms, different breed than Sutton's southern mother.
Lori (19:44.768)
and breed most definitely.
Kelli (19:51.922)
and as brass and hard as Jersey women can be. I think Southern women are the same except say it with a smile on their face and with sweeter words.
Lori (20:04.4)
Mm-hmm. Whilst the knife is in your back. Yes, whilst the knife is in the back. They smile where they catch you. Yeah, not a fan.
Kelli (20:09.868)
Yes. Yes, so...
Yeah, because she was interesting. mean, Garcelle gives her that beautiful scarf and...
Lori (20:21.782)
But the whole thing was weird. Like, she was like, well, what's in the gift? And Garcelle's like, open it. Like, that's a norm people do. Somebody gives you a gift, you say, oh, thank you. You open it. You'd say you love it, even if you fucking hate it. And you move on. The whole thing was weird and very off and very awkward. And no, no, not a fan.
Kelli (20:31.232)
Open it. Right.
Kelli (20:41.848)
Very weird.
She was not gracious at all.
And that's not very southerly.
Lori (20:51.412)
No, I'm not a fan at all. you like how she right away said, to Kyle, you're pretty.
Kelli (20:57.752)
Yeah, I did notice that.
Lori (20:58.452)
and didn't even like, like said hi to Garcelle. And then it was like all about Kyle. Then, look how pretty you are.
Kelli (21:05.324)
Well, I'm sure because it's Kyle Richards and she's Kathy Hilton's sister. And we know that, you know, Sutton's, a big goal of Sutton's is to stay in Kathy's good graces. So I'm sure her mother falls in line with that as well. That's how I took it. Yeah. I mean, listen,
Lori (21:09.747)
yeah. yeah.
Lori (21:17.304)
okay. didn't even think about that. I got that. That didn't even come into my mind. Only because I'm not a Housewives fan, so I wouldn't.
Kelli (21:29.602)
Yeah, that's a fact. And to me, and I don't mean any insult to Kyle because she's obviously a beautiful woman, but if Kyle and Garcelle walk into a room together, Garcelle is going to get noticed quicker. Garcelle is like strikingly beautiful. She has a presence. So I don't know. That's neither here nor there, but I thought the same thing that like she was falling all over her.
Lori (21:31.606)
Lori (21:46.388)
strikingly beautiful. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah.
Lori (21:58.614)
Yeah, and I like how Garcelle says in her confessional that maybe she should have pulled a Kyle and brought nothing.
Kelli (22:04.662)
Yeah, next.
Right. So then we flashed to Kathy's Capri dinner with Kathy, Dorit, Boze, and Erica.
Lori (22:19.816)
Okay, now wait. Did you see when they were putting out all the flowers and everything? How Cathy has a brand manager?
Kelli (22:28.694)
Yes, I did see that.
Lori (22:30.422)
Okay. huh. Yes, I did. Very cute. Yeah.
Kelli (22:32.204)
I did see that. Did you see the lemons inside the flower arrangements? Very cute.
Kelli (22:40.374)
So we flashed that, but then we go back to Augusta where Sutton, Garcelle and Kyle, it was actually kind of funny. Sutton's mom's giving them a tour of her home and then Sutton's like, all right, well, we gotta go. We gotta go get ready for dinner. Her mother was not invited to dinner.
Lori (22:59.594)
No, Sutton wanted to get the fuck out of there. She was like, my God. What's this monster gonna say now to my friends?
Kelli (23:01.557)
She wanted to get the fuck out of there.
Kelli (23:07.436)
Right. So she brings them to a place called Luigi's, which is three generations the restaurant is. I'm curious, like, I'd like to know some reviews because you've traveled a lot more than I have. I haven't been many places outside of New Jersey, but I have been to California, I've been to Florida. I don't think you can find good Italian food outside of the tri-state area.
Lori (23:37.042)
It depends. If you have somebody who's like a transplant, you have somebody who's an actual Italian and they move to another location. I've actually even been to some Italian restaurants in Florida, like one that I went to, that the family was actually, they weren't Italian. There was something really odd, like Pakistani or something.
Kelli (23:42.243)
Kelli (23:45.655)
Lori (24:06.492)
But the food was high. So it all, yeah, it all depends. It all depends. You can get very good Italian food.
Kelli (24:09.749)
That's interesting. Okay. Well, listen, this place must be good.
Lori (24:18.166)
They look good.
Kelli (24:19.446)
It did look good. It did look good.
Lori (24:21.728)
But you know me, like almost any food looks good.
Kelli (24:24.842)
Right, right. Okay, so then we flash back to Cathy's Capri dinner. And I don't know about you, but I found this hysterical when Cathy's talking about how she's part Chinese. And she says that she found a lady in Venice that knows everything. How much money do you think this woman got out of Cathy Hilton to tell her that she was part Chinese?
Lori (24:39.675)
my god.
Lori (24:51.35)
from 3000 BC, don't forget. Not only part Chinese, but 3000 BC Chinese. Oh yeah, somebody fleeced her like nobody's business. was like, you know I was laughing at? I was laughing at all the ladies' faces at the table, because they were like, oh, they were like, what? And somebody said, I'm sorry. Somebody said, what?
Kelli (24:55.426)
Kelli (25:04.728)
For sure.
This woman got
Kelli (25:12.524)
Lori (25:19.926)
And somebody said, come again. I didn't wrote down who said those, but as soon as Kathy said that, one of those girls each said that thing. And I love how Buzz in her conventional was like, girl, no.
Kelli (25:28.323)
Lori (25:35.157)
Kelli (25:37.528)
So funny.
Lori (25:37.66)
Crazy. Now when they were back to Augusta, when they were in that restaurant, it was interesting. I caught it.
Kelli (25:43.278)
Lori (25:50.922)
that Garcelle and Kyle didn't know what spanakopita was.
Kelli (25:57.25)
Lori (25:58.166)
They didn't know it. How do you not know what spanakopita is? Like, don't you eat and ever go to Greek restaurant?
Kelli (26:01.582)
And it was interesting that Spanakopita was on the menu at Italian restaurant. It's Greek!
Lori (26:06.806)
Right. Yeah. It's Greek. But maybe the people were part Greek, you know, because sometimes, you know, I've been to different restaurants where different foods are meshed together that you wouldn't think would be on the same menu. I was, yeah, but I was just very interested in that. was like, you know, you girls can afford to go out to eat all the time. Like, how do you, how do you not know what, right, how do not know what's out of over there? Yeah.
Kelli (26:20.97)
Right, it's like a crossover.
Kelli (26:29.196)
Right, you've never gone to a Greek restaurant? You've never been to a diner? Every diner has spanakopita on it.
Lori (26:35.83)
Maybe because we're from New Jersey and in New Jersey we have a lot of diners and most diners are owned by Greek people. So you don't know what you're out on with not getting Hispanic open up.
Kelli (26:40.995)
Greeks, yeah. Yeah.
Kelli (26:50.84)
For sure, that spinach pie, that's one of my faves. So Garcelle and Sutton are talking and Garcelle thinks that Sutton and Reba are too much alike. Sutton was hurt by my, her mom, by my mom. Sutton was hurt by her mom at her store opening. Her mom didn't seem super proud of her and
Lori (26:54.08)
yeah, yeah.
Lori (27:16.886)
She's just a cold, cold, cold black ice, that woman.
Kelli (27:19.418)
Yeah, and Sutton just wants her respect listen, especially after your husband who? Must have had a side piece or something something was going on that this guy left and wanted a divorce That's devastating to a woman and vice versa if a woman does it to a man. It's devastating to the man your Self-confidence is very low
Lori (27:29.835)
Lori (27:38.134)
Kelli (27:42.498)
You're feeling down on yourself, you're gonna blame yourself, you're gonna feel like you did something wrong, so for your own mother to not be like, I'm so fucking proud of you, like, look at you. Look at what you just accomplished.
Lori (27:52.808)
Yeah. Yeah. And I will say this too, in Sutton's defense. She had been a wife and a homemaker for, I think she said 17 years she hadn't worked. And I mean, I myself hadn't worked recently in about maybe...
eight years. I mean, I worked, but never like, I always worked privately. So I was always in one-on-one with clients or patients. And, going out there, trying to go out there and do something after not being working in the public for a long time, it's very daunting. So, you know, her, it is a, it is a big accomplishment for her and
Kelli (28:29.175)
Lori (28:48.606)
because of that. Because it wasn't like she was working and had her finger on the pulse and you know, up to date on all the goings on all those years. She was not. She made her world, her husband and her children. And then to have to go out and try and assimilate into some place that you haven't been kept up on, it's a lot.
Kelli (28:59.224)
Kelli (29:16.094)
and the timing, like she opened this boutique and then COVID hit. Now she has to navigate an online business, which if you haven't been working and now you have to navigate an online business.
Lori (29:21.078)
Lori (29:25.27)
Lori (29:31.592)
yeah. It's crazy town. So something very interesting that I found out about her mother, which I found out on the after show, which makes her mother to me even more frightening is she's a psychiatrist.
Kelli (29:33.898)
It really is.
Lori (29:52.692)
Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. Yeah.
Kelli (29:57.638)
I think she's just a hard woman. Cold. You know, when Erica first came, Erica is from the same area, by the way, Erica Jean. When she, Erica Gerardi, when she joined the show, she was accused of being cold. And she referenced how she was brought up and who brought her up.
Lori (30:03.978)
Just a very cut and dry, cold.
Lori (30:11.958)
Lori (30:20.576)
Kelli (30:26.23)
So it's interesting, her mother is probably similar to Sutton's mother, although we've met Erica's mother and she didn't seem like that, but then Sutton says that her mom was worried that she wasn't going to do well enough in the divorce to support her mother's lifestyle. That is some effed up shit right there.
Lori (30:45.174)
Yeah, how do you like that?
Lori (30:49.878)
And on the after show, Kyle tries to Sutton's mom. Yeah.
Kelli (30:58.882)
The mother?
Come on.
Lori (31:02.598)
I know, I was like, what?
Kelli (31:04.684)
Well, I'll tell you why probably and may God rest her soul. But Kyle's mother had to be the same. Kyle's mother pushed those girls into acting.
Lori (31:14.255)
yeah, I read about that.
Kelli (31:15.766)
Yeah, her mother just wanted them to marry rich, marry rich, marry rich. I mean, thankfully for Kathy, it really worked out because I will, again, I'm not the biggest Kathy Hilton fan, but it does seem like she and her husband truly love each other. And she says it later in the episode, like people ask her what their secret is. And who knows what goes on behind closed doors? And I don't care what goes on behind closed doors. It's not my business, it's not my marriage. They seem very happy. They seem like they...
Lori (31:20.192)
Right. Because it was all about setting her up. Right.
Lori (31:35.487)
Kelli (31:44.396)
very much respect each other.
Lori (31:46.57)
Right, and they've been married a long time.
Kelli (31:48.47)
a very long time, so God bless them and their marriage. And then Sutton says that her mom praised her ex-husband during their marriage, but not her. Now, it does seem on par, it does. I mean, I don't know what happened. I'm assuming that he cheated or didn't or wanted to be with somebody. Like, I'm assuming all of this. It could very well not be true, but it's been established that
Lori (31:58.678)
So that seems right on par.
Lori (32:03.211)
for her.
Lori (32:10.453)
Kelli (32:17.994)
He wanted the divorce and Sutton did not. So, you know, was he a nice guy and did he deserve praise from Sutton's mom or did Sutton's mom just praise him because he made a lot of money and he provided a nice lifestyle for she and her daughter? Me too. I think it's the latter.
Lori (32:31.924)
I think it's number two. I think it's number two. Well Sutton says she was raised by a narcissist and married a narcissist. So, you know.
Kelli (32:40.279)
Yeah, right.
Right. Now, Garcelle feels the need to insert herself somehow, I guess, and give the message to Sutton's mom that she would like her respect.
Lori (32:53.59)
Not good. Read the room, Garcelle. No, no. Stay in your lane. After the incident with the scarf, even if I had that thought in my head, I would have been like, nope, not going with that plan. Nope, you're on your own. You're on your own. Yeah. If anybody was to have that conversation, it could have been Kyle. And I even think, I think the only thing difference would have been is her mother would have been less rude.
Kelli (32:57.326)
Totally agree. Stay in your lane. Totally agree.
Kelli (33:09.014)
I'm all set. You're on your own, son.
Lori (33:23.338)
And that's it. But I don't think it would ever even have reached her depth of emotional understanding that she doesn't even have.
Kelli (33:23.512)
Kelli (33:32.63)
Right. Right.
Lori (33:34.502)
wasted breath. But I feel bad for something because that's a shitty way to grow up.
Kelli (33:35.981)
Kelli (33:40.43)
Well, it's a shitty way to grow up. And could you imagine feeling that way that your mother was worried that you weren't, you basically, you weren't smart enough to set yourself up to be financially set for you and her in your divorce. Basically, that's what she's saying. Like, that blows me away. So now we're going back to Cathy's Capri dinner.
Lori (33:56.02)
Kelli (34:09.794)
and Kathy asks Dorit how she is. And this gives to me, Dorit, the opportunity to hijack the entire dinner because we all know Dorit likes to talk about herself. So give her the podium, please. I didn't like how Dorit paused when Kathy asked, PK a good father? Well, first of all, when Kathy said...
Lori (34:20.63)
She does, she does like to talk about herself.
Kelli (34:36.226)
How old is PK? And Dorit said 56. And she said, I thought he was 56 when I met him. And that was years ago.
Lori (34:41.43)
no. She said PJ.
Kelli (34:46.216)
She did say PJ.
Lori (34:48.32)
Kelli (34:50.104)
She did say PJ. But I just felt, I felt like she paused when Kathy asked if PK was a good father. But then she does say that he would disappear for weeks. I mean, she's just, to me, Dorit is just putting everything out there right now about their marriage. And I just.
Lori (34:52.628)
Kelli (35:15.842)
think that with little kids, with kids her kids' ages, I just don't know if that's the right thing right now.
Lori (35:21.854)
Right. She definitely could have held it to the chest a little more. Yeah, she could have held it to the chest anymore. But like we talked about for the last episode, I think that since she gate-keeped a lot, I think it's just gushing like the dam has broken and it's just gushing out now. think because she held back for so long, really letting people know,
Kelli (35:25.6)
I agree.
Kelli (35:36.867)
Kelli (35:42.818)
Lori (35:51.178)
what it was like, but I mean, you know, also too, he's, he's an alcoholic and a lot of alcoholics like to binge. So if you can go to London and be gone for a couple of weeks and not have to be beholden to anybody and you go, go get all wrecked up and blah, blah. But it's another thing for.
Kelli (36:11.906)
Yeah, that's right.
Kelli (36:16.13)
Lori (36:21.866)
to go for work and be gone for weeks and doing whatever it is you're doing, but not consistently checking in with your family. And I think that's what she meant when she said, no, he was not a good father, because she was thinking back to all those times where he would be gone and gone and gone and gone and not knowing when he was gonna come home and not knowing when he was gonna call and always having to reassure her kids.
Kelli (36:31.224)
Kelli (36:46.509)
Lori (36:51.766)
You know, listen, we're married. We have husbands, they're fathers. Are they good fathers? Yes. Are they Disney dads? 80 % of the time? Yes.
Kelli (37:02.093)
Kelli (37:07.308)
Well, yeah, like do we do more? Yes. But they're good dads. They're great dads.
Lori (37:10.676)
Yes. So I'm just saying, right, they're good dads, but are they immersed in their children's lives? Are they having daily conversations with them? Are they concerned about their mental health? Do they know where their child's keys are? Do they know where the home work is? No. So, you know, I'm just trying to put that out there and in the context of that.
even in a happy marriage where a father's a good father, there is still a small level of resentment. And I don't mean it in a bad way. It's just normal. It's just because they're not moms. They're not moms.
Kelli (37:50.208)
No, completely. Right, they're just not wired, most, most, they're just not wired like that. Like I know as soon as gets home from school, I have to go grab his Chromebook and I have to charge it because if I don't do it, he's not gonna do it. Eric doesn't think about that. You know what I mean? Eric, if I said something, Eric would either do it or tell me he should be doing that. And obviously he should be doing that, but the fact remains that he's not. So to make sure that he has a charged
Lori (37:59.766)
Lori (38:06.078)
Right. All right.
Lori (38:13.694)
Right. An abyss.
Kelli (38:19.8)
computer the next day, I charge it. It's, yeah, so it's it's things like that that, you know.
Lori (38:21.974)
because you have to pick certain battles and that's what you do. So all I'm saying is you take that and then put it on steroids times 10, I can see where that...
Kelli (38:34.914)
disappearing for weeks, especially when, listen, when Tess was three weeks old and I had postpartum depression, Eric had to go to Vegas for work. He really did. But the conference happened to be in Las Vegas, people. I was fucking beside myself. My best friend, Lori Ann, came and stayed with me for the week. She went to work every day, but she slept here with me. I had postpartum depression and I was a brand new mom with, and thank God Tess.
Lori (38:49.448)
Kelli (39:06.304)
She was such a, actually both of my kids, such good babies. Thank God, such good babies. But I couldn't imagine having even kids her kids ages or younger, because obviously he had been doing it for a while. Like I couldn't imagine when Tess was five and Joe was two if Eric took off for a couple of weeks. I mean, that would have been horrible.
Lori (39:25.792)
Yeah, like in a foreign country and you don't know when he's gonna call and you gotta keep telling your kids, no, daddy's fine. He'll call as soon as he can. He really wants to come home, but he's super busy. And meanwhile, you don't know where he is. don't know what the fuck he's doing. Like, come on. No. Now how about Boz? She is too much. She got a little ballsy there. Asking Cathy that about Kyle though.
Kelli (39:40.706)
Yeah, like that, I could never.
Kelli (39:49.826)
Yeah, I like her.
She says she thinks Kyle's cold.
Lori (39:55.286)
Yeah, I was like, wow, look at you. She said, I'm sure that she's open and friendly and welcoming, but I have found her to be cold. I was like, damn girl, like that's her sister. I was like, whoa.
Kelli (40:09.516)
Kelli (40:12.974)
You know, it's interesting. She's not the first housewife to say that, by the
Lori (40:17.534)
Kelli (40:19.532)
believe Garcelle said the same thing. Garcelle definitely said that Kyle was unwelcoming.
Lori (40:24.082)
see that?
Kelli (40:25.794)
Yeah, it's interesting.
I also think that unfortunately with Bo's joining the show, there's a couple of elements here though. One, Kyle is going through probably the hardest thing other than losing her mom, of course, a very hard time in her life with her separation and being an empty nester, her girls all leaving. It's a difficult time for Kyle. So she's got that going on. Plus,
Lori (40:43.381)
Kelli (40:54.424)
Boze and Dorit hit it off so well right out the gate and Kyle and Dorit's relationship is strained right now. But I think that's a little bit unfair for Boze to say that considering Kyle went to her house after she was recovering from surgery and brought her flowers.
Lori (41:02.581)
Lori (41:10.962)
Yeah, it wasn't like, you know, she's been ice queen to you. Yeah, I was just like...
Kelli (41:16.398)
Yeah, I think it's a little unfair. mean, when people called Erica icy, thought that was, I thought it was justified quite honestly, because she's got a wall up Erica. But I don't think Kyle does. So I think that comment was a little unfair.
Lori (41:26.677)
Lori (41:32.49)
And I thought it was really funny too after Kathy was making the comments about PJ's age that Boz was like, girl, that's some shade. That's like the smoothest shade I ever heard in my life. She was saying at the table, I was laughing. was like, well, you're so funny.
Kelli (41:52.696)
Yeah, she's a good addition. She's a great, great housewife. So then...
Lori (41:54.966)
Oh yeah, I love her. And how do you like when she said, how do you like when she said, I have nothing to say because black don't crack. that, right, I know. They always look great, their skin. God bless them.
Kelli (42:04.768)
Yeah, damn straight. Lucky!
Kelli (42:10.624)
I know. And she's got, I mean, I'm sure there's filters on and things, you know, we don't have access to, but she's got beautiful skin, Boz.
Lori (42:20.392)
Yep, yep, yep.
Kelli (42:23.534)
So this is the last thing I have. Basically they start talking about the laws in California and if PK divorces Dorit before 10 years, she does not get 50%. So here's the thing.
Lori (42:37.942)
Kelli (42:42.038)
I can't, he's downstairs. Yeah.
Lori (42:42.76)
Is that your child? Yeah. Yeah. Kelly's son is playing the video games and yelling because that's what boys do.
Kelli (42:52.718)
It's like, it's so ridiculous. I live like this. It's like, it's ridiculous. What does P.K. even have though? Like, if it's, I think they, I don't know if they own that house. If they do, her name has to be on it. Like, what is she worried about getting 50 % of? Isn't the guy like broke? That's why they're accusing him of insurance fraud?
Lori (42:57.002)
Lori (43:11.862)
I don't know. But I think that also the deal is that if she's not married for the 10 years, then she cannot get the spousal support. So think that's the gig. I think that's the guy.
Kelli (43:26.798)
okay. he did, okay. And he did divorce his first wife before the 10 year mark. Somebody mentioned that. And Erica said, did somebody ask Dorie?
Lori (43:35.35)
I didn't know that. huh.
Kelli (43:45.016)
Do you think he wants you back or something? But Erica said he doesn't want you back. Did you hear Erica say that? Yeah. Good for her. I mean, listen, you have to give it to your friend straight. That's, that was very straight, but.
Lori (43:48.264)
No, he doesn't. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. very straight. And I like how when she was doing it, Bob was like, hell no.
Kelli (44:01.994)
Yeah, yeah, everything Tori was saying or Erica, I mean, at least Erica is giving her the legal. Poor Erica just went through it, obviously, and is still going through it so she can give her the legal side of things. But it's very good advice. Get an attorney. But yeah, Bose was hysterical and she was like, hell no.
Lori (44:06.407)
Lori (44:10.376)
Right. Right.
Lori (44:16.98)
Absolutely. Yeah. But then after that, she kept doing like all different other sounds like, I'm laughing at her. It was so funny. Yes, that's all I have for that. we shall see. I'm curious to watch this conversation next episode between Garcelle and Sutton's mother. I don't know why she's...
Kelli (44:24.987)
Kelli (44:44.396)
Me too.
Lori (44:45.578)
dealing with that dragon. So unfortunately for Sutton, think it's just something where she's just going to have to accept her mother for who she is and just be just be proud of her own self.
Kelli (44:47.308)
Yep. Agreed.
Kelli (44:58.102)
She, I mean, isn't that ultimately what we all have to do?
Like we all have to give ourselves grace and we all have to give ourselves. what's the word I'm looking for?
Lori (45:12.574)
A pad on the back.
Kelli (45:14.272)
a pad on the back.
Lori (45:15.594)
But see, it's different because you and I have, you know, I had and you have mothers who are very supportive, love us beyond measure, think that we're the greatest thing since sliced bread and no one could be better than us. And it's different when you're blessed with that. I mean, so I think it's a lot easier for us to say, well, yeah, because we've had that, that
Kelli (45:23.938)
Yes. Yes.
Kelli (45:35.575)
Kelli (45:44.002)
Yeah, you're right. You're absolutely right.
Lori (45:45.354)
that support where she hasn't. and I think that's, meeting her mother explains a lot about her.
Lori (45:58.208)
Alright, so we'll see you next time.
Kelli (46:01.098)
Yeah, thank you. If you could give us some five star reviews, follow us, share us. We'd appreciate it.
Lori (46:07.414)
Comment on our posts. Everybody comments. We love our comments. Yes.
Kelli (46:10.486)
Yeah, yeah, and we respond to the good comments and the bad comments. I just responded to a bad comment right before I logged on. Somebody calling us bitches and telling us to go see a psychiatrist because we won't buy Teresa's lipstick. I'm not buying Teresa's lipstick. Listen, I don't fucking like her and I'm on a podcast where I have the right to say that. I don't like her, yeah.
Lori (46:15.614)
Sometimes we-
Yeah, sometimes we.
Lori (46:32.03)
You don't have to like her. You don't have to like anybody. Doesn't mean you wish you're ill. Just you don't have to like her.
Kelli (46:37.889)
Of course not.
Right, and Lori and Wendy have no feelings either way. So to call us bitches over that, it's pretty messed up. But that's okay, I laughed at your comment and I said, ooh, you're angry.
Lori (46:44.086)
Lori (46:51.498)
Yeah. Have a glass of wine. All right. It's lipstick and a TV show. And spices. My McCormick spices. Yeah. And I use McCormick because I can't afford the expensive one. All right. Bye.
Kelli (46:55.148)
Yeah, chill. It's not that deep.
Kelli (47:01.28)
Exactly. Cormac's doing just fine, people. Don't worry about it. Right. Right. All right, bye.