We Wine Whenever's Podcast
Welcome to We Wine Whenever where three middle age, middle class neighborhood women discuss our views on popular shows, our lives and anything else that pops up. Join in the fun and listen in to discover what its really like to be a Jersey Shore housewife as the blonde ,the brunette and the redhead give you an unfiltered cocktail hour.
Together, Wendy ,Kelli and Lori create a vibrant and entertaining podcast that covers a wide range of topics, from the latest Bravo drama to discussions on parenting, relationships, and current events. Their chemistry as co-hosts, combined with their relatability and passion, makes their podcast a must-listen for anyone looking for engaging conversations about everyday life and pop culture.
We drink wine whenever and we hope you do too!
We Wine Whenever's Podcast
RHONY-Brynn the Pot-Stirrer: Jessel’s Glam and Ubah’s Loyalty
RHONY-Brynn the Pot-Stirrer: Jessel’s Glam and Ubah’s Loyalty
RHONY S15 E13: Dinner Disasters and Breakfast Breakdowns
Puerto Rico - Day 2
Morning Poolside Chat
Brynn, Sai, and Erin discuss love lives, revisiting Jessel’s past relationships.
They criticize Jessel’s relationship with Pavit, questioning her affection for him.
Sai reveals tension with Pavit after past comments, while Brynn plans to address Jessel's feelings.
Dinner Drama
Brynn stirs the pot, ordering multiple drinks and confronting Jessel about her photo-focused lifestyle.
Jenna lightens the mood by sharing a photo of her "vagina hair," causing laughter.
Erin escalates tensions by telling Jessel Brynn is upset with her, leading to a heated exchange about priorities and photo ops.
Ubah avoids direct involvement, staying loyal to Jessel but clashing with Brynn over her provocations.
Nighttime Conflicts
Brynn and Ubah argue, with Ubah accusing Brynn of bullying and stirring drama.
Ubah suggests Brynn’s behavior might stem from ulterior motives, which Erin finds manipulative.
By bedtime, Ubah and Jessel reconcile, with Ubah calming herself for the next day.
Breakfast Breakdown
Ubah and Sai discuss Brynn’s behavior, agreeing to warn Jessel about the gossip.
Erin is emotionally triggered during breakfast when Ubah references family hardships, revealing her own struggles with her parents’ cancer diagnoses.
Beach Outing
The group heads to Raquel’s favorite childhood beach.
Rebecca avoids the water due to shark fears, while Ubah complains about a dead pigeon in the water, irritating Raquel.
The episode ends with lingering tensions but efforts to maintain the group’s harmony.
- The episode title accurately reflects the events.
- The Puerto Rico trip has felt prolonged due to the break.
- Gossip can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
- It's disrespectful to discuss someone's marriage on TV.
- The dynamics among the cast resemble middle school behavior.
- Brynn's actions are perceived as detrimental to the show.
- Glam and vanity are contentious topics among the cast.
- Uba's emotional state is affected by the group dynamics.
- Friendship loyalty is tested in the face of gossip.
- Conflict resolution is essential for maintaining friendships. Erin's emotional struggles stem from her father's cancer diagnosis.
- Friendship dynamics can be complicated, especially in ensemble casts.
- Beach outings can lead to unexpected drama and humor.
- The anticipation for the reunion is building among fans.
- Bravo's casting decisions are under scrutiny as new dynamics emerge.
- Mia's presence on Potomac is seen as detrimental to the show's quality.
- The hosts express skepticism about the future of certain cast members.
- Cultural factors can influence personal relationships and decisions.
- The hosts share their thoughts on the importance of character development in reality TV.
- The conversation reflects on the evolving nature of Bravo's contracts and cast management.
We Wine Whenever (00:00.776)
Hi, welcome to We Wine Whenever. I'm Wendy. We are talking about Real Housewives of New York, Season 15, Episode Number 13. This one's called Dinner Disasters and Breakfast Breakdowns. That's pretty accurate.
Kelli (00:03.435)
I'm Kelly.
Kelli (00:18.498)
Very accurate. Very accurate.
We Wine Whenever (00:21.288)
So we are on day two in Puerto Rico. Honestly, I guess because of the break, like the two week break, I feel like we've been in Puerto Rico for a week now.
Kelli (00:29.196)
I do too. I do too. And I got real bored of the conversation between Bryn, Cy, and Erin. Real bored. And Cy, think should just stay away from Bryn.
We Wine Whenever (00:30.279)
We Wine Whenever (00:44.966)
Yeah, so that's really where we start out is the three of them are out at the pool and Brynn brings up, really they're jessel-bassing is what they're doing, but Brynn brings up, do remember when we asked last year who the love of your life was and I said, I said David and you said Abe and Jessel said this guy that she used to date and that her parents wouldn't let her marry him because he wasn't Indian and
Kelli (00:49.198)
We Wine Whenever (01:13.585)
Then there three of them are talking about how they don't really think that like Jessel loves Povit. Like they're just really like good friends and like buddies.
Kelli (01:22.338)
I think that that was so outrageous and disrespectful and rude and not just so mean. Like why, first of all, why would you ever repeat that story on TV?
We Wine Whenever (01:38.28)
But I know, I agree. I was shocked.
Kelli (01:40.97)
you're like you're messing with someone's marriage that's messing with someone's marriage in my opinion and then erin's like i don't see them you know having sex like she's like you could like picture me and aave having sex no erin nope i don't picture you and aave having sex i don't ever ever want to picture you and aave having sex ever in a million years
We Wine Whenever (01:44.22)
We Wine Whenever (01:53.948)
We Wine Whenever (02:02.117)
I agree. mean, thought that that, I mean, listen, Brynn is the one who started it, but they didn't have to jump on that bandwagon. I mean, even Psy does tell Uba and Uba's like, you got to tell Jessel. But even before that, like I didn't even realize, I didn't realize that Psy and Povit were not in a good place until they played that back. And I didn't, I didn't, I didn't realize that. She's like, I just ignore him.
Kelli (02:15.481)
Kelli (02:24.717)
Me neither.
We Wine Whenever (02:28.539)
you know, cause he called her, we see he called her bipolar and he called her a bitch, which is not cool. It's not cool, but she said she's in a good place with Jessel and Jessel doesn't even realize it, you know. And I think it's better that way.
Kelli (02:32.735)
Kelli (02:41.344)
Yeah. mean, listen, for sure. Last year, Psy was obviously a different person. We, we see a different side, you know, we see a different side this year and we like it. But, so, I mean, you should never call somebody bipolar. But I mean, she kind of was a bitch last season. I don't think Povett should have said it on TV, but.
We Wine Whenever (02:48.067)
We Wine Whenever (02:52.611)
We Wine Whenever (03:01.798)
We Wine Whenever (03:05.186)
No, no, no. And like I said, I think the way the size handling it is perfect because one, we didn't even realize it because she doesn't let it affect, you know, she, and they show you her avoiding him. She just avoids him. And like she said, Jessel doesn't even know. Well, she'll know after she saw this episode. And honestly, I'm sure Povett will apologize too, because I think that's, I think that's who he is. You know, he does say a lot of stupid things.
Kelli (03:12.974)
Kelli (03:19.044)
Kelli (03:23.832)
Yeah. Yeah.
Kelli (03:29.529)
We Wine Whenever (03:34.4)
And that was just another one of them.
Kelli (03:35.82)
Yeah, absolutely.
But yeah, I was like, by the end of the conversation, I'm like, I'm just so bored of this. It was like middle schoolers.
We Wine Whenever (03:47.244)
Mm-hmm. And it was really like middle schoolers. And then Brynn was saying that Jessel's house is like the showroom for restoration hardware. Her house is beautiful. It's absolutely beautiful. Yeah. And the fact that she's like, yeah, I can go over and hang out with her kids while they trash her restoration. I mean, come on. She's got two toddlers. I mean, it just was not called for. It really wasn't.
Kelli (03:57.74)
It's beautiful. It's beautiful. And it's way bigger than Brin's.
Kelli (04:11.161)
Kelli (04:17.732)
Well, and the funny thing is that Brynn's like, you know, you know, talking about the glam and I mean, we'll get to that because it's at the dinner, but then she's like, I want to just hang out with you and your kids. That's what Brynn says to Jessel. It's like, you were just crashing her kids. You were just saying how her kids are awful and misbehaved.
We Wine Whenever (04:32.899)
Right. Right.
We Wine Whenever (04:38.244)
Right. And even still, like she's saying that she's gonna say something to Jessel about the way she acts. And then Erin says, well, she's mad at you too. And she's like, well, what is she mad at me for? about that photo shoot. Well, yeah. So I was at the photo shoot and I said to her, I'm going first, cause I gotta get home to my dog.
Meanwhile, she was next in line and she had to get home to feed her kids. Right. So, and the fact that Brynn thinks that that's right, it just like blows my mind.
Kelli (05:09.676)
got two toddlers. Yeah.
Kelli (05:18.126)
Brynn's making this show stupid. She really is making the show stupid. Like I am losing interest. I'm really losing interest. Quickly.
We Wine Whenever (05:28.941)
Yeah, I agree. I agree. She's stirring the pot way more than it needs to be stirred.
Kelli (05:33.976)
And it's for stupid things like Jessel gets glam and has photographers at things like this is what this is your beat your big beef with her. Like she didn't screw your husband. Like I just I don't get it's it's made up BS for the show and it's just it's not good.
We Wine Whenever (05:39.822)
We Wine Whenever (05:43.363)
We Wine Whenever (05:52.832)
I agree. So then they all, all the ladies get dressed up to go to dinner and they all get in the Sprinter van to go out. They get there. I'm not really quite sure why did Brynn order four espresso martinis? Was she ordering for other people at the table?
Kelli (06:09.098)
Now I think she was just trying to be funny or something. I don't know. I don't know. Because somebody else ordered two drinks.
We Wine Whenever (06:13.475)
Well, Uba ordered two non-alcoholic drinks. She was having one for her, and I'm not sure who the other one was for, because she said she ordered, maybe Jenna?
Kelli (06:20.217)
yeah, she was having mocktails, yeah.
Kelli (06:26.617)
I thought she said Erin, but you know what? Jenna would make more sense because I don't think Jenna drinks alcohol either.
We Wine Whenever (06:31.436)
Yeah, I think it might have been Jenna. And then Jenna says that she has a picture to show the ladies at dinner of her vagina hair.
Kelli (06:44.632)
Why do you not do that before dinner? Like I don't, I don't ever want to see that, but you know, some people might, but right, right before dinner.
We Wine Whenever (06:51.011)
I don't want to see it.
I don't want to see it.
Kelli (06:55.012)
I don't know.
We Wine Whenever (06:57.412)
I mean, the ladies are all laughing about it and they're making fun of it. And even like the people in the restaurant are looking at them and then they're doing their confessionals and all the ladies are drawing their version of it. Like, like.
Kelli (07:00.471)
Kelli (07:08.344)
That was actually very funny. A drawing I'm here for. I just don't want to see the actual photo. That was very funny.
We Wine Whenever (07:15.652)
Well, thank God we did not see the actual photo. Can you imagine?
Kelli (07:21.006)
Thank God you can keep that in Abe's dick pic. I want nothing to do with either one of them.
We Wine Whenever (07:26.5)
Then Erin at the dinner table is telling the ladies that Jessel said that she was mad at Brynn. And the thing is, Erin and Brynn are on one side of the table and Jessel is on the opposite end of the table across from Uba. So it's a little awkward and Jessel kind of gets wind that they're talking about her. So she kind of like speaks up and then Erin's like, yeah, I was just telling them that you were mad at her and
Kelli (07:41.955)
We Wine Whenever (07:54.882)
She's like, well, they asked me a question like, have you ever gotten mad at Brynn before? And I said, yes, at this photo shoot. And she said exactly what happened.
Kelli (08:03.65)
And which it's so interesting because when Erin brought it up earlier at breakfast, she didn't say that. She didn't say, we asked Jessel if she had ever been mad at you. She didn't say that. She just said, well, Jessel's got a beef with you or she's annoyed at you.
We Wine Whenever (08:18.421)
Right. Right. Exactly.
Kelli (08:21.924)
And listen, good for Jessel, because they're coming at her because of the photographer and the glam. And she's like, I am vain. And listen, good for you. You people don't know, because I don't, like, I spend mad money on makeup and skincare. I don't know if that makes me vain. I don't have glam and photographers following me around, but that's my gig. That's what I like. Like, good for Jessel for sticking up for herself. Like, fuck you, Brynn. You do the same.
thing. Like okay maybe you don't want to spend the money on glam, maybe you don't have the money for glam, but Jessel does.
We Wine Whenever (08:52.662)
We Wine Whenever (09:00.152)
Yeah, and you know, listen, even all the other ladies at the table were like, so what? Like, why are you giving her a hard time about it?
Kelli (09:08.004)
Yeah, it's a stupid thing to dislike about someone.
We Wine Whenever (09:12.351)
It really is, it really is. And then Brynn's like still wouldn't let it go. She's just like, you know, I just, you know, like even at your birthday party, like it so much like with the photographer and Jess was like, well, you left early to get a spray tan anyway. What do you care?
Kelli (09:27.268)
Yeah, what do you care? It's really odd.
We Wine Whenever (09:29.43)
And it's true. What do you care? I did like that in Jessel's confessional, she's like, and she said, I've changed so much. She bought her agent or her manager, whatever it was, to my kid's birthday party.
Kelli (09:43.808)
Yeah, what'd she say? I have it. Yeah.
I don't know. I have it somewhere. Manager or agent, one of them.
We Wine Whenever (09:54.659)
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Kelli (09:59.542)
Yeah. And then she's like, so at least Rebecca stuck up for Jessel.
We Wine Whenever (10:06.828)
She did, but as true to form, like no one was listening to Rebecca.
Kelli (10:10.26)
No, no one was listening. And then Brynn's whispering to Erin like, deep down, she doesn't like you. Like she's so seventh grade Brynn. She doesn't want Erin to have a friendship with anybody else. That's what it comes down to.
We Wine Whenever (10:13.037)
We Wine Whenever (10:25.26)
That's what it is. That's exactly what it comes down to is that she doesn't want her to have a friendship with anybody else. And what Rebecca...
Kelli (10:29.304)
Kelli (10:33.124)
And then they get on the bus and she's like, she's like, like waving her over to the, come in the back of the bus. Like, what are you doing? You're a grown woman.
We Wine Whenever (10:41.664)
Yeah. Listen, it was ridiculous. It really was ridiculous. What Rebecca said is she's the one who clarified that Jessel was asked the question.
Kelli (10:55.574)
Yeah. Yeah, like she didn't just come into a room and been like, I'm so pissed off at Brett.
We Wine Whenever (10:56.723)
And Jessel said that. Exactly. And Jessel had said that already. So she just kind of backed it up. And like you said, Erin's the one who brought it up and she didn't, she didn't say that.
Kelli (11:04.974)
Kelli (11:09.6)
She never, never indicated that it was a question asked and Jessel answered it.
We Wine Whenever (11:14.996)
No, she didn't. it's that there's no reason for that. Like, there's no reason to be shady like that. I agree with Uba. They are, they were both bullies. Both of them, Aaron and Brynn are both bullies.
Kelli (11:19.618)
Mm-mm. Mm-mm.
Kelli (11:25.006)
They are. They are.
We Wine Whenever (11:31.796)
And I did also like that Jessel, she stood up for herself and she told Aaron to shut the fuck up. I was like, yeah, I was like, good for you.
Kelli (11:39.768)
Yeah, Erin did not like that, but.
Yep. Yep.
We Wine Whenever (11:47.52)
And then Uber, could see like she's not feeling well. She's getting upset about what's going on. She's very loyal to Jessel. She doesn't want to pop off on Brynn. And...
Kelli (11:58.924)
Right. Brynn keeps pushing.
We Wine Whenever (12:02.83)
And you know, she just at one point she just closes her eyes like to kind of get out of the situation if not mentally, you know, and then Brynn has to start, start on her. Like if you don't want to be here then leave. Yeah.
Kelli (12:09.026)
Kelli (12:14.508)
Yeah. Why are you here? Right. Why are you even here?
We Wine Whenever (12:22.057)
And then, know, it was like to bring like, stay the fuck out of my business. what does it matter to you what I'm doing at the other end of the table?
Kelli (12:26.713)
Kelli (12:32.248)
Right, I'm not even sitting near you.
We Wine Whenever (12:34.281)
Right. I'm not bothering you. I'm not calling you names. I'm not bullying you. Like stay the fuck out of my business.
Kelli (12:40.974)
We Wine Whenever (12:43.276)
So then they get on the van and Uba says, she's calling Bryn a bully and Bryn's in the back and Uba's in the very front and she's like, you know, I'm just here being me. I got this job because I was being me. you know, if she slept with somebody to get the job, then that's a different story. And then all of a sudden she stands up and she's like, did you just say I slept with somebody? And then it's, you know,
kind of got explosive as, listen, I get that she was upset. I get that she was upset, but Ubu was just like, you know what, you're gonna poke me, I'm gonna poke you.
Kelli (13:15.14)
Here's the thing,
Kelli (13:22.292)
Exactly. This was Brynn's fault and nobody can convince me otherwise. She pushed Uba to that point. Uba didn't say you slept with somebody to get the job. She said maybe if she did, okay. And then Raquel gets on the screen and is like, you know, women have to defend themselves. No, no, no, no, no, no. Brynn puts her sexuality out there and waves it like a flag. Like she is proud and loud. You
We Wine Whenever (13:34.516)
We Wine Whenever (13:49.962)
Kelli (13:50.688)
you got to back that up then you can't then do the old woe is me and this listen this has nothing to do with her essay please let me be very very clear this has nothing to do with that i'm not i'm not commenting on that but i'm commenting on the fact that she's very flirtatious with everyone men or women who are in front of her site you know it goes back to what aaron said or didn't say on jeff louis like
We Wine Whenever (14:00.401)
No, no it does not. It does not.
Kelli (14:20.322)
It's not outlandish for someone to think that Brynn maybe has a man taking care of her because of the way she behaves, especially around older men. Like I don't want to get myself in trouble for saying all of this, but, I don't think Uba, I don't think Uba was saying it for that reason, but you can't like, you can't play victim when somebody says something like this, when you act a certain way.
We Wine Whenever (14:44.585)
Right. And Erin even said, and Erin is her bestie, said Brynn knows that Uba gets hot and she just keeps pushing until she blows. And then when she blows, she's just like, you did this. Like you did this. So they get back to the house and they're all kind of going their own ways. And Erin asks Uba if she's good. And she said, yeah. And then Erin and Jess will have a talk and you know, they're all good.
Kelli (14:53.644)
She pushed her hard.
Kelli (15:00.311)
We Wine Whenever (15:16.261)
And Jessel acknowledges the fact that it's just Brynn stirring the pot. Like I think Jessel really does see what's going on. One, because she's smart and two, because she is very close with Uba. Jessel and Uba are close and she sees what's going on.
Kelli (15:23.053)
I did.
Kelli (15:26.948)
Kelli (15:33.164)
When Uber said, what does she say? A lion doesn't worry about what the chihuahua is saying.
We Wine Whenever (15:40.648)
Yes, that was good. It's so funny because she does come out with these really good one-liners and sometimes she does, like because her English isn't her first language, sometimes she does say things that are a little off, but then other times she comes out with these great one-liners that are like, you know. The next morning we see Uba, she's like trying to calm and center herself like,
Kelli (15:42.734)
That was
Kelli (15:48.429)
Kelli (15:59.682)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We Wine Whenever (16:09.888)
through breathing and listening to, I don't know, was meditation or whatever it was, but you can see they're showing flashbacks of what had happened. And I'm sure that's what was going through her head. Right. And then she's talking to Sai and Sai's talking about how her foot is killing her. I totally forgot that she had glass in her foot. I cannot believe that she didn't have surgery.
Kelli (16:14.66)
Kelli (16:22.18)
And yeah, she was trying to quiet the noise.
Kelli (16:35.052)
I can't either because this is glass inside of your foot that you have veins in that can cut the vein, God forbid, or an artery, you know what I'm saying?
We Wine Whenever (16:44.017)
Wait, there was a point where they thought it may have been close to the artery. I remember like when this first happened. mean, I guess it wasn't.
Kelli (16:47.648)
Yes. And even if she fell the wrong way, like, I don't know, man, that's that's scary.
We Wine Whenever (16:53.755)
I know.
We Wine Whenever (16:57.52)
Yeah, like I said, I totally forgot about it. Then those two are outside talking and they're kind of talking loud and they're right outside of Jenna and Raquel's room. Sy asks Uba, like what she thinks about Brynn going after Jessel and Uba tells Sy that, listen, you should tell Jessel what, what Erin and Brynn were saying. Like, I don't want to be friends with someone who lets, who talks behind another friend's back. Like,
you were there, you heard it, you should really say something. And honestly, I think that that was good advice that Uba gave her.
Kelli (17:28.888)
Kelli (17:32.206)
for sure.
We Wine Whenever (17:34.663)
And we said this before, we have seen such a different Psy this season and I don't really think that she's getting credit for it.
Kelli (17:42.62)
I know. I agree. And she even said, she's like, I'm in a good place with Jessel. So I sh I should have, I should have checked Brynn. I should have been like, you know what? Too much, too much. So unfortunately she didn't do it in the moment, but at least she acknowledged that she should have done it after the moment.
We Wine Whenever (17:45.596)
because of
We Wine Whenever (17:53.904)
Right. Right.
We Wine Whenever (18:02.461)
Yeah, which is good. I mean, that's why you have friends, right? To kind of guide you and direct you, you know? Then we see all the ladies are at breakfast and they're talking about going to the beach. Well, they're not all there yet, but a good portion of them. And they're talking about how they've got to put Brynn and Uba on the opposite side of the beach from each other so that they can have, you know, a good beach day. Erin also says that, you know,
Kelli (18:05.515)
We Wine Whenever (18:31.622)
We all know what to uva we all know that she was poking you, meaning Brynn, because Brynn wasn't out there yet. And I was like, well, that's good. I'm glad that she's acknowledging it. And they all agreed, right?
Kelli (18:38.947)
Kelli (18:44.684)
Yeah. And then Uba goes on to say how she was really there for Brynn. There was like a six month stretch. And then right before BravoCon, like Brynn was having some kind of problem with family. And, you know, she was just, she was there for her. So this is all very strange. And that's after, that's after Brynn did what she did with the guy from Connecticut, you know, calling out the guy from Connecticut, like,
We Wine Whenever (18:50.674)
We Wine Whenever (18:57.254)
We Wine Whenever (19:01.778)
We Wine Whenever (19:09.297)
Yes, exactly. Exactly.
Kelli (19:12.436)
This is really odd that Brynn's doing this.
We Wine Whenever (19:15.314)
And that's kind of what Uba's point was. She's like, here we are on a beautiful vacation. We shouldn't be fighting. Like, I get to pick who my friends are. Like, I get to say who I want to hang out with. Like, my time is precious. Like, this isn't, and then this is when she used that bad example. It's not like your mom has cancer. You can't fix that. Which again, she absolutely did not mean that about Erin. Like,
Kelli (19:20.856)
Kelli (19:33.476)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Kelli (19:39.044)
No, sure. No, I mean, I don't even know if she used the word. Oh, maybe she did use the word cancer. I thought she just said like sick. Oh, she did. Okay.
We Wine Whenever (19:44.423)
She did, and she did say mom. She said mom and cancer. Again, I don't, there was no mal-intent in that. She was just given an example of like there's serious things going on in life. And here we're fighting over stupid stuff. She's picking at Jessel because she takes too many pictures and she gets glam.
Kelli (19:54.942)
No, I don't think there was either. Yeah.
Kelli (20:07.234)
Right, she gets glam and has a photographer. Like who cares? She's a real housewife. Like if you weren't like that before, you're gonna be like that now.
We Wine Whenever (20:12.006)
We Wine Whenever (20:15.685)
Right. So then Erin gets up and she leaves and she's crying. And I, we, we knew in the beginning why she was crying about her mom, but then we find out later that her dad had cancer. I mean, now we know they, no, they didn't, they didn't. So again, there's no, Uba would, she didn't mean it and
Kelli (20:30.082)
Yeah, that's now we know why, because I don't think they ever said why he passed, right?
Kelli (20:38.211)
We Wine Whenever (20:44.257)
She didn't know about her father.
Kelli (20:45.528)
We Wine Whenever (20:55.409)
Then Brynn comes out and she says that Jessel has changed as a person.
And Jess was like, I haven't changed as a person. Like, what are you saying? And then Bryn's like, well, maybe it's just because I don't like to do photo shoots. And maybe that's just why I'm closer with Aaron. What?
Kelli (21:17.346)
Yeah, it's such a strange thing to say. It's such a strange thing to say.
We Wine Whenever (21:23.599)
And it was under her breath that she said it too.
Kelli (21:28.716)
We Wine Whenever (21:31.523)
yeah, it was her agent. yeah. And then Brynn's, cause then Brynn says the birthday thing was a lot. And then she tells her about the spray tan. Then Brynn goes inside to talk to Erin and that's when we find out about Erin's dad was just re-diagnosed again with lung cancer and.
Kelli (21:33.08)
Yeah, was a region. I just got to that part of my notes too.
Kelli (21:54.808)
Yeah, that's sad.
We Wine Whenever (21:56.316)
very sad that nobody knows. She's really worried. Her father thinks it's no big deal. He's just brushing it off. So she's carrying that weight on her shoulders, plus the weight of her mother going to the next round of chemotherapy. You know, it's a lot. It's absolutely a lot. Plus she was already having trouble with her husband at that point. Like she definitely has a lot on her plate and I can understand that.
Kelli (22:18.382)
Yeah, for sure, for sure.
We Wine Whenever (22:22.492)
Erin says to Brynn that you're my fun buddy and she feels like her and Brynn have this special bond. I mean, I do think they have a special bond, but I'm not really quite sure if it's real, to be quite honest with you.
Kelli (22:38.54)
I do, I do think that they have a special bond too, but I just think that Bryn and Aaron, right? I just feel like, like we said before, like Bryn just doesn't want Aaron to have any other connections with the other girls. And to me, that's odd. Like you're on an ensemble show. Like, what do you think you and Aaron are going to get a spinoff? It's not happening. you're barely surviving as a cast on the reboot. like, well, I don't understand, but you know,
We Wine Whenever (22:44.508)
We Wine Whenever (22:59.908)
Kelli (23:08.1)
You know people like that. You know people who can only have one friend and they're insecure about that friend's friendships with other women. There's people, there's a lot of people out there like that.
We Wine Whenever (23:13.04)
We Wine Whenever (23:19.825)
We Wine Whenever (23:23.844)
It's just strange. It really is strange.
Kelli (23:25.044)
It's very strange to me. but you know, they're, they're out there.
We Wine Whenever (23:31.44)
Yeah. So then they all get ready to go to the beach. They're going to, this beach was Raquel's favorite beach when she was a child. And I was surprised to see how busy the beach was when they got there. I don't know why I was surprised. I just thought that they were going to some kind of like out of the way place beach that, but when they walked on the beach and I saw all those people, was like, there's a lot of people there. And then,
Kelli (23:57.579)
Yeah. Yeah.
We Wine Whenever (24:00.091)
Rebecca announces on the bus that she, or on the van, that she's afraid of sharks, that she will not be going in the water. And they're all like, what do mean you're not going in the water because of sharks? All right, well, that's a valid thing, I guess. mean...
Kelli (24:12.792)
I don't go in the water because I'm afraid of sharks. I'm legit just like Rebecca in this. Like I would go in like the lagoon in somebody's backyard and I would think that there would be a shark. Like I can't, I'm scared of sharks. Yeah. Yep.
We Wine Whenever (24:15.053)
Okay, yeah!
We Wine Whenever (24:26.074)
All right, well, she that's how she felt. She felt the exact same way. So and you could see like they're walking on the beach and it is a little weird. Like it's not, I don't know. I really don't know what to expect because I've never been to Puerto Rico, but who was trying to jump over this like little water thing and there's a dead pigeon there and she lands in the water and she drops her bag and she's like freaking out and
It was just a big scene. Raquel is insulted because she's being rude, because this is her favorite childhood beach and she's acting like a child because there's a dead pigeon. It was just like.
Kelli (25:07.928)
I gotta be on, I don't know how to feel about the Uber reaction to the beach because I do think she was going on about it. And I do see why Raquel would be insulted and her feelings would be hurt. But if there were dead birds laying around, I don't know if I'd get in the water either. I don't know if I'd go on and on and on about it, but I, I wouldn't want to go in the water.
We Wine Whenever (25:19.96)
We Wine Whenever (25:29.304)
Well, I don't know.
We Wine Whenever (25:37.114)
don't know how long she went on about it, to be honest with you, because we didn't really even see it that long. Right? And then she was sitting there and Brynn was going to go into the water and Uber told her not to go into the water because there's a dead pigeon. And I just think it's so funny of all things because she's been calling them pigeons all season.
Kelli (25:41.132)
Yeah, I know it's all editing.
Kelli (25:54.816)
my God, I thought the same thing. I'm like, did production plant that there? Are there normally pigeons in Puerto Rico? Like, I feel like there's not. Was it a seagull? That's what I'm saying. Was it a seagull? Which are basically just ocean pigeons. Beach pigeons.
We Wine Whenever (25:58.404)
Like, did they bring the pigeon with them?
We Wine Whenever (26:07.674)
Like, it's not like it was a seagull. That's, I don't know. It was hard to say.
We Wine Whenever (26:18.746)
I mean, listen, there is a different look to a seagull. I have a great love of seagulls, because I go to the beach all the time and I take many pictures of seagulls. But honestly, I've never taken a picture of a dead seagull. And it was kind of hard to tell because it was laying sideways and I didn't really get to see the wings. And I don't know if it was a pigeon or a seagull. I just think, what?
Kelli (26:36.812)
Yeah. I know.
Kelli (26:42.956)
Either way, was a dead bird laying there.
We Wine Whenever (26:45.433)
There definitely was a dead bird laying there.
Kelli (26:47.02)
And why? Like why?
We Wine Whenever (26:49.229)
I don't know, I mean, we're on season, we're on episode 13. So the next episode, we're still gonna be in Puerto Rico because they just got to the beach and we see that there's gonna be another blow up. But then we see that I did, I didn't finish it. I started watching it. Did you watch it?
Kelli (27:06.956)
Yep. Did you watch, watch what happens live?
Kelli (27:13.804)
I did and did you catch that he asked Raquel about the reunion? So they already taped the reunion. Yeah, because we haven't heard anything about the reunion, but that answers our question. They did have one.
We Wine Whenever (27:19.449)
Yes, I did see that. I did.
We Wine Whenever (27:27.041)
Yeah, because normally we see like pictures and seating charts. I don't recall seeing that, do you?
Kelli (27:33.118)
No, not at all, not at all. But I was thinking after I watched Watch What Happens Live, the beginning of this season, remember how it starts? They're all getting ready for something and they're talking about three months ago. So maybe that's what they're getting ready for, the reunion.
We Wine Whenever (27:52.313)
I thought they were getting ready for their photo shoot of their opening shot.
Kelli (27:57.868)
Maybe they were. Maybe they were.
We Wine Whenever (27:59.235)
I think that's what they were getting ready for. The opening shot, they, well, they changed the people. Like they changed, know, Raquel is new.
Kelli (28:02.358)
Okay, because they would do that after the season is filmed.
Kelli (28:11.298)
That's what I'm saying though, because so that scene where they're all getting ready and talking, the season had already filmed.
We Wine Whenever (28:18.541)
Yeah, no, yeah, I know this season I already feel, I think that they were shooting their opening shots, because they're all standing out waiting for each other to take a picture. It's not like they were sitting down. I think it was, it wasn't the reunion. I think that they were shooting.
Kelli (28:29.772)
Okay. Okay.
Kelli (28:34.552)
We Wine Whenever (28:40.268)
That's what I think. I could be wrong, but I think that's what it was. Because it wouldn't make sense for them to do the reunion before the season aired so far in advance because they need to see what happens and that's what they kind of react to. And I think the reason, my impression was the reason that they were doing it is because the season ended early because they left.
Kelli (28:41.506)
Yeah, yeah, no, you could very well be right.
Kelli (28:49.387)
Right, right, right, right.
Kelli (28:54.637)
Kelli (29:05.014)
Yeah. So yeah, I mean, I would imagine that the season's coming to an end soon because this is the trip that they get into the fight on and then that's it, right? Yeah. But it's not saying next week on the season finale of...
We Wine Whenever (29:06.519)
We Wine Whenever (29:10.39)
Right. Yeah. So we'll have to.
No, it's not.
We'll have to just wait and see.
Kelli (29:24.077)
We Wine Whenever (29:26.134)
Listen, I don't mind a little cliffhanger. I can wait. I don't have to know right away.
Kelli (29:29.27)
yeah, I'm good. I mean, give us something. Give us something other than Abe's dick pic and Brynn talking shit about Jessel. I'm good with a cliffhanger.
We Wine Whenever (29:40.343)
I am too. mean, we just dropped our Potomac episode today, but it did come out today that they were filming the reunion for Potomac today and that Karen is not there. So I think so. I saw it in a couple of places that she's not there. Like I said before, I would be surprised if she would be there. I mean, what attorney would let her go?
Kelli (29:56.196)
She's definitely not there.
Kelli (30:06.168)
We Wine Whenever (30:09.91)
She hasn't been sentenced yet. His sentencing is at the end of the month.
Kelli (30:11.074)
Yeah, I mean, she can't answer anything about that. And that was her storyline this year.
We Wine Whenever (30:16.31)
and that's what they're going to be coming at her for.
Kelli (30:18.058)
Yeah, she can't. She can't talk about it.
We Wine Whenever (30:20.94)
The other thing that came out, I think it came out on Monday, but we had already recorded our episode about Potomac, but I don't know if you saw, but Essence Magazine did a whole article about how Mia is taking down Potomac. Did you see that?
Kelli (30:35.66)
Really? I didn't see it, but I did see a clip that the Braav bros were saying the same thing.
We Wine Whenever (30:41.408)
I read the article first and then I happened to listen to Brav Bros and I was like, shoot, like I read the article, I think on Monday and we had already done it right after it had aired on Sunday night and I was like, yeah. And then after that, I heard them talking about it. was like, they really did. mean, it's everything that they said is exactly what we said is that she is really bringing down Potomac.
Kelli (30:54.476)
Yeah, we did. We did it early this week.
Kelli (31:05.635)
We Wine Whenever (31:10.099)
and she's not, and Jacqueline need to go.
Kelli (31:12.568)
They do. They need to go. I'm sorry. They're trash. They're trashy. They're just trashy. Mia's very, very trashy. Low budget.
We Wine Whenever (31:19.307)
They are.
We Wine Whenever (31:26.101)
Yeah, I guess we'll wait and see what happens with the reunion.
Kelli (31:30.723)
We Wine Whenever (31:32.683)
I mean, she just announced that her and Inker are over, so I guess G's gonna be there.
Kelli (31:38.787)
We Wine Whenever (31:39.893)
Kelli (31:41.74)
Yeah, because Potomac, bring the husbands on.
We Wine Whenever (31:44.407)
Yeah, which means we'll get happy Eddie.
Kelli (31:47.734)
I love happy Eddie.
We Wine Whenever (31:49.387)
We're not gonna get Ray.
Kelli (31:52.268)
No, Ray.
We Wine Whenever (31:55.297)
I guess no one's coming for Stacey. I don't think, there's no way TJ's coming. There's no way. There's no way.
Kelli (31:58.372)
There's no way. I mean, really don't. Like listen, Bravo, don't do it. We don't want to say it. We could do without the awkwardness.
We Wine Whenever (32:09.153)
I did hear from brav bros that Stacey got a job on Fox.
Kelli (32:13.412)
good for her.
We Wine Whenever (32:15.169)
I don't know which Fox and I don't know what she's doing. I mean, yeah, I think that would be great. I mean, I actually don't dislike her. just don't, I don't like the whole TJ thing.
Kelli (32:17.994)
Yeah, but that's great.
Kelli (32:29.336)
no, I like Stacey. think Stacey should have done this season alone. I think Stacey would have been perfectly fine doing it on her own. If her ex-husband didn't want her daughter to film. Okay. Like you can, you could do it on your own. I think TJ was a bad, bad move.
We Wine Whenever (32:33.249)
I do too.
We Wine Whenever (32:42.56)
We Wine Whenever (32:45.899)
Yeah, I think so too. I do too. I do too.
Kelli (32:51.598)
We Wine Whenever (32:53.557)
So I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens. I don't think there's anything else in the bravo world that came out, do you?
Kelli (33:01.086)
No, I don't think so.
We Wine Whenever (33:04.861)
I listened to Melissa's podcast today for the new year. She had on the podcast host from it, not skinny, not fat. Have you ever listened to that one? I've listened to her before. She's pretty good. She's pretty good. They were talking about New Jersey housewives in general. I think you saw this. It came out this past week that
Kelli (33:16.554)
Okay. No.
We Wine Whenever (33:33.748)
I guess apparently Bravo had cast a whole new group of younger women for New Jersey and they decided to, they put that on hold too. So that's why Andy made the announcement that nothing is going to happen until 2026.
Kelli (33:41.252)
So they say.
Kelli (33:51.416)
I don't even believe they did that. I think they're just saying that.
We Wine Whenever (33:54.834)
I think that they may have because I did hear rumblings of that they were casting. Like I did see stuff out there.
Kelli (34:03.608)
I think they're just, I think they're putting stuff out there to see how these girls, I think that they're waiting. They're just sitting back and watching what these women are doing and Jennifer Aiden and Teresa are shooting themselves in the foot. Teresa's got to stop talking about Joe Gorka. She's got to stop doing it. And Jen just has to try to be somewhat of a decent person and she physically can't.
We Wine Whenever (34:30.057)
Did you see she doubled down and wants an apology from Jersey Mikes?
Kelli (34:34.56)
100%. And you know what, Jersey Mikes, Black Rock don't need your fucking money, Aiden. You're never getting an apology from them. Fuck you, don't ever step another foot in a Jersey Mikes. don't, Black Rock don't need your money. I mean, are you out of your ever loving mind?
We Wine Whenever (34:48.799)
We Wine Whenever (34:53.597)
It's crazy to me that she doubled down on that.
Kelli (34:56.364)
And did you see where Bill was in, was there with her?
We Wine Whenever (35:00.915)
I saw that she said that he went someplace else and there was no line. Because he got food at another place in the airport. I don't even remember where she said he got food. Do you?
Kelli (35:10.082)
I don't know, but I can't believe he was there with her. I just, no, no.
We Wine Whenever (35:14.707)
Well, he wasn't in the restaurant with her. He wasn't in Jersey Mike's, but he was at the airport.
Kelli (35:22.114)
Like, get your woman in check, man.
We Wine Whenever (35:26.037)
I take really thick.
Kelli (35:27.457)
my god.
We Wine Whenever (35:31.573)
Kelli (35:32.344)
mean if anybody can do it, it's him because he's the bankroll. So if she wants to keep that lifestyle, he should start putting his foot down and be like, stop acting like an asshole. And maybe she'll listen because her meal ticket will go away if he doesn't, you know, if he leaves. He should leave. Leave, Bill.
We Wine Whenever (35:54.206)
I think he stays for the kids. I think he stays for the kids.
Kelli (35:54.532)
Save yourself.
They got plenty of money. can do it. can, he can go, you know, he can go. Kids are going to be fine.
We Wine Whenever (36:04.584)
Kelli (36:09.9)
And I don't encourage people to leave their marriages often. I don't know, man. This guy. But that's what I mean. Like does he, does he, does he not think she's a horrible person? He must not think she's a horrible person.
We Wine Whenever (36:14.664)
We Wine Whenever (36:24.788)
I just think that he has blinders on and he just goes through, I think he just goes through the motions of life with her. I don't think there's any joy there. I don't see it. I just think he may be afraid of her a little bit or maybe because he saw what happened between her parents when they got divorced and how, I don't know. don't know. Well, maybe they're not divorced. Maybe. And maybe that's the other thing.
Kelli (36:31.338)
Yeah, must be.
Kelli (36:47.054)
I don't think her parents were divorced though. I think they just live separately, right? And he said that, he said that, epi- Yep, it's, it's not in our culture. So you know what he, guess he's really not going anywhere, Bill.
We Wine Whenever (36:56.692)
Divorce isn't allowed? Yeah. Yeah.
We Wine Whenever (37:05.574)
Right, it's a cultural thing, right? It's not allowed. He can just let her do what she's gonna do because what's he gonna do?
Kelli (37:07.658)
Yeah. Yeah.
Kelli (37:13.558)
And really he can go do whatever he wants to do because she's not going anywhere. No where. Cause one, nobody else would tolerate her. And two, she likes the money. I mean, listen, Margaret was spot on with that always.
We Wine Whenever (37:17.374)
Where's she going? Right.
We Wine Whenever (37:26.557)
and you
We Wine Whenever (37:32.35)
Did you see the cruise line put out their statement too, that people deserve a second chance, but we're gonna announce a surprise housewife guest like Jenny, they didn't even name her, but they said people deserve a second chance. I'm like, what?
Kelli (37:50.596)
I wonder if they did that because she had a contract. She probably contacted her lawyer and was like, they're breaking my contract. So her lawyers might've reached out to them so they felt like they would do some kind of damage control.
We Wine Whenever (38:07.006)
Well, I'm sure she had a contract, any contract, I mean, they would have to have a clause in there about her behavior, and her... Any of those contracts have those kind of clauses in there.
Kelli (38:21.88)
I don't know, we've seen how the Bravo's contracts have evolved. I don't know, you know, it's interesting.
We Wine Whenever (38:26.931)
We Wine Whenever (38:33.03)
It is interesting.
All right, we're just gonna have to stay tuned and wait and see what happens.
Kelli (38:40.214)
Yeah, we'll see what happens.
We Wine Whenever (38:41.906)
I guess until next time, bye.
Kelli (38:44.964)